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up next is 17 year old Jose.
Apart from Melbourne, I was born and raised in Oakland, New Zealand.
It was kind of rough us way stayed in a one bedroom apartment with my grandparents, me, my siblings and my mom in the city room.
Myself of my family have been through a lot together.
We always stay happy.
No matter what happens, even we don't have money or food on the table.
Just loving to see smiles on my family's face.
Reason why I'm doing the voice is no much for myself, but for my family, especially for my grandparents, because they're getting old.
I'm very blessed to have you with me today.
Tell me what you want.
One of my five Niehaus.
What kind of house is it?
Well, I'm not sure.
Just the big house just to fit your whole family.
Yeah, The summer I'm seeing is about love.
I sometimes cry when I seen this all It is very touching cause I always think about the stuff we went through growing up and we all connected by just loving each other.
I feel scared.
I guess I just seen my guts out.
If you can turn a chair, girls away.
All right, guys will be ready for this one.
Or do breath.
Did you hear that?
Playing like to say way.
Way that's we can't and it as much as you.
But in time it's a Philip will show later way gave up.
Is everyone todo you?
Maybe Thio.
Wait, wait.
What's your name, brother?
My name's Jose are parched.
I'm 17 years of age and on for Melvin, A beautiful, beautiful, beautiful cell phone voice.
We couldn't not turn around to be quite honest, just so respectful to the song.
That thing of communication and and making someone believe wholeheartedly is just what made me turn around.
Congratulations is awesome.
I love to work with you.
Brother Theo was just so moving.
I really feel you.
You're playing that beautiful, magical instrument that I love so much In that song, I was completely taken by the words.
I just wanted to listen.
It takes courage to stand up there and have space around yourself and sing from the heart.
And I would love to be able to be your coach to be able to guide you through this journey and make you an even better.
How long have you been here For?
A few months.
You just decided I'm gonna play this on the voice Pretty much.
You've literally been playing a few months.
You've never played before.
I don't know how to read notes.
Did you have lessons?
Listens at all.
Self taught to YouTube.
No, no.
YouTube metal?
No, I don't believe in YouTube.
No, thanks.
Definitely the best part.
I don't believe in you.
Listen, let me warn you against that.
Because I think people need to hear you, you know.
Thank you.
There was something very kind of touching and personal value performers.
It felt like it's almost like being in church or something.
You know, it's like a kind of real spiritual kind of experience.
I love the fact that, you know, is like, Oh, yeah, I just picked up piano.
Sometimes in life, you know, it's just what you meant to do.
Jenna mean, you know, I could never done anything but music.
There was just no option.
I was always gonna be in music or unemployed.
I feel like it's gonna be the same for you.
You know, You just Stevie Wonder, but I want to be careful.
It will be too bombastic, you know?
I mean, I don't wanna go over the top.
I feel like I want you to come to me naturally, because I feel like we're a good mix.
You know, That song ain't too proud to beg.
Well, I'm the opposite because I really feel like I could teach you a lot of advice first.
L think they tease me a lot to there.
I can talk a lot, but I am at a loss for words.
I'm emotional.
I feel like this is why we do what we do as artists.
And it's so cool to come to another country.
And you see somebody with a great gift and you get excited and you get the goose bumps.
I little have goose bumps all over me.
You're the reason I sing.
You know what I mean?
You're a part of a gift.
It's no mistake that you're here today.
It's no mistake that you had a four chair turn.
We're all gonna pitch everything that we can to you because we all want you on our team.
A man you were born to do this.
Thank you.
I think we're all really excited to have you in this competition.
And we want to be put out of misery here.
You gonna work with way are down to business.
Firstly, I want to thank each and one of useful attorney.
May God bless each and one of your souls.
You guys honestly, guys deserve it.
It's an honor to be here today with the team.
I would like to go on.
Ah, wait, wait.
This 17 your future.
Thank you.
Music is what I'm passionate about.
And I feel like Boy George can help me fulfill my dream.
I could just, like, do backflips if I could actually do backflips.
Yeah, You got a winner that George.
George, I hate you over, babe.
Come on.
You love me.
Kind of.
He was amazing is very sweet.