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  • check this out.

  • The seats are cup holders.

  • Today's video I'm gonna show you a show.

  • This place is known for being able to walk around.

  • And it was It was our last episode.

  • A good morning, Osaka.

  • That's what we're hoping to do today.

  • I've never been here, but I don't know.

  • Let's check it out together.

  • Yeah.

  • Naka Ginza is just a few minutes away from Mission Deportee Station.

  • Area is known this cat town, but due to animal protection groups, there aren't many strays running around anymore.

  • That's a good thing.

  • But it's okay.

  • We can still see the history of the street.

  • Look, it's a samurai cat.

  • Now let's check out the street food way.

  • Just got some mention cuts.

  • It's a white bag.

  • It's really warm.

  • Still really warm.

  • Still fresh.

  • Magica, too, is a fried with, like mincemeat inside of it, huh?

  • It's very juicy inside.

  • Really, really juicy stone.

  • Really soft and easy to digest.

  • Yeah.

  • Mm.

  • Duelist week.

  • So good.

  • All right.

  • This is pretty cool.

  • Wait.

  • There's like, this little street over here.

  • Let's check it out.

  • And we found this taco yucky stand in this side street.

  • The master was really friendly and explained how to sew natural like Special Store says It's spicy.

  • Let it cool down before you try.

  • It's really it's good, but it's hot melts in your mouth.

  • It's awesome.

  • He was really, really nice.

  • This could be one of the coolest, like outdoor bars in all of this street.

  • They have, like the one shoe, which is Japanese.

  • Okay, don't have beer fresh from the tap.

  • Let me get one way.

  • So check this out.

  • There's a bar in this area.

  • Seats just right here.

  • What service?

  • Nothing like a cold beer on a hot day.

  • Seats cup holders.

  • This'll could quite possibly be like the best bar in the world.

  • 350 beers.

  • You can sit here on a hot day and just hang out with your friends and just like watch people go by man, I love this place.

  • One thing I've noticed that this is a very, very quiet street.

  • There's not a lot of tourists here, is very like a lot of local people hanging.

  • It's pretty cool.

  • All right, so Michael wants to get a yukata, and we've got this little place down the street.

  • It has a bunch of different options and fairly reasonable prices, which is always good.

  • Michael got a dress.

  • Whatever Happy.

  • I'm so happy.

  • I've been looking for one for something and some more eating found this fried food stand e.

  • So I just got this sparing his fry.

  • I've never had a very gets fried before.

  • Awesome making, too bacon fried.

  • It's awesome.

  • I love it.

  • It was too good, and I wanted to try more.

  • All right, the next one.

  • This is cheese and like a Japanese her called cheese.

  • So I drove in Japanese cheese and she show cheese and she show fried cc cheese and she so tried out.

  • So actually makes a cheese and everything else about taste really good.

  • It's kind of like a jalapeno popper with a Japanese taste.

  • And there's also some pork in here.

  • It's like a one meal combination.

  • I got super happy dude fried places like awesome because it's right next to the beer place.

  • You can just keep on going back and forth all day.

  • It's awesome.

  • Okay, so this street also has this restaurant just right behind me that Selves like this most popular shame guys.

  • But the line is super long.

  • You know, you can try it if you want, but I'm not waiting an hour.

  • We're gonna go to the comedian, said, Get him.

  • That's a lot of fast.

  • And I don't like e.

  • Wait.

  • So today way went to a bunch of different places, so we got to try some taco yucky way.

  • Got to try some fried foods.

  • We even gonna try some fried minced meat was pretty good.

  • You know, like the people here were really, really nice.

  • A lot of friendly, very inviting, allowing you to go into shops.

  • That girl at the shop that were my go bought her.

  • You caught that she was really super nice.

  • And the person with a key place was super nice.

  • Like in general.

  • Most of the people were pretty nice.

  • Very morn medley.

  • And interesting enough.

  • A lot of them spoke English.

  • All right, so, guys, if you like this video, hit that light button, it helps me out.

  • If you guys have any questions or comments about what you saw today, or if you have any questions in general, feel free to leave a common in the comments section below.

  • And like always, if you want to see more videos of Tokyo and my life all around Tokyo hit, That's a hot button and also you guys soon.

check this out.


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A2 初級

東京ベストストリートフード|谷中銀座の店内 (Best Tokyo Street Food | Inside of Yanaka Ginza)

  • 34 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日