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  • Hello world

  • Where I am from Japan, this is what a Onsen theme park is like




  • Dad, are you making a video?

  • [Dad]: Yeah, yeaaaah

  • [Dad]: Where are you? We are at New York

  • [Dad]: Where are we for real? Japan, Odaiba

  • [Dad]:Okey. so what's that over there, Aiko?

  • That's Rainbow Bridge

  • Rainbow Bridge

  • yep

  • Eeeh, that's a super long gold pooh

  • Long golden pooh? yeah

  • it is a golden pooh

  • we are at OEDEN ONSEN

  • yeah, we are gonna have a bath

  • Let's go

  • At Oedo Onsen you put a Yukata on(summer kimono)

  • and women and men can go into the foot bath together

  • It's a kind of foot massage

  • and then it hurts when you walk on it

  • Aichan, does it hurt your toes? yeah

  • A long time ago Tokyo means was Edo

  • and it is supposed to be samurai festival

  • in night time

  • and then summer

  • there's fireworks

  • and everybody wear Yukata

  • and this place

  • is where you eat and where you play

  • [Dad]: So I think it's a kind of/like a themepark

  • Do you know what a themepark means?

  • nope

  • Themepark is hmm, Disneyland is called themepark

  • You kind of pretend you're in a different place.

  • This is like a Onsen Themepark

  • Yeah, it's yeaah

  • Arigato, Arigatoo (Thank you, thamk yoou)

  • You look at my KAKIGORI (Shaved Ice)

  • Kakigori camp

  • This place is a tatami place

  • and you can eat food there

  • and you can lie down

  • it's like you can rest for a moment

  • resting room, yeah

  • First when you go to the rest room you get a bracelet you can buy stuff with that

  • so you do ot need to bring your wallet

  • you can buy anything with that

  • you get that beeper thing right? yeah

  • [Dad]: Is it really good?

  • Let me see

  • Yes or no

  • Thumbs up

  • Ten fingers

  • What happened to your tooth?

  • UDON (Thicker than Ramen)

  • Slurpen is okey ? sounds to me

  • yeah it's right, when you eat noddles you can slurp

  • Tsukemen you put noddles in it

  • Chocolate Banana Sandwich

  • I think it looks better tn it tastes

  • Pretty good actually

  • it 's good

  • how is it?

  • good

  • everything mommy filmed it

  • what are you getting? Cotton Candy

  • Cotton Candy?

  • Is it thick enough Aiko? I don't know

  • It looks pretty big

  • Arigatou(Thank you)

  • Crepe Cotton Candy

  • Aiko, what place did you get? First


  • So we can't show you this part

  • But there is still baths

  • because like Onsen it is a bath place

  • So men and women are separated because it is private

  • and you are naked

  • I am sorry, I can't take footage of naked people

  • See you next time, byye

  • Do you have any place like this where you are from?

  • Where are we kids?

  • no way Odaiba!!

  • new york tower, no statue liberty it's like small

Hello world


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

温泉テーマパークへの旅-お台場の大江戸温泉 (Trip to a Hot Spring Theme Park - Oedo Onsen in Odaiba Japan)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日