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  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.

  • Now, remember when my mum bought a pre built Del PC and well, it turned out she made a pretty good purchase, albeit without any real PC knowledge.

  • Well, today I want to take a look at this.

  • This is a computer built by my friend Michael.

  • Now Michael is new to the world of PC building.

  • In fact, he's new to the world of Peces altogether, or WAAS having come from the land of the consul, namely a PlayStation.

  • For that sounds like London City Airport during rush hour.

  • Since then, the traitor I mean, my good friend has decided to get in the Xbox one X instead.

  • So I said, I format and sell his recently assembled PC for him, but not before critiquing it, of course, and seeing how it performs.

  • So let's get into it now.

  • Originally he asked me to build something for him with a strictly no rgb ruling place.

  • Eventually he changed his mind and built a system himself just so he could learn how to do it.

  • And I think the patients has certainly paid off aesthetics wise.

  • I see.

  • He also stuck to the no RGB rule.

  • This is the no RGB please PC review To get a full idea of the specs as well as the total cost.

  • I asked for a few invoices and safe to say it just under £400.

  • This seems like a decent build for the money to start with.

  • We haven't.

  • Aargh.

  • Call 380 x case.

  • This apparently comes in at £30 if you want.

  • In the clear side panel, though it CCL you confined it for just under £17.

  • If you don't mind a standard black door, what I like about it is the separated space for the power supply at the bottom, not something you see too often with these cheaper cases, it makes the bill would seem a lot neater, especially if you're not that brilliant with cable management.

  • Speaking of which, and the power supply was actually a pretty bad choice.

  • Before I sell it, I've replaced the cheap 600.

  • What unit?

  • With my older but reliable course there.

  • 650.

  • What PS you the original choice?

  • Waas Well, questionable.

  • And if there's one thing you should never cheap, how on it's the power supply especially when you're spending a few £100 dollars or euros on a system.

  • There's a great list over on the Linus Tech tips website detail ing different quality units or separated into tears.

  • And this has helped me make some pretty informed decisions in the past.

  • One.

  • Building computers.

  • The motherboard was an interesting choice, too.

  • See, I've made comments before regarding a M for mother, but would saying that you should opt for B 3 50 or be 4 50 boards for risin because they have overcooking potential.

  • But here's the thing.

  • If you're certain you never want to over clock your eyes and process er and are happy with a no frills bold that might save you some extra cash, then go for it if it has all the features you're looking for, if it's the matter of a tenner difference than a B 3 50 or be 4 50 bored would be a no brainer in some respects.

  • But I can see some money was definitely saved here, considering it was purchased for just £33 opened over Amazon warehouse deals.

  • Atop this board is a rising 5 1400 That's a name I haven't heard in a while.

  • When it first released the rise in 5 1400 sat at an awkward position on the market.

  • Some people said, Leave it, saved the money and get a rise and three instead, or spend a little more and get a rise in 5 1600 It's that awkward position on the market that works in this thing's favor today.

  • See, it could be found for similar money to arise and three on the used market while offering eight threads and better overall performance.

  • This open box one costs just £88 over cookers UK.

  • I think if you can find one for that sort of money, then it's still worth it and should be more than capable.

  • When it comes to modern gaming, the GPU actually seems like the best deal here.

  • £148 for a six gig 10 60 from Pallet in what looks to be unused condition.

  • This was an eBay find, but it's not too uncommon to find 10 sixties at great prices these days, especially the three gig version.

  • Whether you should still buy one of those is a story for a whole nother video though Palate are actually among my favorite manufacturers, having owned their 7 50 t I and 10 50 never having any issues.

  • The 10 sixties A card isn't too power hungry, so it requires a 400.

  • What PS you and just 16 pin connector.

  • Still, I wouldn't have run it too long on the P S U.

  • That was originally inside this build to finalize the specs.

  • We've got eight gigs of Tina Marie and excellent choice.

  • And around the I always go for 2 £60 for brand new 3000 megahertz.

  • DDR four is a pretty good price considering the same 2400 megahertz variant cost pretty much the same.

  • The 240 gig P N Y S S d is a nice final touch, too, though we'll get filled up pretty quickly.

  • I notice that after reinstalling windows as well as in video drivers in any operating system updates, we had about 202 weeks left to play with.

  • This, of course, could be filled after installing just a few of the latest Triple eight games.

  • Still, installing the operating system on an SSD is the perfect way to ensure fast boot times, and you can always add a traditional one.

  • Terror by H.

  • D D.

  • Later on for extra storage at £399 total, it seems like a decent mid range set up aside from the £24 el cheapo power supply that's now been removed.

  • Personally, I probably would have spent a little more on a B 3 50 Bold as well.

  • But this one's perfectly okay for running the rise and five of stock speeds.

  • I guess now we must see how this combination of parts performs with a few popular and modern titles.

  • To kick things off, I ran the sinner bench AR 15 multi and single court tests to see whereabouts the rise and 5 1406 in terms of performance.

  • Interestingly, the multicourse score puts it between an eye 7 37 70 and 47.

  • 70 k from Intel.

  • So I'd say you're looking at close to stock 47 70 performance here.

  • If you wanted something to compare it to the single court test score was 131 around, about the same that most rise and processes seemed to achieve.

  • It's worth remembering that if you want to buy new the difference in some countries.

  • Between this and, say, a first Gen 1600 price wise can be pretty slim.

  • But this should still hold its own just fine.

  • First up for the games we have Assassin's Creed, Odyssey, a game that, in my experience, doesn't like court core processes all that much, even ones with eight threads.

  • I found that the six cause of Arise 15 1600 handle this a lot better, but the game has never run very well.

  • To be honest, CPU wise, the in game benchmark test that high settings returned 52 frames per second on average, and from the M es I afterburner stats in the top left corner, you can see that these components are pretty well matched.

  • Medium would likely guarantee a closer to 60 FBs experience, but honestly, Odyssey is all over the place.

  • When it comes to performance.

  • I've seen cards that should be weaker than a 10 60 hit.

  • Higher frame rates and cards that should be more powerful perform worse.

  • Battlefield five performed very well, with an average of 74 frames per second and a mix of high an ultra settings with 10 80 p resolution.

  • Of course, the ultra preset itself made a see a few more dips below 60.

  • But a mixture of the two highest settings seemed to provide the sweet spot for this great looking modern release.

  • I played through the first few scenarios.

  • Then this mission set in France as well as an hour or two of multi player, combining the average over my playtime.

  • As we began this single player level.

  • There was a few instances of stutter, but this just disappeared after a few seconds.

  • Perhaps the game was just loading a few final assets or something.

  • I really don't know.

  • Now it's a slightly old one, but at some point or another, it's likely you'll want to play something that hasn't been released in the last few years.

  • So I'm excited to see how BioShock infinite would perform today on this mid range.

  • Billed as you'd expect, we had no problems here, with an average of 150 F.

  • P s ultra, with 1% and 10.1% lows of 1 to 1 and 95 respectively, a smooth experience throughout.

  • If you build a PC like this to tackle your older games collection.

  • Well, you'd have no trouble whatsoever.

  • Far cry five.

  • A 10 80 piece or return of just over 60 F.

  • P.

  • S on average.

  • Using a mixture once again of high and very high settings, I was trying to get the best graphical quality out of the games here while retaining solid frame rates.

  • The 1% low off 51.1% lower 43 refracts the fact that there was no significant stuttering to be seen here not only during the endgame benchmark test, but over the course of a couple of hours.

  • Gained players.

  • Well, it's a great game, but the map doesn't very too much.

  • So performance tribute.

  • Similar, no matter where you are in this vast open world fortnight at epic settings running 86 frames per second.

  • Very smoothly, might I add, Although there wasn't much going on during my recorded game play here, I can safely say there'll be no trouble achieving at least 60 F ps with any setting.

  • There will be a few dips in busy areas and, of course, when the action heats up.

  • But all in all, it's a very pleasant experience with this hardware, Michael Mate, your 600 watt off brand power supply probably would have blown up by now.

  • Just cause four puts a lot more strain on the graphics card, as you can see usage for that, it's hovering around the mid nineties whereby the rise and 5 1400 has a lot more to give.

  • Regardless, a brief hour of messing around in the snow at very high settings with S M A off returned a healthy 66 frames per second on average.

  • Again, no rules started here.

  • But the map is huge, so performance will fluctuate.

  • But you should still see at least 60 frames per second most of the time.

  • If there are any issues with a build like this, then high instead of very high would be the way to go over.

  • What trick the ultra settings preset proved to be.

  • No problem either.

  • The footage here watts from about match, but the figures were taken from online.

  • This is just a easier way for me to capture more fluent gameplay.

  • There will be no problems here.

  • It all for the rise and 5 1406 gig 10 60 performance numbers will be a little different from map to map, though.

  • As expected, finally around the shadow of the Tomb Raider in Game benchmark, which with the high preset gave us an average off spot on 60 with a 52 f ps 1% low and 10.1% low of 46 again, a pretty respectable result for our final game test here.

  • All in all, this build seems fairly capable, especially considering the total price paid.

  • Thanks to a little help from the open box market.

  • You don't have to shop around from third party sellers to get great deals, as retailers will sometimes have sales that can not quite a decent amount off off certain hardware.

  • My only concerns with this originally was the cheap power supply, which might have been fine.

  • Who knows on the A 3 20 Bold.

  • But as I said, I don't feel like you have to get a B three or be 4 50 bold just because the Internet tells you to.

  • If you're happy with the features of an A 3 20 offering and have no intentions over clock whatsoever on our on a tighter budget with no real room for maneuver then go for it.

  • The rise and 5 1400 still handles itself pretty well, too, and sometimes can be found closer to the price of a rise in three, which makes it more tempting in some scenarios even today.

  • Plus, it's unpopularity means it's more likely to see further reductions in the future.

  • But there we have it.

  • This has been that the no RGB please build review, I think for first time, Bill, my friend has done a pretty decent job.

  • So I hope you've enjoyed this video.

  • I certainly enjoyed making it.

  • If you did leave a light on it down below, leave a dislike.

  • If you didn't enjoy it, subscribe to the channel.

  • If you haven't done so already, let me know what you think of this PC billed under.

  • Hopefully, I'll see all of you in the next one.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.


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友人の初の予算ゲーミングPC構築レビュー (Reviewing My Friend's First Budget Gaming PC Build)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日