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  • in a little from now, if I feel any less.

  • So I promised myself to treat myself visit and climbing to Joe myself in an effort to make it clear.

  • To who, ever, what it's like when your shadow standing another on a church where people say, Oh my God, that stuff she no point go Only today I was cheerful, bright and gay, looking forward to wait out so much the summer sun on out of here before Tina it from tires own coolest Emma.

  • It's a phone.

  • It retail special, like a bird that that is the R.

  • D.

  • C.

  • Agreed.

  • Next Obama dates Mama.

  • Any common indicator this gusta que It kept the home on dryer on 20 eights.

  • Mr.

  • Years of details Purcell honest, um, and then held a new set of our communities.

  • Have a salmon are gonna bring in years for Marty's in the accuser.

in a little from now, if I feel any less.


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A2 初級

Sanna - 'Alone Again' ブラインドオーディション|ザ・ヴォイスキッズ|VTM (Sanna – 'Alone Again' | Blind Auditions | The Voice Kids | VTM)

  • 3 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日