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  • one hour.

  • Yeah.

  • Wait a little bit sore right now.

  • How can I help you today?

  • Thank you for showing up to lunch today.

  • Yeah, I got a little something called a suitcase wedgie.

  • Right, if you don't if you heard.

  • But it's when someone grabs your underwear like that.

  • Would you like a suitcase Walks down the hallway and this was my underwear.

  • Gross.

  • You said you'd come.

  • You said I will come whenever Sarah.

  • I'm a superhero.

  • Dude, you're acting really heroic.

  • How much people painting today?

  • Listen, I have serious responsibilities now, okay?

  • But that's cool, because I could carry that burden with my all right.

  • Holy Moses.

  • Nobody.

  • Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

  • Stay, Stay.

  • Looks like it hurts.

  • Come on.

  • Yeah.

  • What?

  • Uh huh.

  • Oh, no, no, please.

  • Somebody do.

  • This is the worst idea ever.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, I I got the bus.

  • I got the bus.

  • Nobody move.

  • Oh, God, No, no, no, no, no.

  • Don't talk to you.

  • Please be a good dog.

  • Good dog.

  • You're being a bad dog.

  • Oh, go.

  • Let's go.

  • Please move.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Here.

  • Yeah, Yeah.

  • No, I was in the neighborhood, you know, So I thought, Oh, yeah, it was.

  • It was kind of my fault.

  • Anyway, Philadelphia has gotten an early Christmas present in the form of its very own superhero.

  • We're out.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Of course.

  • Yeah.

  • Don't.

  • Don't, don't, Don't.

  • Did you see that?

  • Yeah.

  • You electrocuted a bus and almost killed these people.

  • And then I caught it pretty.

  • I thought abuzz with by their hands, man, I got a boss like people gets fly balls.

  • Like Who does that?

  • I didn't that Billy, you do nothing.

  • You you take selfies and make people pay.

  • You forget.

  • I can't really talk to you.

  • You look like this.

  • You just wish it was you.

  • No shit.

  • You think I would kill to have what you have?

  • Everything I do is like some desperate attempt to get people to notice me.

  • Do not feel sorry for me.

  • I mean, look at me.

  • Look at me.

  • You even see me Because most people don't because they don't want to.

  • Now you don't either.

  • And you think this is who you are, Billy, you're 14.

  • And now you're no better than the briars.

  • All this power and all you did was turned into a show off in a bully.

one hour.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ライトニング・ウィズ・マイ・ハンズ|Shazam!4k, HDR (Lightning With My Hands | Shazam! [4k, HDR])

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日