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  • what you got there.

  • What are you doing?

  • I'm doing front.

  • Got a 1951 Yankees team.

  • Signed baseball.

  • I've got about 22 23 signatures on the ball.

  • Joe DiMaggio, Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle said.

  • It's a 51 year they won the World Series.

  • My grandfather went to a game in 1951 with my mother and receive the autographs from a friend of his that was involved with the team.

  • The baseball doesn't really mean a lot to me.

  • I got some family heritage, but the basement.

  • It's very interesting piece.

  • What can you tell me about this 51?

  • That was Mantle's rookie year.

  • Joe DiMaggio's last.

  • So you got a critical intersection of history right here on that ball.

  • This would be perfect for the company softball game.

  • Some way I'm fixing to hit you.

  • Looks like you've been run over by a truck.

  • Condition of this ball.

  • It is fair to good.

  • Signatures have faded, but you can read them and I would be suspicious of any other ball.

  • That was a mint condition, Bo.

  • What's trying to do?

  • So it upon it, donated.

  • I'd like to sell it.

  • I think the balls well worth $3000.

  • Do you have any paperwork on it?

  • None whatsoever.

  • The war you sell this stuff is with authentication because there's a tremendous amount of people with a ballpoint out there.

  • I'm definitely interested, Okay, but I just want to have somebody that knows more than me.

  • Look at this thing.

  • It's not that I don't trust this guy.

  • I don't trust nobody, Especially when they're trying to sell me something.

  • If they want to bring in an expert, I'm fine with it.

  • I like to learn more about the ball as well.

  • Hey, man, how you doing?

  • Good to see you again, Chumley.

  • I'm a forensic can driving expert and the owner of expert handwriting analysis in Las Vegas.

  • Do you mind if I take a look at it?

  • That's why you're here.

  • That is why I'm here.

  • I have obtained genuine signatures of all the players on the team that year.

  • So what I will do is use those as examples and compare them to the signatures on the ball.

  • When I first looked at the ball, it didn't have any obvious signs of not being authentic.

  • Certain things that can be done to age.

  • Baseball would be abrasion to make the signatures look older than they are or exposing it to unnatural elements such as lemon juice and sunlight.

  • Right now, I'm looking at Mickey Mantle's signature, and I like what I'm seeing.

  • Because Mickey Mantle had two different signatures.

  • The first signature that he used in the fifties matches the signature on the ball, which is good, Uh, later throughout the years, Mickey Mantle added a billowing shape.

  • Us, his m started look like sailboats.

  • You see that?

  • That tells me that this signature was from the right time frame from 1951.

  • That's good news.

  • Good news for you.

  • What's the life for?

  • So I can see the handwriting on the ball.

  • Oh, the signature.

  • That's in the best condition.

  • I would say it would be the Joe DiMaggio signature.

  • Joe DiMaggio had a real heavy writing style.

  • Okay, in your opinion, this ball was you could cost finest as a riel.

  • 19 fit to one Ah, Yankees ball.

  • I do believe that this is a genuine 1951.

  • Yankees baseball.

  • Thank you very, very much.

  • You're welcome.

  • The value of the ball is really subjective.

  • It just comes down to what a buyer is willing to pay for it and what the seller is willing to get for it.

  • So what are you trying to get out?

  • Every client?

  • I think $3000 is a reasonable amount for the ball.

  • If two signatures is better shape, I'd say the ball for well over 3000 in the shape isn't It's not worth 3000.

  • I'll be glad to negotiate with you, but you're going to come down For what?

  • If we cut a deal?

  • What could you guys offer me on this?

  • I'm gonna shoot your price.

  • If you don't like it, don't hit me.

  • But I'd be a buyer in about $800.

  • This is a historical piece above and beyond the signature factor of the ball, which I will grant you.

  • The signatures are faded.

  • I couldn't pay 3000.

  • You gotta understand, too, that I'm tying my money up and I have to make a profit.

  • Well, I would respectfully decline the awful saying you're welcome back anytime.

  • I appreciate it when the price is not right.

  • It's not right.

what you got there.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ポーンスターズ。ヤンキース野球 TOO EXPENSIVE TOO EXPENSIVE TO THE OLD MAN(シーズン1)|歴史 (Pawn Stars: Yankee Baseball TOO EXPENSIVE for the Old Man (Season 1) | History)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日