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  • Okay, So, honey, it's time to stretch his little legs out.

  • Was a model walking one sec highs Vogue.

  • It's me, Jonathan Van Ness with hairy Larry the weatherman.

  • And we're going from New York.

  • Tell a tale.

  • So come on in.

  • Actually, he's not going.

  • So the first thing I like to do in the morning is a little coffee dance.

  • This is usually how it works.

  • I sauntered down these stairs.

  • Sometimes I'm in my undies.

  • Sometimes I'm topless.

  • Oh, my God.

  • To my friends, Meet Pete coming on me.

  • Okay, so I was interning music on and then I'm going into stories.

  • Hands free.

  • Okay.

  • Is it good for TV?

  • Okay, baby, flight isn't about 15 minutes.

  • So now it's time for me to get my eye patches on and get ready to go.

  • Just kidding.

  • It's like an hour and 30 minutes.

  • But I'm not strong with time management.

  • I'm going away for the gorgeous creative arts Emmys.

  • I am nominated for Outstanding Bridey.

  • Siri's short as an executive producer also were nominated for Queer Eye.

  • So I just put on my gorgeous eye cream and my gorgeous facial moisturizer.

  • And to really derive her home I'm going to take this gorgeous sheet mask and I'm going to put it on my feet.

  • Leave the sign while I go pack my clothes.

  • This'd is my primary assistant.

  • His name is Harry.

  • Larry.

  • He's a meteorologist.

  • You can find him on my instagram.

  • This is a mug of him.

  • How You drink coffee with sheet mask on.

  • That's gorgeous.

  • So here's the other thing.

  • I do takeout serums.

  • We're gonna press it in.

  • Okay, We're gonna press it in.

  • We're not gonna waste anything, okay?

  • Nobody has time to waste Shit.

  • Okay?

  • Can we Custom Vogue?

  • My actual Emmy look is already in Los Angeles with my gorgeous alley Brooks, Who's my stylist, who we love.

  • Did I put my Marcella in my Prada bag?

  • Yes.

  • You know both.

  • I'm sure that screen up ground upon over there.

  • But Anna Hey, I don't have his money.

  • Assistance is you got to do what I gotta do, OK?

  • Can't miss.

  • Despite the next thing is my mandatory 45 minute cuddle with layer.

  • Have you ever in your life seen a more glamorous cat?

  • And I'm sure you've met Taylor's puts cats, but we won't tell her we're friends.

  • Oh, hi.

  • This is Harry Lee reporting live from There is where the corner.

  • There is an 85% chance that prints and plaid czar in.

  • So anyway, make sure that his ball approaches you take risks and boldly layer your looks.

  • Thanks for comin by There.

  • You want to check with time the flight boards.

  • You wanna cut a little longer so you can take the Vlad?

  • Dad, it's fine.

  • We're totally on time, Larry.

  • Floor it for my Qaida.

  • Is Grace Coddington in town?

  • So here's the thing.

  • When I'm not hallucinating people on the street, I am doing gymnastics morning.

  • And I am, you know, getting ready to post today's content.

  • Stop trying to pull away from the phone.

  • Look at the back answering.

  • Okay.

  • Look at how long this back Handspring is.

  • So get in.

  • So I'm gonna go into the editing room.

  • You do you I'll do me.

  • I'll check back in in, like, a few minutes.

  • E need to call Allie.

  • Allie is my gorgeous fund stylist.

  • We love her so much.

  • Hey, girl, you good?

  • How are you?

  • Queen for you?

  • What are we wearing?

  • What are you doing?

  • What's going on Just tireless, whole loving, chic Princess needs Cary Grant.

  • Okay, well, I'm gonna miss this.

  • Why?

  • They love me so much.

  • There's some gorgeous Christian Siriano pieces that I'm really excited to try and really hoping that they work.

  • But I know that Ali has lots of different looks for us, just in case I really wanna wear Christian Siriano is amazing.

  • Hey, you, She just one, I think literally end take you into the fine dining area.

  • Everyone get this much.

  • Personally, It's one on one attention.

  • Or is it just me?

  • Thank you.

  • So I went with this signature flagship burger.

  • Appreciate.

  • This is a gorgeous tomato jam about to dip my fry in it and find out some bacon jam.

  • It's a gorgeous before I dive in this burger head first.

  • Let's take a moment to appreciate these gorgeous Julia Louis Dreyfus nails.

  • She's good Emmy luck because she is the most consecutive winning any actress she beat Helen Hunt the last time she got that Emmy.

  • Or maybe tied or maybe beets.

  • And honestly, there's enough success in the world to go around.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • So let me give you a quick tour of my gorgeous lounge.

  • If you get hungry for some snacks, here we go, Yeah, and that we have this gorgeous for your own craft cocktail.

  • We're bartenders and frequent flyers.

  • Who knew you also get this stunning self pour wine station?

  • Hi, take one of these for the road.

  • Thanks, American.

  • One more Quick stop.

  • We're going to take a quick shower before we get on the flight.

  • Just kidding.

  • It's bathroom, but I hear they have showers here.

  • Quick little stop toe hydration station, and it's a fine that's for me.

  • Well, that concludes the tour and my extra time with the airport, so it's time for me to get my flight that way.

  • Current weather conditions.

  • Partly cloudy with a temperature of 77 degrees, which is 25 years.

  • All exits on this airplane are clearly marked.

  • Take a moment to locate the nearest 11 directed to exit.

  • Jump onto this light and the rays on the airplane.

  • So getting a little area all set up, I my trusty switch, so I don't get for my court.

  • Just phone freshest an Italian bottled water to fly up, really charge ahead.

  • So I think he's having chatty neighborhood won't leave you alone.

  • Carb loading for the Emmys My word season has been so a very funny way.

  • But Libyan base?

  • I saw tears literally.

  • Sophie Turner from Game of Thrones.

  • A lefty.

  • Wonderful.

  • Here's the Knicks.

  • Ever since I met Michelle Kwan, there's no one up like everyone else would be amazing.

  • And like I would love to be everyone, but like I already got my number one.

  • Well, it has been a very long week from I'm going to take a little nap.

  • It's negative.

  • 49 degrees outside and we're, like, two hours outside of Los Angeles.

  • So doctors would be the time to kiss my son Cam a little bit of blood.

  • So when I go on planes, I don't have a ton of products that I carry on with me.

  • Just a few things.

  • This is one bag.

  • This is my other bag.

  • And this is my other bag, right?

  • Always use missed.

  • Took it with a 1,000,000 qualities.

  • Then I'm gonna come in with this amazing Al Genest eyeball eye cream.

  • And a serum only goes on first because their treatments Gordon directly on my face.

  • So now I've got a little.

  • I'm at by Julian of our guest with the eye cream.

  • Still m I a nice I know what you're thinking.

  • Is he embarrassed doing this on an airplane?

  • The answer is no.

  • It was a male cheerleader.

  • You cannot embarrass me.

  • I don't want my eyelids to get jealous.

  • Say hi to Julia.

  • I'm ready to do my makeup.

  • Calvinist.

  • Radiant primer.

  • And I'm gonna take about this much.

  • Okay.

  • Jesus.

  • I'm gonna take a lot more than I meant.

  • Mix it with just a straight up moisturizer dot of this cover FX concealer work all that together.

  • My eyebrows are big and bold, like taken even bigger.

  • Someone to come in with Chief Auntie Eyebrow job.

  • Now, I haven't done a controversial I'm gonna take just a little bit of faith oil and put this over my makeup like thinks it sit more into my face.

  • Once all that's done, I put making sealer just right back over where I need That looks gorgeous.

  • To be honest.

  • Now that I'm ready, I think I'm gonna go find my husband on this white.

  • Let's much gorgeous movie.

  • Damn.

  • Oh, shit.

  • I put on French Ever since I got together with Antony, who is French, Canadian.

  • I just speak French so that I can be a better partner.

  • This is games shut.

  • Oh, my God.

  • You guys, they have Harry Potter.

  • Must watch tip for the ladies gentlemen and non binary queens and kings and just non binary royalty.

  • Who I want to find a gorgeous man in their life that they don't really know what men want.

  • Men, ones, people who play video games.

  • It could just like it's like You're like, this cool check who plays video games.

  • I didn't make the rules.

  • You were about to land in sunny Los Angeles.

  • There's freshen myself up and get ready.

  • My husband was on the flight, but maybe he is at L.

  • A X Way shall seize way.

  • Our fight was great.

  • I feel amazing, Rested, refreshed and ready to take on the Emmys.

  • Let's go see Alison.

  • Thanks for coming with me to Los Angeles.

  • I adore us.

Okay, So, honey, it's time to stretch his little legs out.


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B1 中級

ジョナサン・ヴァン・ネスの旅の日課、ニューヨークからLAまで|On the Go|Vogue (Jonathan Van Ness's Travel Routine, From New York to LA | On the Go | Vogue)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日