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have you ever considered that you might be living your life based on a dumb ideas or obsolete ways of thinking that were passed to you from past generations?
There's a beautiful quote I saw on the Internet that say's this tradition is peer pressure from dead people.
But as we live life, we tend to operate based on tradition that comes from religion, from culture, from society, from parenting that enforces a certain way off, living onto us ways of life that may no longer be relevant in today's fast changing world.
Now I call these rules that we blindly follow from indoctrination rules or bullshit rules.
But the question is, how did you escape this idea?
How do you create a life that's truly original, where you're not boxed in or shamed into following the conventional way?
This is an extract from my upcoming program in Mind Valley called Be Extraordinary.
Now the question is, how do we take on these rules?
While they're five ways we take on the beliefs that confine us?
The first is childhood indoctrination.
So when we are born as kids, we are highly malleable.
Yuval Hariri in the book SAPIENs say something really interesting about human beings, he say's that almost every animal is born as a tiny print off the adult animal, but not human beings, he says, human being sub born like molten glass.
This is why we can train and raise a child to be a Buddhist or a Muslim, to be a socialist or capitalist.
To be confident, ought to be broken.
We are molded as Children.
One of the core parts of being human is the cognitive field, the field off thoughts in our head and that, my friends, is implanted in us by our upbringing.
So we often take on beliefs from parents, from teachers, from grand parents and from the people who are around us as we are Children.
The second thing that implants bruls Innis our authority biggest, primarily politicians.
If you've been watching the news lately, you'll see that there are huge scandals happening in governments around the world where politicians have blatantly lied to win votes.
Politicians have used Facebook ads targeting us to get us to believe things that are simply not true.
So you want to be very conscious about how we take on blindly the ideas implanted into us by politicians.
When human beings perceive someone as a leader, we automatically take on their beliefs that third is the need to belong.
Just this morning, as I was reading the news, there was a video on CNN dot com off a lady who escaped and outright cult.
And she was asked what made you join this band of white supremacist?
And she said that she thought that almost everyone who got sucked into this cult did this because they felt lonely and isolated.
She said it was isolation.
There's a lesson here.
You see, we sometimes take on rules that hold us back because we want to conform so that we can fit in with a particular group off people.
It may be the company culture off the company that hires us.
It may be the religion.
It may be the beliefs off the ethnic group that we want to belong to, but very often, while these groups give us a sense of belonging, some of these groups could have really dangerous rules, and you want to be aware of that so our brains are not perfect, rational machines.
When we were first born, we are highly trainable and When we are adults, we tend to obey leaders.
And third, we will often suppress rational thought to fit into a group.
Keep these three ideas in mind because it will help you identify when you are making irrational choices and suppressing your own souls desire.
But they're two additional ways we take on rules.
Social proof.
You want to be conscious off this?
Think about this.
Why is it that billions off people across the world willingly put high fructose corn syrup into their bodies and consider this normal?
I'm talking, of course, of Coca Cola.
If you look at brilliant marketing engines like Coca Cola, they basically used social proof to sway you.
Their advertising essentially say's Look, everyone is doing this, so you ought to do it, too.
And they use all sorts of tricks of advertising If you watch any Coke and you see people happily chugging coats running, holding hands down a hill, the associate Cor quit positivity, and they suggest that if everyone's doing it, hey, you got to do it too.
Now, of course, beautiful thing is happening on planet.
But as we are waking up, we are starting to see how companies like this, Miss directness.
We already have seen this with the tobacco industry, and today very few Americans actually smoke.
However, the whole smoking epidemic started true.
The application off Social proof to implant a Brule into people's heads.
In the early sixties and seventies, cigarette companies would pay Hollywood exacts to show heroes smoking on the giant silver screens.
That is social proof.
If everyone's doing it, I ought to do it to be very attentive to how you sometimes take on behaviors, beliefs and practices because everyone else seems to be doing it now.
The fifth way we take on a rule is true.
Our own internal insecurities.
This is the meaning making machine in our head, and as we go deeper into this program, we're gonna fix those insecurities.
But here's how it works.
You're at work.
You do really good work, but somebody else gets to recognition because you are not fully yet unfair.
Quit a ball.
You create a meaning.
I'm not worthy or I am not recognized or my boss is an asshole, or you come up with an excuse.
That other person looked better and spoke up more.
So that's why they got the prey's life is unfair by internal insecurities.
Make us create bruls.
And then we live under these operating systems without realizing that we made it all up.
So when you pay attention to these five ideas, you learned to identify and pluck out the rules that you have irrationally taken on.
So if this Brule idea resonated with you joined my upcoming master class in mind, Dolly, it's completely free to go on to the next level where I'm gonna be talking about four levels of consciousness and how 99% of people are operating at level 12 and three.
But the rial changes happen when you move to level four.
Check out this monster, boss, because I think the ideas here are gonna change the way you show up in the world.