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  • Hey, what's happening all good?

  • Or are you facing things like, Oh my God, she's a mean person Or please, you don't have to tell me what to do.

  • Well, people saying things like, Look, the snob is here or are people saying that?

  • Stop being sarcastic.

  • You're just too much to handle.

  • What guys?

  • Then you're facing up problem?

  • Yes, on the problem is Mr Understanding people are hair believe misunderstanding you and you are the one who will bear the negative consequences whether you agree or not.

  • Well, if you are someone who is facing these problems and obviously trying to make people understand that he listened to me, that's not what I meant.

  • Or you're the one who's saying things like, You have completely misunderstood me.

  • Try to understand me.

  • We're guys.

  • You are simply stuck in bad communication, which I call being misunderstood all the time.

  • If you want to get this out of your way, which you should, because you must lead a healthy communications child instead of being misunderstood by people guys, I suggest join me on this video on skill OPD a where I will tell you the reasons why you have misunderstood so that you can kick them in the butt and get rid of them.

  • And then just go on to live a life with healthy communication.

  • Well, click on the link in the description below and join me on skill Apia right away.

Hey, what's happening all good?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

なぜ誤解されるのか?4つの習慣を止めよう!|スキルペディアが教えるライフスキル (Why People Misunderstand You? Stop these 4 Habits | Life Skills By Skillopedia)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日