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- You see, most people, they want to have a lotta success
without having a lot of responsibilities.
(uplifting music)
It's like, I want to eat a lot
but I don't wanna get fat.
It doesn't work that way.
Because the very first key,
the first thing you have to understand about success,
is number one, you need to take personal responsibility.
You notice, if you've watched a lot of my audio videos
now I have over a thousand videos on YouTube,
the core theme, the core message,
the key thing that I'm always emphasizing,
is taking 100 responsibility
for your own life.
That if there is something wrong
it is my fault.
If I'm not having the success that I want, it is my fault.
If I'm not making the income that I want, it is my fault.
If my life is not fulfilled, it's my fault.
If I'm not living up to my potential, it is my fault.
It is only when you take back the responsibility,
when you own it,
it is only when you could do that
that you could have and unleash the power
to change and to pivot.
Which, you think about most people,
they point fingers, right?
When you point a finger, one finger points to other people,
three fingers are pointing to yourself,
and that's the most difficult thing.
So if you want more success,
you don't want more responsibilities,
it's the other way around.
You're not gonna have more success
if you don't have a lot of responsibilities.
You look at most millionaires, multi-millionaires,
even billionaires, they are responsible
for a lot of people, for a lot of things.
If you run a company, you have a group of staff,
you have a team,
the bigger you are, the bigger your company,
the more people you are responsible for.
The bigger your business,
the more customers you are responsible for.
You think about.
So if you're not so sure if you could handle it
and myself, even when I
was growing
and I wasn't sure if I could handle it.
But I believe this, that if you focus on your mission,
if you focus on your vision,
that you could grow into that.
Maybe you're not the leader that you wanna be today,
but you could grow into that,
that you could step up and you could expand.
You're gonna make a lot of mistakes.
I made a lot of mistakes and that's okay,
but you could grow into that.
You're not gonna get that huge responsibility overnight,
but it's gonna get heavy.
Like my shoulder, it's heavy
and in life, that's how it is.
That if you want to get the rewards,
you have to take the responsibilities.
If you want to be able to achieve
anything significant,
you will probably take on responsibilities
and endure pain
that most people cannot even fathom,
they cannot even understand
the stress, the pressure that you have to endure.
So, you have two choices.
Either you say, "You know what, I'm gonna grow,
"I'm gonna grow, I'm gonna grow,
"and I'm gonna step up
"and I'm going to become the best leader that I could be,"
or you say, "you know what, I'm going to lower my standard
"and just accept mediocrity,
"that this is just how it's gonna be,
"that I'm gonna be average."
Only you can make that choice,
I cannot make that choice for you,
only you can make that choice.
So, comment below.
Are you willing to accept personal responsibility
for your own life
and also, the responsibilities maybe for a lot of people
if you want success?
Or you say that, "You know what Dan,
"I'm okay at that, I don't have to have a lotta success.
"That I'm okay just being content and I'm fine,"
and that's perfectly okay too
'cause that's your decision at the end of day.
There's no right or wrong, there's no right or wrong,
it's just knowing what you truly want
and what are you willing to sacrifice
to get that?