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it was going on, guys.
So here we have the completed build here of code book is frame arms.
Wolf Specter.
But actually, as you're seeing it now, this is in its kind of pre.
Where will Specter form?
This is the go ride Chi.
Who could I ous?
Far as I can tell by the translation says, basically is a form of the gore is basically what this get.
You can build kind of three different forms.
You can build it as the original go right all in black if you want.
You have the old parts to make that we can build it here as the gore Ike I've who cry or you can build as the full on where Wolf Specter, which does have a few more parts.
Are you just gonna switch around the parts that are on their basically and kind of add the extra sensor there on the face of it and stuff?
So we'll go over all the option parts, everything you know, but really cool that you can build different forms of this now, as you'll also notice I'm not using my black background, usually that usually used for reviews for this because it's all black.
So's kind of wouldn't really show very much.
It's like black and the super dark Navy and the super dark graces.
There is actually three tones in there and doesn't look all that bad.
But I will say, built up straight on the box like this.
Just that dark plastic is really showing, like the imperfections of just like the molding process or not imperfections or just the molding process of the injection molding.
How the color is not super solid C c like this kind of wavy effect going on.
They're on like the flat surfaces of the plastic, and it looks not very good.
Looks very plasticky.
You started the box, so I think definitely a coat, a coat, maybe do some good on this, But it's probably just gonna be one of those ones that you're definitely gonna want to paint, I think.
But if you guys didn't miss the livestream build of this, you go back and check that out if you want.
I built this live on YouTube twitch and on my Facebook page of streaming all there and of course, has always this review is made possible by USA Gundam store.
So if you want to check, blink to their site there, down below.
We've got all sorts of frame, arm stuff and coded.
Book your stuff, Another gun, pulling everything, all that.
Of course, you can save 10% off everything using the coupon code.
Zach earliest tend to check that out.
Let's check out all the stuff we get here included with this kid.
As for its different weapons and accessories, pretty much the only thing you have it's not on the kit.
There already is just the knife.
You have this combat knife here in black, which has this connector piece for that just fits down into the hand like normal.
So just hold on to that.
And then you had to spit into this connector piece you can use to just kind of plug anywhere onto the kit like that's and that's pretty much it for any extra weapons.
Essentially, you also have the option hands is just the kind of your typical load out off the book.
Yah, frame arms, Hands!
Here we have the closed fist there on Kit.
You have a set of us holding hands and you also have a set of open hands like this.
Now the hands are all molded in this really bright metallic color, which is kind of article kind of contrast.
The rest of the get a little bit the frame of the actual architect frame inside there is also sort of metallic, but it's not quite as bright, and you can't really see very much of it because this thing has so much armor.
So these little bits of frame we can see there maybe in like, sort of here at the back of the legs full down these parts.
You can see some of the frame up inside there, but it's not as bright as the hands.
And of course, we have all the parts for making the original go ride the just different leg armor with the tank treads parts those parts.
For that, we have a cannon, which goes on the back of the gore I what you could blow gun to the back of this instead of the cannons.
That's of course, you have the different knee armor for the go ride, the difference shoulder armor for the governor as well.
And then, of course, the different head part for the front of the head being different for the go right.
They're supposed to this different kind of head that it's got on here a little bit different.
Got kind of different sense on the top of the chin.
Part's a little bit different as well.
Then, to some of the parts turned into the werewolf Spector up underneath the shields once those air mounted up onto the shoulder, we have some weapons here.
You have this kind of double cannon, which is blood up underneath one of the shields and enough underneath the other steel.
Do you have this set of these missile pause?
The doors will open up like this is a nice detail up inside every definitely gonna want to paint those into to get the full effect of the missiles there.
And then we do also have.
Of course, the party goes on the front of the face here like that, which is just all in white, but definitely a little bit of detail painting on that to just bring out the cameras on there.
Well, look much better.
One of the gimmick, though, that you can do here with this camera on the front of the head.
You can pull that off and you can see there's two slots.
Put that and you can move that down to the lower slot for it's sort of, I guess, targeting and of mode there like that so you can move that down.
And just to go over some of the articulation here, the head will go up to about there, down to about there.
That is about it.
Here in the waist section, this will move forward and back, but as kind of difficult for a lot of free mom's kids and especially the Gore I've found it is definitely a little bit loose there, so it's not going to stay in place very well.
Just a little bit of glue on that.
We'll fix it up right away.
It's not a big problem, but just be aware of that.
The shoulders are mounted into the torso, the ball joint.
They're supposed to forward him, pack a little bit.
Yeah, that cannon on that side.
I'll talk more about that in a moment.
Uh, that moves forward and back on the up and down a little bit at the base of the shoulder, his shields getting in the way a little bit, so I'm just gonna remove that.
For the moment, this arm here will move up to the sign to about 90 degrees.
That is about it, and the arm works very normally, just rotates at the top.
You have a double joint in the elbow, which will give you about 90 degrees a little bit more than that.
Just cause again.
It's got some very bulky armor around here and in the wrist will move up and down at this joint here and then it also will rotate their like that.
Now the shield has three points where you can connect the connector piece on the inside the shields.
If you want a little bit higher, a little bit lower, you can change that.
Or, of course, you can turn it upside down.
If you wanted to play, it doesn't really particularly matter, and then it's meant to mount.
In this form.
It's meant to connect here onto the side of the arm, but you could, of course, connected, appear onto the side of the shoulder or, you know, wherever you want to connect this onto.
The The connector is at a slight angle, though, so that does make it a little bit trick years rather than just a straight peg.
But I wouldn't think that would be too difficult to modify if you were so inclined.
A real quick around here to the backpack.
Now, why This particular side of the cannon keeps wanting to fall off very easily again, something you can very easily fix.
Just put a little drop of glue and they're sticking it in, and then you're not gonna have this problem anymore.
But the connector for the left and right side is different.
You can see on this side is T shape on this side, I a shaped.
And I guess that's just to help you clarify to know which side is the left on which side the right side but the eye, because it's a more intricate shape there.
This this one wants to stay in very well.
This one, because the simpler shape, the connection is not a strong, so this side keeps falling off.
But these cans are connected.
The two points of rotating articulation there, which will allow you to bring that up over the shoulder.
You can see it has this hook part here which will.
Kind of It's meant Thio connect onto the top of the shoulder.
Sort of like that, or just sort of meant to look that way anyway, so it doesn't come over the shoulder plenty.
Well, like so it looks really cool for a bombardment.
Look, we have more cool gimmicks down here in the legs.
First of all, they will go out to the site about their Fordham back again.
Not gonna be a problem there as it doesn't have any skirt armor to really much to speak of.
On the back here does have this kind of big back skirt kind of big, chunky part here, which is pulled down to there at the knee.
If we move this party down there, you can get a little bit more than 90 degrees.
A pretty good knee bend there.
If you move this back part out of the way, you have this flap on the front which will move forward and back there like that.
And then kind of the main gimmick of the legs here is you have these parts which will move down.
So this part is really tight here at the rotating connector piece.
There something careful on how I hold this.
It can bring that down at the front like that, and this is on a little sliding tracks.
You can actually extend us out to the front a little bit, so it's clear of your toes.
And in this part here at the back, as you've seen, will move down like that, very similar to how it does on the regular Gore.
I bring down the tank treads.
In this case, it just brings down this kind of stabilizer.
You have a bit of rotation here at the end.
You can level that off so you can get that flat on the ground.
So that's supposed to be some just kind of support for its legs when it's using its giant cannons, you can put those down on the ground like that to make it firmly planted onto the ground on, then just angles, you know, just kind of standard moves a little bit side to side, and then a little bit front and back with the feet are kind of small and pretty inconsequential.
In this case, they hold the kid of it stands well enough on its own feet.
Don't really do a whole lot and then up underneath the feet, they is lacking a little bit of detail.
You do have a little bit of entry space there, but essentially the feet do what they need to do.
Their under there.
They hold the kid up and it's just enough.
Now again, this is another comment weak point among frame our muskets.
And I mentioned this during the live stream as well, actually, because this happened a couple times during the lives.
You've already glue this other side of this.
But this connector here between the connection that plugs into the leg and then the plugs into the hip section here, is often a week.
In my experience, that often comes out just because of how it's designed.
So just again, just put a little glue on that stick that in there, and it's really not gonna be an issue Once that is glued.
The other side like that is good, and that's not causing any trouble.
So what?
The cannons folded forward and everything on the legs all folded down, firmly planted.
It's definitely looking pretty cool.
If you wanted a really, really super tanker like looking Mecca than this one definitely fits the bill.
Super armored up and the cannons look really super cool.
One thing about the cannons is that they do have some seam lines all the way down the center of those.
So there's gonna be some scenes on that.
Otherwise, not really a whole lot of seam lines on this kit, really in particular the connection parts for the connecting the tenets of the backpack.
Also little seam line there.
And then on the back skirt that back skirt, Big giant but flat part there.
That's basically to have so much together save c'mon going around that.
Otherwise most of the parts there for the arms and legs and shoulders, though, is covered.
And you don't really have seen lines on any of those parts.
So really super cool.
Look for this, but I definitely think.
Meanwhile, the design, I think, looks good and black.
Definitely this black plastic is just not really doing it much.
Favorites think it's definitely gonna look Ah, la la la Better, as I said before, what is painted?
So let me change up the armaments here and will turn into the full on where well, Spector and then take a look at it like that.
But I just before we do.
One other thing I forgot to mention here is that if you remove this connective piece for the shield and we have this different connector piece here which just clips up onto this bar there at the top, then that will allow you to plug this on, appear to the shoulder armor like that if you want to just have the shield just hanging off the side of the shoulder like that.
All right, so here it is.
And I'm definitely gonna have a little bit of balancing issues.
As you can see, Aziz a little bit leaning off to the side there the shields on the shoulders do sort of way.
I'm down a little bit, but again, stiffening up there a little bit with some paint glue and be just fine, definitely looking really cool.
I love the asymmetry of this, like the form before with the both shields and cannons.
Everything all symmetrical is cool.
And I think it looks really like again, like a actual like mecha tank.
This one does definitely bring the seif I look a little bit more with the cool head mounted camera.
They're on there now, and just the asymmetry of it looks really awesome.
There's one thing about this kid that I mentioned during the live stream.
That I'll just reiterate is that I think it's really cool that this is a kid that gives you a lot of options.
Recently, we've taken a look at a couple.
They're similar kids like this style et interceptor, for example, which give us a lot of options, but the unfortunately, that's a code book you like.
Web Shop exclusive, sort of like code book is version of people and I but I think a little bit easier to get.
But the fact that this is just a regular standard, easy to get release here from code book Yah, and it gives you so many different options in there.
Like I said, from building just the original go right to the food court, I formed the werewolf inspector or mixing.
Imagine whatever you want.
You could build the go ride legs with just the all the elements here that you see on the where, inspector, or, you know, you can get really creative with it, with all their optional parts and everything you get in there.
So then even if you know you want to go this form, you've got a bunch of leftover parts too.
If you just get one of the architect frames from core BUCA.
And if you build a couple of different of the framers kids, you were probably amassing some leftover parts.
You could basically this Then build your own kid bash out of that.
If you just get frame just by itself.
You put all the parts that are on to a new frame, and there he goes, you've got left or parts that you can use for other friend cool stuff.
And then you've got a bunch of her options here, just within the kit itself.
So once again with this kid, if you're wanting to get the kid, just snap it together, put it up on your shelf.
I think it's not really gonna be looking.
It's have absolute best, and you are going to have some loose bits here and there.
But if you're willing to just, you know, apply a couple drops of glue here and there and throw some paint on this thing, you know, panel lined up even do a little bit of weathering on this and dry brushing and something I think would look really cool.
And this is gonna be looking like a really a really awesome kit once it's all done up, and especially for the list price of this one being at 3800.
Yeah, I think that's a very reasonable price for this.
As most people are aware.
Quotable kick.
It's generally tend to be a little bit more expensive than bend like it's of course, it's kind of the general complained.
The white people don't buy and build more cookbook.
It gets usually just because they say they're just too expensive.
So this one being 3800 yen for this seems very reasonable.
Obviously, you can get like different real grades and master grade kids, which have a much higher part, counts if you're comparing this to something from Gundha.
But with this being about the same size in terms of its head height as like a smaller master grade and just the overall detail of this and just look of it, I think it's really super cool.
So that asking price for that, I think, is not bad at all.
But if you guys do have any other further questions or comments about this, of course, feel free to leave those down in the common section below.
Thank you guys all So much for watching and I'll see you guys next time having going bye bye.