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Hi, it's chill day.
Oh, no, I'm recovering from being sick again.
I can't stop getting sick.
And what's going on might mean system.
I know eating enough onions thing.
I just wanted to make this video to show you the new things around the apartment since the last department video that I mean, it's just a few little things, but they think they really make a difference.
And I want to show you that you said about going most my answer, and I just want to chill and chat.
I mean, today is my day to get my life back together.
Basically, that's just being It's crazy month of so many people visiting and things happening that it's just I haven't really had a chance to catch up.
So today's being super nice.
Hates of the mounds, I tell my dishes, which to me, like an hour, which is discussing it, just being music, cleaning and snacking all day.
So, yeah, it's a pretty nice obviously the first thing that I want to show you this new my apartment is this wool tapestry behind me right here.
It's a forest.
No, I actually know this tapestry office side called society.
This isn't a sponsored by them or anything.
This is just just let you know.
Society six As like he's a different stuff as well.
Tapestries, bedcovers, shower curtains, curtains done by artists and photographers beside is actually really good for the artists.
Use it.
It's like full credit.
There's nothing dodgy about it.
Really, really good.
So the one that I got is called in a piece by Alinea Joy ST Clair.
I went through so many different parts in this one end up being the one that suits my soul the most.
But actually it's a very light.
Surround it with something I want to keep making this place magical, something cheesy.
Let me show you How you doing ST Plant over there.
He's doing so here.
We have good old baby.
This is before.
So here's the tomato.
It's doing really well.
Uh, I don't think I need this trainer helping thing, but I don't know.
I'll keep it there for a while, But yeah, he's getting bigger and bigger.
And then this zucchini.
It's a very interesting thought having a zucchini in this place because they get to be really, really big.
But, uh, You know, I'll just keep him in here until he gets too big.
Maybe then I'll take him to the rooftop and then see how he goes.
Here's another dude.
I've given him a bit more sun, and he's already had another leaf Come out with a tiny little Pickman.
Another new thing is this cat mask that I got from Color Goi.
This is next to my desk.
So I've turned out to take the table down and keep on my desk stuff.
They're just really nice.
The next one I want to get is a kid's in a fox mosque.
Put it up on that one.
Also, I have this, uh, total art thing I used to I gotta ages and ages ago from etc.
Also, if you remember from the giveaway, there was that paper make your own coming anymore.
I didn't actually make this.
My friend Eric did who you might have seen in the last video when he was here in any spare time he had he was putting it together.
No, I could have that just by my desk.
This is the set up that I've got going for moss right now.
So she's already out.
Now I've got her sitting just next to my desk.
So when I work on Makeover and see if that little faces awake Hello?
All right.
Why do you want to come out?
She is.
She's very sweet.
She's a very sweet girl.
No, you know that.
And then she goes.
So the question is like, Where is the lid?
Unfortunately, this box didn't come with the lid.
It came with this whole other contraption with it, so I don't have a lid yet.
What I've been doing is this sounds bad.
Just just bear with me.
I've been putting clean wrap over the top and just poking a lot of holes in it because basically the danger areas are the sides.
Uh, and if the killing raps on it in the middle, that's a temporary solution.
But it's what I'm dealing with right now, also with the bedding.
I understand that this wedding is not the best betting, perhaps is completely understand that the thing is, the bedding that is good for Hampton is not available in Tokyo.
I have searched many, many, many, many, many pet stores, and I have not been able to find the right wedding, So I'm ordering some care fresh online on It's going to take two weeks to arrive, So I'm sure that just when l as like a temporary thing for just a couple more weeks, uh, sort us will be fine.
I think it's just long term.
They will be bad.
Also, I got her a bigger wheel.
People were saying I needed to get her.
Well, she did have a wheel in the last place, but it was a bit too small.
So I got her big one, which is to tool for this container.
Next time, when I buy a container, I will get a bigger one like a tall one so that she can borrow.
But I honestly, this is This is what we're working with it This will be just fine.
So for a little while, I'm planning on doing is going to the home center and getting wood strips to go on all the sides and then getting mesh to go over the top and then either hovering or using staples to go into, uh, the edge is to keep the mesh on, so I think that would be totally fine.
That's what we're way.
One of my main weaknesses when it comes to business or life is if something is too difficult for me, I tend to just ignore it.
Usually when it comes to e mails, messages or yeah, pretty much anything on the incident if it happens in personal deal with.
But, uh, yeah, if it's on the incident, I just can't deal with it.
It's not as bad as you make it sound.
Usually, I will.
I always try to reply within 24 hours, but sometimes I will read something and I'll go.
That's too much for me, I replied later, and then exit.
And then I'll I'll just having to forget that it's that and I won't think about it.
And they'll forget again and again and again.
And it just But that's just the way the news goes.
Also, I'm hungry.
This is kind of 10 from, like what's new in my apartment now.
It's just gonna be an evening with them.
I said before that I ordered the bedding, but I haven't yet, so I'm just gonna order it.
No, I didn't know realize that that was in US dollars.
Oh, that's so rough.
That $61 for cat fresh.
That's 50.
Laters a bit.
You're so expensive.
Why so expensive?
I love you.
E don't have enough bread.
Be right back.
I got bread that aren't so hamburger buns Just so mean, they sell butter rolls, but they're like big.
I have one onion.
It is rotten on one side where you're going to see him in a true trash form.
We're gonna see if this side so good and it is yet I might add a bit of pizza souls just put an adventure that pretty ugly, But it's not about Look, it's better taste cooking.
I'm gonna put one piece of bread with butter on it and one piece of bread with vegan shredder in the grill.
I've just put some leaves of Pak Choi and with a little bit of tongue, cut yourself.
Well, I bet the Thais don't say there's all my cans I haven't taken.
All right, cool.
I know what's in you cheap.
Well, I, uh well, it feast.
I'm gonna do one, but I'm just gonna turn you guys up.
It's good.
It's great.
I need to sleep.
But I came out of the bathroom and She was just like sitting there looking up at me.
I know she wasn't looking up with me was looking up sound because she can't see very far Noticed that she realized my ceiling sounds and snows.
She's never had a whole Armand before.
I don't know, Sheila.
She'll fully appreciate it right now.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yes.
I was hitting spot, huh?
That's a big no, no, I'm gonna give you half of it because it's a big Thank you so much for watching If you injure this video visit with them, suddenly become a damn hit.
Subscribe before using this right now, I'm editing the next responsibility to come up with Is a vampire just really fun?
So, um, it'll be out soon.
Thanks for watching.
And I'll see you guys in the next video.
Good night.
Have a good day, John.