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Thank you.
Take you the full 10 days.
Now, nine days hobbling Waas.
I'm actually gonna leave for the airport and coffee now, which is?
Yeah, crazy.
It was a really crazy short amount of time.
It's very weird being back, You know, I expected it to be weird.
Expected things have changed and things to say the same.
Um, yeah, it's It's exactly that.
But you know, you can never really expect the feeling like one thing when I first got back was still even This Scully is so big.
I never thought I I never think that I mean, of course, this guy's big.
But I think in Tokyo the building's air also close together that you don't really realized how like getting out of the airport, the skies just so vast.
What if I turn you like this better?
Always better for me that I don't have the sun in my eyes.
I realized I'm not good at talking Thio shock people in Japan, it's always the same thing.
They always say the same thing here.
They're like, Hey, how's it going?
And I wasn't used to it, so I was like, the first time.
How's it going.
I'm like, Oh, I'm thanks.
I could not grasp the concept of conversation, but I stocked up on a bunch of stuff.
Will have bean here.
I got two beds of shoes, a size eight in Australia and in Japan.
That's a 25.5, which is an extra extra large.
So it's really I'm quite average, but in Japan on a bit, a bit big.
So I got a pair of boots to Paris.
Idols actually bring the boots right now.
Okay, Another thing that's been great.
It's just being surrounded by so much nature.
You know, when you grow up surrounded by nature and suddenly you're in a concrete jungle, it just makes you miss it sometimes.
So, yeah, the amount of greenery and fruit.
Yeah, that's another thing.
My my garden at home, even though it's coming to the colder season is so full of fruit like Hi, it's so much free will.
Is he I staff route.
I just went out and bought.
Just offered.
I'm not one since I was a kid.
I think so.
A little bit top is still sweet, Still delicious and custard apples.
This that is nice.
So so It's so soft.
Hey, how would you describe the taste?
Because it up in some kind of fruit salad challenge.
It's really sweet.
Very, very, very sweet.
And yet we have so many different fruit trees around.
I got it.
I got pores putting fruit, custard, apples, passion fruit, avocados.
It's just endless.
You know, Mike and Amy is You got it?
My tiny apple gonna give it a try.
It's small South.
The bag.
Oh, God.
Hey, uh, also, I got to see the little dog down the back of the God, and he's really cute.
You just you We woke you, Dad.
It's only they'll be this little face, like pops up in here like kids play with me.
So that was really good to see him.
And I got to see so so many friends, I managed to pack in a lot of friends.
I think, unfortunately, you know, I couldn't back in everyone, which sucks, but it was just an impossible task because there's just so many great people here.
Who is that lady who's that lady way Way?
Just chilling in chatting thistles, my friend Kirstie, By the way, Oh, you're so frightened that Casey is a medical student.
Regrettably, Yeah, I think I'm not used to.
Here is the loudness of which people talk like I was walking down the street and I heard someone.
I thought I had them shouting.
I was like, Oh, but they're just talking, like here that the volume level is so much higher than Japan.
Hey, how's it going?
Oh, so relax.
Even the birds allowed here.
I got to eat a lot of foods that I missed.
I have a pie.
I have very specific way of eating them.
But I'll just take a bite to prove a point.
Okay, I got a fish and chips from illegal fish and Chip Place.
It's Dad.
Last night made a big mistake.
I ate.
I always crave double bacon cheeseburger pizza from Domino's.
And so I ordered it last night.
I was like, I got to do it tonight.
I'll just deal with the consequences.
It's a double bacon cheeseburger pizza from Domino's.
I got a lot of university memories of studying hot and eating this crab on a whole thing, plus 10 tens.
It sounds like you're getting a lot the way when I eat the stuff that I'm missing, and then my stomach is after you guys.
I'm I'm a wreck.
Mom's taking me to school.
Oh my gosh, it's so weird.
It's weird enough going back to Australia and then going back to my primary school.
The fight is like this Last time I was here as well.
This is right, like for kids, but it's just it's just weirdly sexy.
Just in the background.
There's all of these, like women.
I just I just don't know why they picked the sexy one.
Look at their faces.
Okay, I hot fried rice on my leg and I just put it like on the hole in my jeans way have fried rice missing by the oval that we used to my own Children Oh, man, But yeah, we're just chilling at old primary school.
It's been so crazy Will have been here.
I don't even know if I feel that it's a holiday.
I'm so tired.
I'm really excited.
Thio are like, honestly, I'm so excited to get back to my involvement.
That sounds really bad.
I have had a great time, but I really excited to see my my bed in my hamster.
My two favorite people in the world like people, lost me there like, uh, have you thought about giving up?
You're going back home, and that's like, That's not really a thing.
Like, I miss certain things about Australia by I'm really happy in Japan like it's it's my favorite place, and I'm glad that I still feel that way.
I gave myself permission when I first went dead, and I was like, You can give up after three months.
That's certainly you could give up after three months, just try for three months to live there and see how it goes.
And, yeah, I've never looked back.
But one thing is such a weird feeling, because my parent to be renovating.
And so this this home that I grew up in since I was like a teenager, it all The rooms have change.
They've redecorated them.
They've refurbished them that it's it's all different.
So it's still the same house.
But you know it gradually.
Like Mike, my room looks different was not my room anymore.
People are like, Oh, you really excited to go harm and I'm like, this is harm, but you know It's very different to like the go home.
Have you, mom take care of you being your old bedroom and all the homely stuff?
It's It's very different because it's all changing.
So sense of home is really interesting for me and for me right now.
I think the place I feel most at home in my apartment in Tokyo, but yeah, and some right.
It's been good to be home.
It's been fun.
I'm ready to go back.
Yeah, that was my week in Australia.
It was wonderful.
It was great.
And I am going to take you.
Isn't it cool that I can say that?
Thanks for watching.
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The double hits a guy.
You want to see movies like this?
Not like this, because, you know, I don't come to Australia very often, but I do like to travel.
Yeah, thanks.