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  • What exactly is body language? Well, body language is your nonverbal communication,

  • which means you're not doing the talking but it's your body, your physical behaviour, your

  • hand movements, your facial expressions are speaking for you. So in the real world when

  • you make these body language mistakes you don't come out as a confident person. Now,

  • probably you are making these mistakes unknowingly but it's important for you to notice them

  • and work on them. So we are gonna look at eight worst body language mistakes that probably

  • you are making unknowingly. So let's have a look at the first one. The first one is

  • avoiding eye contact. Well, at times when we are talking to people, you get a little

  • distracted or probably you are so nervous that you fail to make an eye contact while

  • you are speaking. So what happens is when you are speaking or when you're talking to

  • that person you do this, oh yes, I actually did that but it failed. So when you are not

  • looking into the person's eye, it shows that you're either nervous, you're not confident

  • about yourself and you're being a little disrespectful. So you definitely don't want to show these

  • emotions. Probably it's just that you're nervous but then try to work on this and having an

  • eye contact is extremely important. So this is the worst mistake that you are making if

  • you avoid eye contact while talking to a person all right. Let's move on to the second mistake

  • that people make is slouching. When you are talking to someone and you're not standing,

  • your body posture is not straight but you are slouching. You're talking like this, mm-hmm,

  • all right, I'll do that. Well that is a mistake because when you slouch in front of people

  • while talking to them, imagine he's a very important client and she's slouching in front

  • of him and you're talking to him, it shows that you're not confident you have very poor

  • self-esteem and again you have no energy levels all right. You're not very excited about the

  • job. You're just so bored that you are slouching. So if you slouch then please stop doing that

  • because this is one of the worst mistakes that you're doing all right. The next one

  • weak handshake. When you shake hands with someone, it has to be a very firm handshake.

  • Make sure that you give a firm handshake to the people

  • that you meet because it's a sign of authority. It's a sign of confidence. When you give this

  • poor handshake or a one little finger handshake no point. It just shows that you are least

  • interested in shaking hands or dealing with that person. Again, there are people who shake

  • hands in a very aggressive manner. It's a very, very, very firm handshake, that is also

  • not acceptable. So not an aggressive handshake where you just press that person's hand so

  • bad that it just starts hurting. So do not do that and please avoid making a weak handshake

  • all right. Let's move on to another mistake that you might probably make which is, arms

  • folded. You're talking to someone, you're giving a presentation, you are in a meeting

  • and your hands are folded. Well, when you are talking; make the use of your hands because

  • using hand gestures really help. It just shows your confidence and it also helps you to buy

  • words okay. So it just gives you the time and it just explains you much better in front

  • of a person. So when you are presenting something or when you are in a meeting, then try to

  • use your hands while you're talking rather than folding your hands. Again it just shows

  • that you nervous, you're not confident and you're not interested. Okay so if you fold

  • your hands while you talk, stop doing that, just open up and start using your hands just

  • the way I do all right. Let's move on to another mistake which is frowning or scowling. When

  • you walk into an office and you see people who are frowning, who are making these awful

  • facial expressions while they're doing their work. For example, oh I gotta send this email.

  • Well these expressions show that you're bored, you're unhappy and you least interested in

  • your job. Also when you're talking to a person and you make these weird frowning or scowling

  • expressions, do you think the opposite person would be interested in talking to you? Imagine

  • I am talking to you like this, all right people y’all are making these mistakes and it's

  • not acceptable. Well, that is not fun you would not really like to watch my lessons

  • if I talk to you like this. So no frowning or scowling, which shows that you're bored,

  • you're least interested and you're unhappy with the things that you're doing. So stop

  • making these awful facial expressions. Let's move on to another mistake which is invading

  • othersspace. Well, there are people who love to invade othersspace. For example,

  • you're at your workplace and your co-worker comes in and just sticks around you way too

  • much and you don't want that. You want him or her to maintain distance. There are people

  • who treat your possessions or your office space as if it's their own. You don't want

  • that because they are crossing their personal boundaries. It's important to maintain your

  • boundaries when you are talking to a person or when you are visiting someone's desk. You

  • can't just stick around all the time and you just can't keep seeing what they're doing

  • all right. That's not acceptable. So stop invading othersspace, maintain distance,

  • maintain your personal boundaries all right. The next one fidgeting, imagine I am teaching

  • you something and I'm fidgeting with my marker, with my hair or I am biting nails while I'm

  • teaching. Well that's not acceptable, right? So again when you are fidgeting with your

  • phone, these days people love their phone too much. So when they're in a meeting, when

  • they are in a presentation, when they are talking to people, they keep fidgeting with

  • their phone or they keep fidgeting with their hair, they keep biting their nails, that's

  • not acceptable people will not appreciate that and it just shows that there's no interest,

  • you are bored and you are nervous okay. It's also a sign of nervousness. So stop fidgeting

  • with things when you are talking to people okay.

  • And then the last mistake that I would like to tell you that usually, people make unknowingly

  • is glancing at the clock. We all want to go home early. Yes, we do. We don't want to stay

  • back, we don't want to too much. So we want to go home and then people get into this habit

  • of glancing at the clock or glancing at your watch. Do you do that? Probably you're doing

  • it unconsciously but then you need to notice and you need to stop making this mistake.

  • Everybody is in a hurry but every time you're talking to a person, your boss is giving you

  • some pointers, your co-worker is talking to you and you keep glancing at the clock that

  • what time is it? I need to leave or I'm getting late that's unprofessional. People will not

  • like it and your boss would definitely not appreciate it. So stop glancing at the clock

  • or your watch all right. Finish talking and then probably you can rush back home.

  • So these are the eight worst body language mistakes that you are making. Please do notice

  • these mistakes and work on them so that you come out as a very confident person and I'll

  • be back with a new lesson soon till then you take care and have a great day.

What exactly is body language? Well, body language is your nonverbal communication,


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A2 初級

あなたをあまりクールにしない8つのボディランゲージの間違い!非言語コミュニケーションスキルのためのヒント。ニハリカ (8 Body Language Mistakes That Make You Less Cool! Tips For Non Verbal Communication Skills. Niharika)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日