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you have arrived here today to take your small box vaccine.
Small box, people living in small boxes.
You here to take a small box vaccine so that you're setting yourself free?
You can scream about it.
It's okay.
I like noise.
I like I like noise.
I'd like a cacophony of screaming in any way become to take a small box vaccine.
Now, as you were walking in the direction of your sacred Yes, as you're walking in the direction of of yielding to your potential, having outrageous dreams tohave contagious means the dreams that are beyond the present paradigm dreams that are beyond what you think you can accomplish on your own dreams.
That would be on what you've ever thought before you end up having a containment having a contagious MIM.
MIM is not just what you put on your Facebook or when your instagram a may miss something on idea that's delivered to each other by no means of genetic connection, we become very contagious.
And then the process of doing that we bump into being influential.
Now there's different kinds of ways in which individuals influence one is covert.
People try to influence you covertly chap, a tendency to resist that.
People want youto to believe what they believe.
They want you to think what you the way they think that what you to buy, what they want you to buy.
That's colvert influencing.
I mean, that's over influencing.
Then there.
I could just might as well say, because my talk is the source of influence.
Okay, she didn't know that then.
And then there is covert influence.
And this is, for instance, Ah, Mother may say to a child, Oh, I like the way Johnny's acting, you know, and it's covertly trying to get the child to act like Johnny.
So this culvert influencing and then there's subliminal, influencing subliminal influence is you've all seen subliminal influence.
You've seen advertisements you see in beautiful women standing next to car smoking cigarettes, and you don't want the car the cigarette in order to get the women.
It's it's subliminal.
So So there's covert and a covert overt, covert and subliminal.
But then there is being influence.
Being influential means that you have surrendered your life.
You you are in service to something that's bigger than your little self and your being in certain and you're being in.
You are being influenced by that which is bigger than your in your little self.
And then you begin to radiate that particular quality.
You're not covertly doing it.
You're not overtly doing it.
You're not subliminally doing it.
You have become a tuning fork radiating with that frequency and that vibration and you develop a kind of electromagnetism in which the very thing that you're in service to radiates through you so profoundly that it activates that energy and others without you saying a word without you trying to convince somebody without you trying to make somebody do something, You're the vibration that you are carrying influences.
So you have become influential rather than trying to influence the source of being in flew in.
JAL is service to something higher than yourself, something larger than your little self.
So it begins to carry you.
Now all of us, there's somebody say Hallelujah.
Now you have to understand, of course, that you cannot influence the incident.
Whatever name you choose to call it, you can't influence God.
If you could, we'd all be in trouble, you see, because the presence by every name you want to call it.
It's the same yesterday, Today and forever never compromises itself, Never contradicts its nature, never works against itself, is always the same.
It's always carrying the vibration of love and beauty and intelligence and order.
Luminosity, brilliance.
You can't influence it, but it can influence you as you are in service to one of its attributes.
And then you glow.
You become so luminous with this.
With this presence, you cannot help but influence individuals by the radiant vibration that's emanating from you.
And then in the end, is a is a wonderful, magnificent truth about that you're no longer a neutral individual.
These attributes of love and beauty, intelligence, abundance of harmonizing prosperity.
All of these qualities are non neutral.
They are constantly active, which means as you begin to surrender yourself to something higher, becoming service to something higher and you become influenced by that you will drive people away or you would draw people to you.
But there's no neutrality there.
Yeah, you You will draw individuals who are, uh, open and receptive and want Toby about that dynamic energy.
And you would drive people away that don't wanna play at that particular level.
You won't have to do anything but be yourself.
You'll you'll you'll drive or you'll draw.
How do How do we move about in this?
In this realm, there's affluence, affluence and influence.
Effluents is generosity.
It's giving.
There can be no permanent affluence unless there's affluence in your conscious and this.
So first you're in service to something higher and you begin to ask yourself, because you've been given everything.
You are a composite spiritual idea that carries the infinite in ways beyond your wildest imagining.
You have to live in the inquiry of what can I give?
What can I share?
How can I shine?
How can I radiate you?
You have to give up the thought of What can I get from the world?
The world has nothing for you at all.
There is nothing the world has for you other than an opportunity for you to give for you to share for you, to serve for you, to radiate, for you to activate your potential.
That's all the world has for you.
And just to be clear, there's a difference between the world and the planet, the world and the planet, or not the same thing.
The planet is Mother Earth.
Gotta rein Flores Rivers.
3/4 water trees.
It's a magnificent luminous being that's becoming more and more conscious of itself.
And then there is the world.
The world is held together by opinions.
Points of view position al it ease beliefs which is why individuals could be on the same spot on the planet.
But being different worlds, the world and the planet is not the same thing.
The world has nothing for you.
You see, You are here to ask How can I shine?
How can I give?
How can I share?
How can I radi eight and is then as you become influenced by what you're surrendering to, you change the narrative and the world.
You shift the narrative instead of lack limitation Fear Don't worry separation not enough In this your narrative becomes I have everything that I need within me.
I am surrender to something larger than my little self.
I'm in service to it that flows through me.
I become a tuning fork and then because of my radiance, everything that I need a shows up in ways by which I do not have to manipulate to get them.
I'm already that vibration.
I'm already that frequency so I don't have to manipulate someone.
All I have to do is be me articulate to my vision over and over and over again to myself, be ableto fluently.
Say what?
I have surrendered my life to their the higher purpose of my existence.
And then my world begins to change.
I live in a different world.
I live in a world of abundance.
So first there must be affluence.
How can I give?
I must put a groove in my mind.
So the inquiry is always there.
How can I give today?
How can I shine today?
How can I radiate today?
Are you picking up what I'm putting down?
Are you getting this?
Somebody scream about it.
Let me hear you after effluents.
Then there's affluence.
Affluence is all of your needs met when there's affluence with an E than this affluence within a which means you're tapping into the abundance that is everywhere.
That never depletes itself, never runs out.
As the bag of our Geeta reminds us you take abundance from abundance and abundant still remains.
You cannot deplete any of it, but you're living in that octave that frequency that vibration because you are living in effluents.
First affluence shows up, and now you're the vibration of influence again.
You're not making it happen.
You're making it welcome.
You're not making it happen.
You're not forcing it.
So then you get to do what you got to fuel and fund the global brain.
In other words, the global brain exist.
You're gonna learn technologies on on particular applications on how to market howto how to plan, how to use your technology in order to touch more and more people.
The global brain already exists.
We can.
We're live streaming right now.
We're touching people all over the world.
You could be on your computer and talk to somebody in Japan right now the global brain already exists.
What we're creating is the is the global heart.
In other words, you are funding the global brain with the global heart because you are not just tryingto, uh, covertly and overtly influence.
You are being influenced by something larger than yourself.
So you're becoming influence show and now the global heart begins to emerge, right?
Use of technology, not manipulation, Right?
Use of all of the tools you were goingto learn because you are the right individual to use the technology.
As the Zen statement would say, If the right person does the wrong thing, it will turn out right.
But if the wrong person does the right thing, it will turn out wrong.
Speaking of consciousness, if your intention is high, if in fact you're surrendering to a higher order of life, you're you're in service to something higher.
You have become what the same would call the right individual the right person.
So even if you stumble and you make mistakes and you don't quite know what you're doing and you're on a high learning curve, it's going to turn out right.
Because you're in tune with the fundamental harmony of the universe.
But if you are the wrong person, what can I get?
Greed, avarice?
Hey, you can do all the right stuff, but it's gonna turn out wrong because you're not in tune with the fundamental harmony of the universe.
Are you catching what I'm saying?