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  • - Let's just get these guys to the streets

  • so the police can find them.

  • [group yell]

  • [group groan]

  • Are you crazy?

  • You could have killed them!

  • - They're fine.

  • - Did you know there was a dumpster there?

  • - I might have.

  • [sniffs] Yeah.

  • - If it helps,

  • the dumpster being or not being there

  • really gives no guarantee they'd survive

  • - Doesn't help! - Doesn't help!

  • [Michelangelo screams]

  • - What is it.

  • It'd better be

  • [stutters] Good.

  • - It's...

  • beautiful.

  • [Raphael whistles]

  • What do you think something like that costs?

  • - My soul, probably.

  • Since I'd pay that.

  • - Woah!

  • Woah...

  • - Um, wild guess here?

  • This might be his car.

  • - The Penguin mentioned a bat.

  • Think this is the guy working with Shredder?

  • - Could be.

  • Wait for my signal to

  • - Nah, I got this.

  • - Hold.. still!

  • - Take him down!

  • We need answers.

  • - You're welcome to try.

  • - What the

  • - Huh?

  • - Ahhh!

  • - Nunchuku to the face!

  • I said to the face!

  • Ow, my toe!

  • - I think we should see other people.

  • [crying] - But I don't like other people.

  • - Everybody run!

  • There's a crazy guy in a batsuit

  • who's trying to kill us!

  • [people scream]

  • - It's a talking toad, no!

  • - I know, right? Spooky stuff.

  • - Oh, crud.

  • - Nice of you to join us.

  • - I was protecting the citizens, man.

  • The citizens!

  • - It's gonna take more than a jerk

  • in a Halloween costume to shock me!

  • - Okay.

  • Tazer level 7.

  • - Think fast!

  • He thought too fast...

  • - Whoever you are,

  • you better back the hell away from my brothers!

  • - That's it?

  • I'm calling this.

  • It's ninja vanish time!

  • - Ninja...

  • turtles?

  • - Ah, Master Shredder.

  • I trust you procured the cloud seeder

  • from Wayne Enterprises?

- Let's just get these guys to the streets


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

タートルズ対バットマン|バットマン対ティーンエイジ・ミュータント・ニンジャ・タートルズ (Turtles vs Batman | Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

  • 15 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日