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  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.

  • Now what we have here is an Intel core.

  • I 360 100 process er popular among budget builders in 2015 this CPU features to cause for threads and integrated HD 5 30 graphics.

  • I wish I could say that it represents great value for money in 2020 but here in the UK, at least it's still retail.

  • Was used for about £50 which is more than you could find a secondhand and closely performing rise in 3 1204 We're off to a great start.

  • So does this hyper threaded draw corps have what it takes?

  • The handle Games in 2020 on Dhe.

  • Should you buy one?

  • Let's talk about the full set up alongside the 3.7 gigahertz sick Jenna Sky.

  • Like I three, we have a cheap gigabyte h 1 10 d three.

  • A motherboard intended for miners.

  • They can be picked up for a very reasonable price these days and a perfectly suitable for an entry level gaming build.

  • To go with these two.

  • We have an Arctic Alpine 12 cooler, which is a very cheap after market solution on perfect for when you buy a secondhand process at that doesn't come with in Intel Stock one, a seemingly common occurrence.

  • Finally, we also have the usual suspects, the radio on 5700 X t and 16 gigs of DDR four, which in this case will be limited to 2133 megahertz, while the 5700 x t should not be paired with the eye 3 61 100 In the real world, it does mean that the process will be able to reach its maximum potential and show us what it's really capable off.

  • Unfortunately, I had to reinstall everything on my PC not long ago, including the operating system.

  • So I'm slowly building my games collection.

  • Back up, Andi, even adding some more into the mix.

  • I've got six tantalizing titles to check out in today's video, so let's kick things off with Fallout.

  • Four is an older game, but it's one that released in the same year as the eye 3 61 100 So where better place to start than here?

  • The game is Captain 60 F.

  • P.

  • S, and this is for the sake of the game engine, which may exhibit strange behavior otherwise So this first benchmark was more about seeing how well the CPU helped maintain a solid average on whether or not it can keep us close to or on the capped figure.

  • Annoyingly 59 f.

  • P.

  • S was the average, which I suppose we'll have to do seriously.

  • It feels great, and there are a couple of dips here and there.

  • Don't get me wrong, but you'll notice from the figures in the top left corner that the CPU isn't really struggling much at all.

  • On back in 2015 this was an ideal chip for tackling the vast open world.

  • That Fallout four takes place in another example of a game that runs just fine is counterstrike global offensive, which is more popular than ever and definitely worth a place in the benchmark line up its CPU intensive.

  • But despite this, the eye three handles it just fine.

  • At 10 80 p.

  • I tend to run this at the lowest settings ever since a few of you said that this is how you play.

  • And by doing this, we saw just shy of 120 frames per second.

  • The footage that I recorded is from about match so as not to hinder my teammates by focusing more on recording than actually playing.

  • But the frame rate test was performed during a match on dust to using frappes.

  • The far cry five results seem great at first, and according to the benchmark, we were averaging a cheeky 69 F.

  • B s a 10 80 p normal.

  • But when it came to actual gameplay, this average was closer to 50 in busier or built up areas.

  • So I've put the gameplay average on screen instead of the benchmark figure.

  • And here you can also see that the CPU is being put under some serious strain.

  • It is remaining very cool, which is nice to see those.

  • So our Arctic 12 caller seems to be doing a great job.

  • It's also very quiet.

  • I know this isn't a cooler review, but this one does seem to be quite good, which I wasn't expecting.

  • I bought it because it cost me a fiver on Amazon with same day delivery on the surface player unknowns, Battle grounds seems to run okay with a decent looking frame rate on screen, right?

  • Well, the trouble is that the process, er again seems to be having a pretty hard time and in turn will see some dips here in there, which can really be off putting.

  • The average came in over 60 f.

  • P s, but the 1% in 10.1% lows do leave something to be desired.

  • I'll have to see how other sky like CP use their these days at some point.

  • Because, as I recall, I haven't had much experience with the eye fives or by sevens from this architectural, if any.

  • They seem pretty boring to me at the time they came out.

  • If I'm honest and it seems they are now overpriced in a lot of places, at least here in the UK, so that's probably why I haven't really checked them out.

  • Okay, so next up, it's my current favorite gained the outer worlds because I'm an absolute genius.

  • I accidentally left the M s.

  • I overlay over the HUD in the top left corner, so it is a bit of a mess, but hopefully you can still make everything else.

  • The CPU does reach 100% usage at some points, usually when there are a few enemies on screen or when we approach a new area, but I tend to notice stutter a lot of the time here anyway, unless we kept the game.

  • The different locations will also have different impacts on the frame rate, which could apply to any game.

  • But the difference between towns and not towns seems quite noticeable, especially here.

  • So bear that in mind.

  • If you want to pick this up, I have it on game pass for PC, which, honestly, is the service seems really good so far, even if the M S store isn't without its issues, Okay, so now it's red dead redemption to I ran the in game benchmark, which takes place across a few different environments, and the average turned out to be spot on 60.

  • This was with the first balanced preset, the one you see here with nothing else changed or turned off.

  • I find this to be an ideal go to preset.

  • If I want these and performance and fairly good visuals again, it's a to call forth readied CBU we have here.

  • So expect some drops to the level mid thirties under intensive circumstances, like any game play that takes place in ST Anne, for example.

  • But as you wander off into empty expanses or Marshall hands, the frame rate will really improve.

  • Hence the decent overall average.

  • If you were to exclusively spend your time in town, which is highly unlikely, then you'd be seeing closer to 45 ish with a skylight I three and a 57 100 X T, which I'd like to reiterate, isn't a combination that you should be considering.

  • And if you have a nice three already, well, it may be time to upgrade, though there are still a few instances where by it can handle itself fairly well.

  • Finally, I quickly tested faults of Horizon for the demo of the game.

  • That is.

  • I wasn't sure if this was going to be finished by the time that I actually uploaded this.

  • So this was a bit of an afterthought.

  • I've been downloading it all day again on my awful Internet, but yeah, it seems to run pretty well.

  • It's a very well optimized game, or at least I found, and it still looks fantastic as well, even if we do have to turn the settings down a little bit.

  • Thoughts of Horizon for is one of those games that looks great on any setting, to be honest.

  • And the vast open world certainly is a lot of fun to drive around, even with the eye.

  • 3 61 100 in the system.

  • I'm sure the 16 Gigs of Ram helped a lot, though.

  • And if you were to put together a magic system with this at the heart of it, well, you might also be considering eight Gigs of RAM, which should also do an OK job.

  • Eight Gigs is probably the minimum you'd want to think about these days, and 16 gigs tends to be the sweet spot.

  • All right, so we may as well talk about the processing power itself when it comes to Cebu intensive tasks.

  • First, divorce in Avenge Our 20 scored 982 in the multi core test.

  • This is similar to what you might expect from an overcoat.

  • Athlon 3000 G.

  • It's not too bad from the eye.

  • Three.

  • It will do OK in day to day tasks.

  • Onda, as you can see gaming when it comes to editing, I fired up Premiere Pro on.

  • It was a bit of a mess as Faras video playback was concerned.

  • The CP struggled even with the video resolution in the preview window set to 1/4.

  • It's really isn't a very good CPU for editing, though.

  • Having said that, I did then install an older version of Premiere Pro Sisi 2015 the version that I've spent most of my time with Andi that performed a lot better.

  • In fact, the video preview playback was flawless.

  • So it may just be this latest version off the software, which I have noticed does struggle to playback smoothly, even with my rising 5 1600 F at times.

  • So bear that in mind.

  • It's okay.

  • You can get away with editing on a chip like this.

  • It just won't be as good as, say, something that has for physical cause or Maur.

  • With all that sudden down, I hope you've enjoyed a look back at the eye 3 61 100 I've certainly had a great time messing around with it.

  • If you did leave a like on this video below, leave a dislike below.

  • If you didn't enjoy the video, subscribe to the channel.

  • If you haven't done so already on in the next one will be gaming at four a teepee.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.


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The i3 6100は2020年にはまだ良い予算のCPU? (Is The i3 6100 Still a Good Budget CPU In 2020?)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日