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Hey, guys, Welcome to another episode of Take your kitchen chats.
This is actually the fourth day I'm a China tooth.
This radio go a little bit crazy.
It's totally fine.
I thought they were gonna be arrested peasy, but they were recipe difficult, eh?
So today I'm gonna be doing festival foods when you go to a festival.
Japan has so many styles to choose from.
It's like infinite.
So it's really hard to walk around and like, I got exactly what you want to eat.
So I decided to do a festival Sweet.
So so festival sweets.
But I really enjoy.
Even though festival season is usually summer, we're gonna be general winter months city The fruits I'm gonna be making today through tsunami, which is like candy different choco banana, which has been on this covenant chocolate.
And I'm also gonna be making the three color dangle the three colored angle.
I don't know if you actually I have never really seen ahead of festival, but you always eat it around like sucker or I'm a media like going out having a picnic, so I don't know.
It just kind of fits the married, and it's simple I can leave recipes full of the things that are making in the description downloading.
So without further ado, let's get started.
Well, that first thing I want to do it's tie up my head because I don't want to get hair and everything that I'm eating.
Okay, so the first thing we're gonna be making iss fruit candy, candy, fruit, But it's not really candied.
Candy is a different process different.
So the fruits I'm gonna use just strawberries and grapes grapes on in season.
So I could only get these, you know, these time the greats from California.
But hopefully they'll still taste good with the candy.
Candy grapes is actually my favorite festival food of all time, so I probably shouldn't have this recipe in the summer, so I could have had some really good grapes.
But still, razor was a really good right.
Now it's strawberry season in Japan, or when they're really cheap in supermarkets.
So I just got a planet of strawberries, and with this recipe, the other things you need water, sugar and red food coloring red food, coloring his optional butts.
When I go to the festivals, they actually usually have red red candy around the outside.
So the first thing we're gonna be making is the toffee to go on fruits.
I think it's half sugar to have water for about 300 umbrella leitess sugar was gonna add the sugar.
I'm gonna add about 150 milliliters.
Little gonna started on a low heat.
You guys haven't guessed yet.
It's pretty much like a toffee apple.
Usually sell toffee apples at the same stores as well.
It's just fruits covered in toppy thing that I learned when I was trying.
Before you make the fruits, candy is you need to have appeal.
Otherwise the toffee will absorb the moisture from whatever freed it is and will just melt or just won't stick in the first place.
So now I'm just gonna leave that for quite a while.
Actually, the sugar today is all that I needed to just bubble bubble bubble, bubble bubble.
Usually when making it you use a moment center to check the exact temperature for when you want to get to the right texture level.
But my mom actually taught me a trick.
Throughout this process, I'll be testing tiny little bits of it and dropping into a cup of just normal cold water.
And then I could go in and feel the texture of the toffee.
And I needed to be at a point where it's really like it crisps up because I needed to be crispy around the That's how I tested cause I don't have the luminous thank you Mom recently Mean Eric went to an Oshima, which is an island near comma Kudo.
You guys know where that is.
It's like an hour and a bit out of Tokyo.
But the island's really cool.
It's very small.
There's a bunch of eagles that go around it.
You could local of the island.
That's a bunch of temples.
And then at the end you could get down to the sea and go along with the rocks and have a look around.
And it's just I know where we went.
It was like super nice day.
It was so sudden.
It was beautiful.
So if you guys would take your no Hey, what's up?
We're on a date to Temple.
Commit to the top, goes found.
Little restaurant, top of the mountain that's overlooking the sea holiday.
We're on holiday together.
Hey, my phone so much happening under that was like a whole forest.
See, my poor.
And here it's pretty good consistency.
So tracing my tea together, so thes the great cycle, usually the great say would use their lot bigger and probably all sweet and nice said, But, you know, we're working with what we got and put strawberries on six.
Actually, I don't know how to do this candy Strawberry way did it?
I can't believe it.
I've been trying for so long.
We did it finally way.
Have a greats that pretty thickly covered those.
Hopefully that and you have Astro Berries.
Oh, my God.
I'm over the moon.
Oh, I was in my mom's picture onto the next thing.
The next time gonna be making its choco banana, you'll see there's a lot of festivals.
Just a banana covered in chocolate usually Sprinkles.
So what I'm using for this ISS, but Ha ha ha ha ha.
Two bananas, some chocolate.
Okay, don't judge me for this in Took your dairy free chocolate is about 300 grand's for $10.
It is rough, but, uh, tell being to Costco, and they had a big bag of chocolate chips for a price.
They were very free.
So I got them.
Uh, this is my to kill a bag of chocolate chips lost in me a long time.
It was $20 without any trouble tips, some Sprinkles and some oil.
And the reason you can't just put melted chocolate on bananas is because it's too thick.
You have to spread it with a knife.
So I have to add oil.
I'm using canola oil.
If you do use oil, I recommend using canola uh, any other tasteless oil.
So last time was a complete mess because I didn't really have a plan on how to hold up the chocolate, and it was completely messy.
So this time I'm using a very interesting setup having office come work.
So it's this pencil holder blue tacked to a plate with objects on each side holding it steady the last time I dipped the bananas, and then they kind of broke a little bit on the stick.
So I think I'm just gonna have to pour it on, and it's gonna be very, very messy, and I'm just gonna have to deal with it.
When it comes to melting chocolate, you probably already know this, but I You're melting on a stone.
Don't directly melted in a pot on the heat because it'll burn parts of chocolate.
Just make a huge mess.
So what you need to do?
You two need a Boylston border and put a tempered glass or metal ball inside the water on top and it'll melt.
It will slowly and gradually, and it'll be a good time.
Thing is, I don't have a metal ball or timid glass ball, so I'm using this inside a biggest Austin.
Give me fine, very important thing.
When it comes to melting chocolate like this is, don't get water in with chocolate, Really miss you up and change the consistency of it.
Okay, I think that's good.
Before I do that, I'm going to do my best to spike the bananas doing, too, so that I have a spare manana in case things get room this week's time to melt the chocolate, and I'm also gonna I'm really going to start with, let's say, 1/2 tablespoons of oil.
See how that goes.
It'll just gradually keep adding more if I have to.
You be a little bit of oil, okay, chocolate is melted.
This is the pot when everything could go.
Very very.
It's happening.
We're really doing it.
We live in a dream.
Everybody okay?
This is a very dangerous thing to be picking up.
Oh, my God.
What is this?
What's happening are gonna be taken to a safe space, and we're gonna move on to the next thing while these guys set pray for them.
This is so much less messy than the last time.
So even those looks missing.
I'm on a roll.
I feel so good, Right?
This last one probably isn't gonna work because I didn't get to try it last time because it was rock solid.
So finally, we're gonna be making the sun Show Klute Jungle, which is three cold.
Uncle Dumbo is like, just balls of maci.
Uh, some people like it.
Some people, don't.
I I'm gonna sneeze.
I like it.
I like you want to get it from the shops.
Okay, let's do it.
So it steps on, mix this with wash it and separated into three different pots and then the green.
I'm using green tea out of And then for the pink usual tiny little bit of Redford Court.
So one thing I haven't talked to you guys about is, uh, now that I finished school and I do it, I talked about it a tiny bit on my twitter.
I'm actually part of a company now.
Cool trick.
You're creative.
Come over here.
Talk to me.
I do this also.
I just booked tickets back to Australia for a little holiday at the end off February 21st.
I know.
I only went back about, like, just just six months ago, and I have, like, a bunch of stuff I have to do afternoon my license.
Do you text off a review of Don't pissed.
Just a bunch of no fun, boring things.
But my sister, who currently lives in UK, is also gonna be back same time.
Plus, I got friends from university, the ones who, if you watch me before, they're the ones that went to clown school in France.
They're finally gonna be back in Australia same time.
Yeah, I've been getting a bunch of acting jobs recently in a bunch of auditions, which is being really good thing super fun, because during school I kind of had to give up a lot of that because I didn't time for it, OK, the dart is mixed.
This is this is you have to steam them.
But, uh, in the other pocket I used I just made tiny balls and put them in for about two minutes until I started to float in boiling water.
So I'm just gonna try it this way.
If they suck, It's okay.
I've got good denies and good destroy breeze and grave.
So I think the pink and the green look really, like subtle on cute.
They're a bit wet, though, sir.
We'll just have to see how we go.
That's what I'm doing is I'm pulling off little balls like this, just making it's tiny balls.
Then once I got in the shape that I want, I put it in the water.
I forgot to film, putting them in.
They're pretty misshapen, to be honest.
So now I just have to put them until they rise to the surface truck where they do better.
I want to do also with leftover chocolate.
I made chuckle, strawberries.
I full honesty.
It will be a miracle if this turns out they really float to the surface.
Have it's been a long time.
Maybe don't go.
Was about idea.
Oh, I think that cute.
I like to call us.
So we're gonna go green White Club way.
Look Terrible.
Okay, here's my dong go.
Probably supposed to call them before you played them.
But you know what?
We just did have a good time.
So let's go seven everything make it look nice.
And I'll give him a try.
We did it finally way are finally I took a long time taking photos and stuff and for some reason, some of the strawberries and melting.
But others aren't so let's just get into this is fastest possible about bananas out candy, fruit and dangle.
Try the strawberry fast.
I'm a bit nervous because it looks like I did a really thick layer of candy, and usually they have a really thin and crispy, but here goes nothing.
It was a low toffee, huh?
But the strawberries really good inside and it's called cracking.
Threw it into a self strawberry.
It would if you guys make this, I do recommend doing the finished lay a possible of toffee.
But now I'm gonna try the grapes.
The greats of really good everything is that this type of grape that, like just no leader have kind of a dry aftertaste, but yeah, I recommend candy grapes.
Anyone in the world, you grapes, candy.
That this sudden success?
Now I want to try to juggle banana, their bit precarious.
It's so big.
Maybe find biggest sticks.
I don't know.
Maybe making better.
Okay, that's frickin tasty.
Oh, man, that's so good.
If you guys have, like, polystyrene, I think that would work really well, if you just had a block of polystyrene to stick the bananas, it, then you could make so many of these.
And they're so good and the cheek just like chocolate.
But no way.
That's Dong go.
It's not gonna be good.
I really think it's gonna be good, but I can wash my mouth out with the rest of the banana.
Well, it's edible, and that's a big surprise.
I really don't think they're gonna be truly awful.
Let me try the degree one at the end.
There's, like an aftertaste of, like, a bit of a flower.
But honestly, this tastes like jungle.
I think it's okay.
Hey, all of them with some kind of success.
Thank you so much for watching.
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See, nobody's like this.
Not like this, but like this because I really like doing take a Cajun chats anyway.
Think switching and I'll see you guys in the next booth.