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These are the books that I am reading this week.
You see, readers are leaders and leaders, our readers.
I have so many fans asking me, How do I read so much and how to improve my reading speed?
You see, one of things I did early on in my career at a very young age actually took a speed reading course and has helped me tremendously.
Now it's very interesting because I made a number of videos on this.
You could see sometimes the ignorance off social media.
I have actually assault comments from some some people, they say, Oh, then I thought you said, You know, don't read books And then they say, How come you're not talking about reading books?
They actually have not watched my videos.
The thumbnail said, Don't read books, But in the video itself, I talked about you spokes.
I don't just read books, but they haven't even watched the video right.
That's how ignorant most people are anyway.
Side story Tip number one.
When you're reading a lot of books, you don't just want to read books.
If you're reading non fiction, you want to use books, meaning you're not trying to memorize everything that the author is talking about.
One of the very first tip in one of the most important tips I could give you when it comes to books is you want to use books because knowledge is one thing.
What we want to do is take what's in here, understand it and then be able to implement and get a result.
It's a very is not a contest off memorization.
It's a contest for execution implementation.
So every time I read a book, my goal is to want to get three ideas out of each book.
Decker implement right away.
That's it.
I'm not trying to implement everything the author talked about.
I'm asking.
I'm looking for just three things that I could get out of it.
That is it when implement.
I want to see how he works for me personally and what I could learn from that.
So number one don't read books.
Used books Number two.
One of the strategies in a speed reading course that I learned from is when you are reading, use your finger, use your finger to trace.
So instead of reading this way, right when eyeballs when you use your finger.
You actually trading your eyeballs to be able to read faster.
So when I read, I would look something like this right?
Then I flip.
That's kind of the reading speed this holiday and go through.
If I'm very bare, very busy, I would do one job a week, right?
A few months ago, I was very busy.
I don't have time to read now.
It's more breathing room.
So now I can go through 234 books.
Ah, week, sometimes 56 books a week if I feel like it.
If I have one full day, I could go through this in a day.
Probably 34 books in the day, right?
Extract 23 ideas.
That's active number two.
So use your finger to trace the third thing you could do, which is a pretty neat trick that if the book is relatively new and like like this boat, this book is you know about Disney about what?
Just me and this would be an older book, so it doesn't have audible.
But for newer books that has audible, what I would recommend is a cooler trick that you get the physical version of it as well as the audible version of it.
Then when you're reading the book, you actually play audible the audio book at 1.251 point five speed.
So you're playing it, and you're also reading the same time.
What it does is it helps with your retention.
At the same time, you're learning how to read faster because you're speeding up with audible right and you will learn a lot more.
You actually learn a lot more.
So that's a very nice new trick that you could do to be able to improve your reading speed and the last to buy for you.
Here's the Maur you read, the faster you read.
Because let's say if this the first time you are reading a marketing book, it would feel overwhelmed.
You're not so sure.
By the time you like myself read hundreds and hundreds of marketing books and in advertising books you will see a lot of patterns that are very similar.
So then, in my mind, I could always skip those things.
I already know it.
So I'm looking for things that I might not know that I'm my overlook so that I'll be able to go through, they say a bullet go through table content.
Yes, I already know that.
I heard of that before.
Don't need it.
Don't need it.
I'm already doing it.
Don't need it.
So as I'm going through it, then I'll be able to see Oh, he's a chapter that I never thought of something that I could use before.
So here's something I could kick out of it and I could use it.
I sometimes so even read through the entire book.
If when I get to chapter that's a Chapter five, I already have my three ideas.
What I would do is I would close the book.
I would go implement the book and put it away.
Sometimes I would come back to revisit a book.
This is why we read books in a couple months.
Sometimes I don't even come back and revisit a book.
I'm implying those three ideas on reading something else, but you see patterns when you read enough so it is a habit.
It's no good to just read one book and then you stop or he's a great book and then you stop.
It's like I get the questions all the time.
Where what books?
I read all of them because what if you're looking for or that magical one book that will change your life?
No way.
My book read Everybody else's books.
Learn from it.
Have the habit of reading the books that you don't read can help you, period.
And if someone spent their lifetimes spending years putting everything they know decades of knowledge into a few 100 pages, you can get it for 10 20 bucks.
I mean, it is a bargain.
It is a bargain, right?
And nowadays people don't read anymore.
People even too lazy to watch a YouTube video.
They just watched the thumbnail click the Cedar Thumbnail, and they thought they've watched the video.
Unfortunately, that's where we're at in terms of our society.
However, if you do read, if you just read a book, a book a month, 12 Booker's year, you would give you a huge, huge advantage unfair advantage over every body else so common below.
If this makes sense, tell me, what are some of the books you're going to read and use, right?