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  • Dried squid sheet.

  • Dried squid sheet. Doesn't that look delicious?

  • Or does this look better? Dried squid tentacles?

  • Girlfriend? So beauty!

  • Thank you! Where you come from?

  • America!

  • Nice, nice. ?? Japanese?

  • I'm Japanese.

  • Oh! So cool! You look like a foreigner!

  • Lucky you.

  • Enjoy your shopping!

  • What do you think about this mat?

  • I like it. You like it?

  • Let's get it! Okay.

  • Just buy it! Hai, hai.

  • Sometimes you just buy things.

  • I always just buy things.

  • That's not a really...

  • Strawberry and vanilla...

  • These look good.

  • How much?

  • 189 yen.

  • If we go downstairs we can get a lot more food.

  • Yeah. I'm hungry!

  • I want to eat lunch.

  • Should we go upstairs to the cafeteria?

  • Definitely not.

  • I want to eat lunch.

  • No, why don't we just go to the grocery store and buy something.

  • Why don't we go to... Sushiro? It's cheaper and...

  • Now? Now now? After we're done shopping!

  • Okay. You said you want to go now.

  • Isn't this nice? Yeah.

  • What do you think about this? I can't see.

  • Yeah, it looks good.

  • Do you like it? It's okay.

  • Maybe something like this?

  • Is that too much?

  • Mmm... maybe.

  • Do you like one of these?

  • Yeah, it looks nice on you.

  • It goes well with the necklace, too.

  • You can buy just one.

  • Do you like it?

  • I do, but it's so expensive!

  • I can't imagine spending $23 on a ring.

Dried squid sheet.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

Muji & jewelry shopping in Japan! 【無印・ジュエリーショップで買い物】日英字幕 (Muji & jewelry shopping in Japan! 【無印・ジュエリーショップで買い物】日英字幕)

  • 50 2
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日