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  • Dan: Get it! Uh! Oh, my pants.

  • ( laughs )

  • Oh, my shorts. Please don't pop.

  • ( music playing )

  • Hello, I'm Gav.

  • I'm Dan.

  • - Do it again. - Did it work? That was about--

  • - Hello, I'm Gav. - I'm Dan.

  • Welcome to "The Super Slow Show."

  • Something I pride myself on is the ability to be able to be able to

  • strike a nice pose, time a good expression in slow motion.

  • You got a lot of practice.

  • 'cause frequently I'm filming you and no one's filming me.

  • - That's very true. - Yeah.

  • Do you remember the video

  • when I was in the giant balloon and I did the pose?

  • Gav: Yeah, the way you've just been revealed

  • as like a new superhero.

  • - Dan: Yeah, a split second. - Gav: And you looked like an idiot.

  • Dan: It's true, it's true, but in slow mo' it lasted for ages, yeah.

  • So, I think you need a bit of practice.

  • - Okay. - So what we should do is have a pose off.

  • - Ooh. - We each get a balloon.

  • A new challenge, I like it.

  • I reckon I've got this.

  • I'll tell you what, I always carry,

  • - a spare giant balloon, so that's handy, isn't it? - Oh!

  • Well, luckily, there's a fat leaf blower right here.

  • Oh! How about that?

  • I think as reigning champion you should probably go first.

  • - All right. - So there's something to work off of.

  • For sure, you let the master show you how it's done, yeah?

  • All right.

  • Okay, so this is always pretty tricky, right?

  • We'll start with filling this up a little bit

  • so I have some air to breathe.

  • Yeah, it's actually hard to get into a balloon

  • without any air in it.

  • It's very true.

  • ( leaf blower whirring )

  • Is that enough to get in?

  • I don't know. Just hand me some.

  • - Whoa-oh! - ( laughs )

  • Ah! It's like blowing me away.

  • ( laughing ) Get in, get in!

  • ( balloon deflating )

  • - No, I didn't make it. - ( laughs )

  • It's too fat. My arm's getting crushed, Ah!

  • ( leaf blower whirring )

  • - All right, make a seal. - Okay.

  • And then you're just gonna have to go, shwiver.

  • What's that? Do it again.

  • - Schwiver. - ( laughs )

  • Do I have to make the noise too?

  • It would help.

  • Okay, right, if we get mad in this,

  • I think it should probably make a seal.

  • Okay.

  • - Yeah, made a seal. - ( Gav laughs )

  • - I'm good. - What am I looking at?

  • - What is this? - It's got me choking though.

  • Gav: All right, do you need help?

  • - I'm gonna get an arm in. - Okay.

  • - All right? - Ah! ( laughs )

  • And I'm gonna need a bit more leaf blower.

  • Okay. Ready?

  • - Hand, uh! - This one's way easy to get into.

  • - ( laughs ) - Jesus.

  • - Dan: Quick! - Do you want air in the front or the back?

  • Get me in the front.

  • Uh, the front. Quick.

  • Ah, I'm gonna die. Go!

  • - ( laughs ) - ( bleep ) do it.

  • ( air blower whirring )

  • Dan: Okay

  • I was waiting for you to tell me to turn it off--

  • More air, more air, quick!

  • - More air! - ( laughs )

  • More air. Give me some air.

  • Give me some air. What are you doing?

  • ( laughs ) I'm laughing.

  • What am I gonna do? I'm gonna live in here forever.

  • But your feet, your feet...

  • Okay.

  • - Oh, my God. - Dan: Go, go.

  • - Yeah. - ( leaf blower whirring )

  • Oh, oh, hold on. You know what?

  • Can I get your little for inside?

  • Dan: Hang on a second.

  • - ( Dan moans ) - Dan, I'm gonna insert a filming device...

  • Dan: Okay.

  • Quick! Before I die again, quick!

  • - ( balloon deflating ) - ( Dan screams )

  • Get some more air, now.

  • Okay, you ready? ( laughs )

  • ( air blower whirring )

  • Both: Oh!

  • You broke the selfie stick.

  • I didn't break it.

  • Who did?

  • Well, it was like this.

  • and then the balloon crushed me,

  • and when that is... sorry.

  • Uh! Luckily...

  • - Oh, I just got another one. - How convenient.

  • So, how about that, right?

  • ( fast forwarding sound )

  • ( leaf blower whirring )

  • ( Dan moaning )

  • Gav, uh!

  • Ah! My pants.

  • Oh, my shorts!

  • Please don't pop.

  • - Are you dressed? - Dan: Yup.

  • Okay, here we go. This is it.

  • ( leaf blower whirring )

  • ( popping )

  • - Dan! - I wasn't expecting it.

  • Look for a kneeler.

  • Went for a-- went for a hero pose,

  • like a, I don't know, a power pose.

  • - All right. - Like a man power.

  • But even in slow mo, I reckon I reacted that quickly to it.

  • I was pulling a nice face and then suddenly it went like...

  • Like that, before it even popped off.

  • - Before it popped? - I reckon it was that quick.

  • All right, why don't we take a quick look

  • at what that looked like,

  • just so I know what I have to beat.

  • All right.

  • Dan: I had no idea when the balloon was going to pop.

  • Gav: It got to the height of me.

  • Dan: So about four foot then.

  • Probably-- well, I'd say more like six, almost.

  • ( popping )

  • Gav: It's sort of Terminator-esque when you kneel down, isn't it?

  • Dan: ( laughs ) Yeah.

  • Gav: You've just come out of a ball underneath.

  • Dan: Yeah, you see, I reacted so quick.

  • Look at the wind. The lab coat makes it--

  • Gav: It actually makes it look pretty cool,

  • the floppy cape in the wind.

  • Dan: Yeah, for sure. Gav: All right.

  • - Gav: I think I can beat that. - Dan: You reckon?

  • Yeah, yeah. I think I got this.

  • That's what you got.

  • Get your head in there.

  • ( groans ) How did you do it so easy?

  • ( laughs ) You gotta commit.

  • - You gotta commit. - I'm commit.

  • Stop moving around.

  • - ( laughs ) - Just get your head in.

  • There you go. ( laughs )

  • Gav: Okay. This is deeply unpleasant.

  • Push down the front, push down the front.

  • You gotta push down.

  • ( grunts ) Uh!

  • Oh, okay. Yeah.

  • They're tugging on the old shorts.

  • All right, ah! Okay.

  • ( laughter )

  • That's just a balloon.

  • GoPro, get in there.

  • All right. Goggles next.

  • Gav: Yeah.

  • Thank you.

  • It's like a post-box for weird things.

  • Dan: Pull it. ( grunting )

  • - Gav: Okay, seal it, seal it, seal it. - Dan: Okay.

  • All right, I'm just gonna do a bit of, um, maintenance in here.

  • I think I much prefer being outside the balloon.

  • What are you doing in there?

  • Gav: I'm just doing my buttons up.

  • Uh, goodness me.

  • ( leaf blower whirring )

  • ( popping )

  • What the hell?

  • - What the hell? - What?

  • - What? - Did I win?

  • - I'm not having that! - What do you mean?

  • Clearly cheated somehow.

  • - ( laughs ) - I don't know what--

  • Is that a martini?

  • Yeah, appletini.

  • Let's go watch the footage.

  • Gav: Ooh, that one got a lot bigger.

  • Dan: Got huge.

  • ( chuckles )

  • - Probably about eight foot. - Sort of bean shaped.

  • Yeah.

  • ( popping )

  • - ( laughter ) - Dan: No way. You nailed it!

  • That's so annoying.

  • How did you even do that?

  • Gav: With a smug look .

  • Dan: Oh, for goodness sake.

  • Gav: So who wins?

  • Clearly you've won that, but you've cheated again.

  • Ah, you know, you're always so quick

  • to use the word cheat.

  • - What would you call it, then? - Creativity.

  • To be honest with you, there are no rules,

  • and then you're always like, uh, I'll just cheat and do this,

  • but there's no rules for getting into a giant balloon, so...

  • Gav: Yeah.

  • ( sighs ) Does that mean that I'm not

  • the reigning champion anymore,

  • and that you've had one attempt

  • and you've immediately beaten me at the only thing I'm good at.

  • I think yes, but we'll make the pose off a regular thing.

  • Maybe once every few years, we'll have another pose off.

  • - Yeah. - Come up with different--

  • it'll be like-- a dunk contest.

  • It just gets more and more ridiculous.

  • I'm gonna lose sleep over this.

  • I'm gonna think about it so much that you just won't have a chance next time.

  • Hopefully, you've enjoyed our silly pose off.

  • Feel free to subscribe to "The Slow Mo Guys" channel

  • and we'll see you in the next episode

  • of "The Super Slow Show."

  • Delicious.

  • ( popping )

  • - ( laughs ) - What the hell?

  • ( music playing )

  • - Hello, Gave here. - I'm Dan.

  • Click here to watch Dan get slammed by pro wrestlers.

  • I have no memory of that.

  • You may have landed on your head just a bit.

  • - Is that why I woke up in the woods. - No comment.

Dan: Get it! Uh! Oh, my pants.


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B1 中級

巨大なバルーンのポーズオフ (Giant Balloon Pose Off)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日