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  • Hello there. Welcome to this training tutorial. My name is Richard McMunn. Now, if you have

  • to complete a job application form, please make sure you watch this tutorial from beginning

  • to end. I promise you, if you watch it, follow the tips and the training that I'm going to

  • provide you with, you WILL PASS your job application form! Having marked literally hundreds of

  • application forms in the past, I know what it takes to pass. Before getting to those

  • tips, and the simple application form answers and the tutorial, a very warm welcome to this

  • training. My name is Richard McMunn. That's me there in the center. And I'm going to help

  • you pass your application form by giving you successful previous application form answers.

  • Please do click the button below the video to SUBSCRIBE to the channel so you don't miss

  • out on any of the weekly training videos that I'm uploading. Lots and lots of you are getting

  • jobs through this CareerVidz YouTube channel. We have over 200,000 subscribers now. And

  • I would also very much appreciate it if you gave the video a LIKE (Thanks!) That always

  • tells me that you enjoy the content and I will therefore create more for you. Also,

  • if you tell me the name of the job that you are applying for in the comments section below

  • this video, I will give you some more tips for helping you to complete your job application

  • form. Now, this is my promise to youduring this training video, I am going to give you

  • 7 very important tips that disclose what the TOP 1 PERCENT of applicants do to always pass

  • their job application forms. I will also give you high scoring answers to the most common

  • job application form questions that are used by employers and hiring managers. And also,

  • this is very important… I will give you 8 powerful words and phrases that you have

  • to put on your application form to get invited to the next stage or the interview. So, that's

  • my promise to you, those three things. Please take notes, and please make sure you pay attention

  • as I go along. Now, on your job application form, you will be asked a question which goes

  • something like this. Please explain why you have applied for this post and what you have

  • to offer. So it is very, very important when we complete a job application form that we

  • follow the instructions and we actually answer the questionwhat do I mean by that? Well,

  • if we take a look at this application form question, it says, please explain why you

  • have applied for the post and also what you have to offer. So when we give them our answer,

  • we have to divide it up into two parts. We have to say… “I am applying for this post,

  • because…” and then give the reasons why and then move on to say, “what we have to

  • offer.” And I will give you an example answer that's been successful in the past, in a second.

  • But if you fail to answer the application form question, you will not proceed to the

  • next stages. And this is why a lot of people fail their application forms, because they

  • don't follow instructions and they don't actually answer the question. So, this is my suggested

  • answer for the application form question. Please explain why you've applied for the

  • post and what you have to offer. You will see that I have split it up into two parts.

  • Take notes as I write this down for you. Here we go. I am applying for this post because,

  • having researched the job description and person specification in detail, the experience,

  • skills and qualities I have are a strong match for the role. I have many yearsexperience

  • within similar positions and I have always gone above and beyond what is required to

  • help my employer excel from a commercial and service delivery perspective. For example,

  • in my previous job I worked as part of team who helped the organization surpass its previous

  • sales revenues for three years running. I have to offer many qualities, skills and experiences

  • that I feel will benefit your organization. These include a positive work ethic, a constant

  • drive towards continuous improvement, being a loyal, supportive and cooperative team member,

  • and also being someone who can plan, organize and complete their work with the minimum of

  • supervision. I feel strongly that, if you hire me in the position of xxx, you will be

  • pleased with my knowledge, my levels of expertise and above all my enthusiasm and drive for

  • carrying out my duties to a very high standard. So, all you would need to do is change the

  • xxxfor the title of the job that you are applying for. Now, obviously, you can

  • use that, but please do make sure that before you do you read it again and make sure all

  • the qualities and skills are applicable to the ones that you actually possess. But that

  • is an example of a successful job application form answer. Now, let me give you these 7

  • important tips for job application form success. Now these tips are what the TOP 1 PERCENT

  • of candidates do time and time again to pass their application forms. Please make sure

  • you take a note of them, read them and follow them. Because this is how you pass an application

  • form. Number one, always follow the guidance notes and the instructions carefully. So to

  • give you an example, the application form is actually a filtering process. When a job

  • is advertised that requires the completion of an application form, the assessor uses

  • this as a way to filter out lots of applicants, because there will be lots of people applying.

  • If you fill out the application form in the wrong color ink, for example, or if you exceed

  • the stated word count for the answers, you will not get through to the next stage because

  • that shows that you can't follow instructions, which is a very basic requirement of any job.

  • Tip number two, read the job description before you complete the application form. Now, why

  • do I say that? Well, this will then enable you to extract words and phrases from the

  • job description, and then you can use them in your answers on the application form. And

  • that's a really good thing to do, to make it easy for the person marking the application

  • form. At some stage during this tutorial, I'm going to give you 8 really strong keywords

  • and phrases that you can use that are a match for the majority of job descriptions. Let

  • me give you an example. If part of the role that you are applying for requires you to

  • WORK AS PART OF A TEAM, then you would say on your application form: I have many years

  • experience of working as part of a team to achieve difficult and time sensitive tasks

  • and projects. Then you are aligning your skills and qualities to the essential requirements

  • of the role, hence making it easy for the person who is marking your application form.

  • Tip number three. Grammar, spelling and punctuation form part of the application form scoring

  • criteria. So, make sure you read your application form carefully before you submit it. But more

  • importantly, ask someone who is qualified, to read over it for you to check for any errors.

  • Because if there are errors within grammar, spelling and punctuation, you are basically

  • making it easy for the person to say, “that's no good!” because you can't write correctly

  • or follow simple instructions. Number four, give evidence of how your skills and qualities

  • are a match for the role. So anybody can say I am good at working under pressure, but backing

  • it up with evidence is a different matter altogether! So for example, if you are required

  • within the role to be good at customer service and care, anybody can write down on an application

  • form: “I am competent in delivering great customer service”, but backing it up is

  • a different matter altogether. So let me give you an example. “I have many yearsexperience

  • delivering high quality customer service and care. For example, in a previous job, I was

  • the first point of contact for all valued customers and I had set goals I needed to

  • achieve in terms of customer service standards.” That is saying that you are good at customer

  • service, and then giving an example i.e. giving evidence. Tip number five, put down the names

  • of references. If you are required to give a reference i.e. somebody who supports your

  • application, do not putavailable upon request.” This is what the majority of people

  • will do. However, if you put down the names of references on your application form, actual

  • names and contact details, it proves you and that person are CONFIDENT in your ability

  • to do the job. Virtually all application forms that I read in the past would sayavailable

  • upon request”, and it just tells me that you don't want to give a reference yet. Therefore,

  • how do I know that you can really carry out the job correctly? So, my advice is to always

  • make sure you put down two references. The names of the people who will support you in

  • your application. Number six, choose these hobbies and interests to show on your application

  • form that you are a highly employable person. Sometimes, on job application forms, it tells

  • you to state what you do in your spare time. What are your hobbies and interests? These

  • are the three that I recommend you give. Obviously, providing they are a match for what you do!

  • That you: spend quality time with your family; that you: read nonfiction books to help yourself

  • continually develop and improve. And also, you learn new skills and develop existing

  • ones. So for example, if you play a musical instrument, that's a great thing to put down.

  • Develop existing skills might be playing a team sport or activity. So those are the three

  • things that I recommend you put down on your application form. Number seven. This is a

  • great one. Use POWER WORDS and phrases on your application form. These are fantastic.

  • So, there are specific powerful keywords and phrases the TOP 1 PERCENT of candidates use

  • on their application forms. What are they? Let me show you what these eight are now.

  • Take a note of these. Here we go. Number one: “I have read the job description and the

  • person specification and I am confident I have the necessary skills, qualities and attributes

  • to excel within the position.” So that's a great thing to put down on your application

  • form! Number two: “You are clearly an organization that sets high standards, genuinely cares

  • about its customers and looks to support its staff so they can thrive as part of the team.”

  • Number three: “I am resilient, determined and enthusiastic.” Number four: “I am

  • someone who accepts feedback positively with a view to continually improving and developing

  • within my work.” Number five: “I am a positive, resilient, enthusiastic and supportive

  • team worker who takes great pride in the work I produce for my employer.” Number 6: “I

  • fully understand how my performance within this role can impact the performance of your

  • organization and its commercial objectives.” Number seven: “If you employ me in this

  • position, I will work hard to consistently achieve my targets and continually seek to

  • improve within the role.” Number eight: “I am hardworking, focused, ambitious and

  • adaptable. I can be relied upon to achieve any given task without supervision.” You

  • can pick one or two out of those 8 powerful keywords and phrases that put you across as

  • a highly employable person. Now, if you would like more help, let's say you're moving on

  • to the interview, click that link in the top-right hand corner of the video and it will take

  • you through to one of the top viewed interview training videos here on YouTube. Please do

  • SUBSCRIBE. I very much appreciate your support. And don't forget to tell me in the comments

  • section below the video, the name of the job that you're applying for, and I'll give you

  • some tips for your application. Thank you for watching and I wish you the best in completing

  • your job application form. Have a brilliant day.

Hello there. Welcome to this training tutorial. My name is Richard McMunn. Now, if you have


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2020年版 JOB APPLICATION FORM Q&A!(PASS保証!) (JOB APPLICATION FORM Questions & Answers for 2020! (PASS Guaranteed!))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日