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  • Hey, did you all watch the big game?


  • Yeah, yeah.

  • I'm talking about Wheel of Fortune, of course.


  • Boy, there's a lot of pressure when you're on TV

  • and you're doing a game, especially the TV,

  • it makes it even more pressure.

  • And you know time is running out and you have to give an answer,

  • and this happened on a recent episode.

  • You have 10 seconds.

  • Talk it out.

  • Good luck.


  • Chasing tail?

  • No.



  • Oh.

  • Oh, kicking back.

  • That old expression "chasing tail," you know?

  • Wheel of Fortune is always doing those expressions.

  • That's not the only game where there's a lot of pressure.

  • People say the wrong thing on my show, Game of Games,

  • they drop three stories.

  • Here's an answer someone gave.

  • This is probably one of my favorite answers

  • in all the seasons that we've done so far.

  • If Vin Diesel challenged you to a pie-eating contest

  • and then put 20 pies in his pie hole,

  • where did he put his pies?

  • Oh, hm.

  • Oh.

  • Ellen, he put them in his butthole?


  • Is that where he put them?

  • He put them in his butthole, Ellen.


  • Uh, OK.

  • Well, Sarah, I'm gonna give you a chance to steal.


  • Vin Diesel put the pies in his mouth.

  • Mark, do you know why it's called Sudden Drop?

  • Wha-- hold on-- wait-- who, who, who, who, who dropping?


  • He just doubled down.

  • He just stuck with that answer, knowing that everyone

  • was laughing at him.

  • Of course, Game of Games, dropping is not the only thing

  • that you have to watch out for.

  • Here's a sneak peek.

  • This is tonight's episode.

  • This is a really fun game.


  • You've got one!


  • It's so slippery!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!


  • Oh.

  • That's on tonight at 8:00 PM on NBC.


  • It's fun to see people perform under pressure.

  • You never know what they're gonna say.

  • So Quinn Donaldson, come down here and play Five-Second Rule

  • with me.



  • There's so many hops that you do!

  • You stop and then you hop again, and then--

  • I'm like, woo!

  • All right, so you know this game, Five-Second Rule.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • It's really easy.

  • I'm gonna give you a category and then

  • you have five seconds to name three things, OK?

  • OK.

  • Name three things you should never

  • say to your significant other.

  • I hate you, don't eat that, and don't--

  • do that, don't watch that show!



  • I don't know what just-- uh.

  • OK, I hate you, I agree with you to never,

  • ever say that to anyone.

  • Don't watch that?

  • Wow, you're bossy.

  • Yeah.


  • Wow.

  • What were they watching that you didn't want them to watch?

  • If they watch-- if my boyfriend, if he watches Friends

  • without me, then I'm like, don't watch that.

  • I see.

  • You're just catching up on Friends?


  • OK.

  • I'm not gonna tell you how it ends.


  • All right.

  • You did it, though.

  • You did it in time.

  • OK.

  • All right.

  • Name three things that make you nervous.

  • Getting on an interview, being on the phone with someone

  • I don't know, and getting a parking ticket.


  • Did you say getting pregnant again?

  • Get-- no.


  • Getting a parking ticket.

  • Getting a parking ticket.

  • Oh.

  • Same thing.


  • Yeah, all right.

  • I'm gonna put you under more pressure

  • right now because you're gonna have to dance with tWitch.

Hey, did you all watch the big game?


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A2 初級

エレン、「5秒ルール」でファンに圧力をかける (Ellen Puts a Fan Under Pressure in ‘5 Second Rule’)

  • 6 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日