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I'm standing here with Marty Perricone.
You're the business manager here at UPS.
I am.
Marty has been my lifelong dream to drive the truck for ups, deliver packages.
And when I say lifelong dream, I mean, around eight o'clock last night, I said this would be a fun idea.
Let's get inside.
Packages come out of these trailers over here that you see on your right.
These number sequences will identify where every package goes.
Can I just keep this for myself?
Uh, can I take this one home?
I don't think so.
Someone might be waiting for that one.
Can I have that one?
I think that one will probably go to us.
A caucus.
This one's red.
Can I have the red one?
This is actually one of the trucks right here.
We call him Package Car's owner apartment.
We call him package cars.
It's a trap.
It's a package car.
Take that.
You pull it back.
This one's heavy.
What do I do?
Do I keep the knees bent?
You want to keep it?
The package within your power zone.
All right.
My package is in my problem.
I would be the proper way to send it.
Well, he talked to use a three point.
All right, and rails here.
OK, I have one foot down, one foot up, over.
He's using three points.
Okay, so three point of contact.
Check the set.
I think I got it.
So it's bam.
And around this, then to leave the vehicle, grab here, here, down, out, down from the calculus side.
And then, like this, take us through a little trying course.
We have the beginning ignition of ups.
Vehicle headed off in a leftward direction.
Wait, you might want a lot.
Yeah, just just a touch lower.
You're a little off on that side.
I think there was a code.
That's that.
I think that went well.
This is yours when I address you say, sir.
Yes, sir.
Is that clear way ups?
Is that right, sir?
Yes or not?
Yes, sir.
Say, sir.
Yes, sir.
Now, we lost five good men yesterday way, hawk, and they didn't come out.
I don't know what happened to that.
Be careful at all times.
I'm gonna introduce you to Frank Messina.
Who's gonna be your driver trainer out on road.
Okay, so, Frank, this is your truck right there is.
Your baby's my baby.
You have a nickname for this truck?
Yeah, I call her Big Brown.
Big Brown.
Big Brown is your lady.
You know what I call this front?
My nickname.
For what?
What is it?
Good old 57 5948 You get that name?
I don't know.
Just playing with me.
Really heavy.
What you want to do is you want to grab opposite corners, right?
Opposite corner, this corner.
You're gonna grab this corner, You're gonna keep it close to you, so you don't hurt your back, okay?
And then in smooth motion, you're gonna lift it up.
Wait a minute.
That's too heavy.
That's too heavy.
I need you to get this end right here.
I'll get that.
Get that.
Wait if you get lonely out there in the old rig Oh, yeah, it would just start crying.
Not too often.
You start crying.
I can't.
We're proud every day.
Oh, okay.
I can't wear around every ups, shirt, ups, pants.
Check this out.
Oh, let me wear this, Ladies.
So you say Frank Coenen, we got a full load.
You ready to rock and roll.
Pretty much.
We just do one thing.
Okay, That's a sexy truck.
I got a delivery for you this morning, sir.
What you got there in the box?
So exciting.
What supplies take on supplies?
Christmas, ever.
I got a delivery out on the dock here.
Were you exactly?
Oh, no.
All right.
C o D is every.
So he needs already, right?
A check for that way.
We need a check for this.
We date this for July 28.
Is it?
July 2028?
Has today's date.
I have today's date.
Those are the rules here.
I don't make the rules.
Ups policy.
We don't make him wait.
Just fall.
Getting a 1 86 65 That's cash on delivery.
No check back.
It goes back to the warehouse ups, sir.
Let's see, we got two packages for you here.
Do you mind if I use your bathroom?
Is that okay?
How many times you say ups before you give up?
Usually once or twice.
We just leave it here now.
Let's leave it at the side door.
You guys leave it on the side.
It's safer.
Check it out.
Check this out.
Oh, wait, Frank, come in.
It's great.
You got to really deliver, Like, perfect.
Thank you, Frank.
And everyone ups for letting me tag along your man every day of the year.
What's happening here?
Actual contact there, below the waist.
That was just your last package delivery of the day.
I had a good time, Frank.
Thank you very much.
All right.
Back to you, Conan, sucker.