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  • Elite Facts Presents

  • 10 Facts About The REAL Dracula

  • 10.

  • Still had a thirst for blood. When we hear the name of Dracula we usually think

  • isBlood Sucking Vampire”.

  • Well that’s not entirely true.

  • Although he was said to have not been a actual vampire, the real Dracula still enjoyed some of the red stuff .

  • But instead of sucking the blood directly from his victims, he would dip pieces of bread in

  • their blood.

  • The fifteenth century manuscript The Story of a Bloodthirsty Madman Called Dracula of

  • Wallachia, by Michel Beheim, It states that Vlad would invite guests to his home for dinner

  • and when theyve finished eating, he would impale them and would let their blood drip

  • on the table for later consumption.

  • 9.

  • Dracula MeansSon of Dragon”. So the namedraculawasn’t something

  • made specifically for the gothic novel as Vlad III himself actually preferred to be

  • called Dracula.

  • His father, Vlad II, was a member of a secret society known as the Order of the Dragon.

  • He was so proud to be a member that he had his name changed toDracul,” which translates

  • in Romanian toDragon.”

  • As a child, Vlad III would also get involved in this society in which he would change his

  • own name to Dracula, which translates toSon of the Dragon.”

  • 8.

  • Dracula’s Mother. Although we know quite a bit about his father

  • and his history with the Order of the Dragon, we know pretty much nothing about his mother.

  • It was originally believe that his mother was Princess Cneajna of Moldavia, However

  • that theory is very unlikely as his father was well known for having many mistresses

  • so it is a complete mystery as to who is Vlad III’s mother.

  • 7.

  • Tortured Childhood As a child, Dracula live in a time period

  • of constant war.

  • Transylvania itself was at the frontier of two great empires that consist of the Ottoman

  • and the Austrian Habsburgs.

  • At first, Dracula was imprisoned by the turks and then again by the Hungarians.

  • Dracula’s father was murdered, while his older brother, Mircea, was blinded with red-hot

  • iron stakes and buried alive.

  • This was the turning point in Dracula’s life that made him the killing machine that

  • he is known for being.

  • 6.

  • Dracula liked a good laugh. As strict and as ruthless as he may be, It

  • has been well documented that Dracula enjoyed a good laugh.

  • Although not a good laugh in a tradition sense more that he really enjoyed all of the torture, pain and suffering that

  • he dealt out.

  • So much so you could argument that dracula actually had a sense of humor as he was known for making

  • some incredibly morbid jokes about his victims as they died.

  • For example, Dracula would always comment on the way his victims would twitch around

  • like frogs and would always make casual statement such asOh, What gracefulness they exhibit”.

  • At least his sense of humor is more tame than frankie boyles.

  • 5.

  • Feared and Respected by all Dracula always liked showing his dominance

  • when it came to the country he ran.

  • To show how much his citizens feared him, he placed a gold chalice in the middle of

  • the town square in Targoviste and he allowed people to drink from it, but the golden cup

  • had to remain in the middle of town square at all times.

  • You want to know the results?

  • Not a single person drank for the chalice.

  • Everyone was far too scared as they were worried that Dracula would be offended thus sentencing

  • them to death.

  • 4.

  • Modern Day Praise. Bram Stoker’s loose interpretation

  • of him, The Real Dracula still gets praise in our era.

  • Former Romanian president Nicolae Ceausescu who was the communist ruler of the country

  • from 1965 to 1989, commended Vlad’s patriotism to further his nationalistic agenda, which

  • targeted Hungarians and other ethnic minorities in Transylvania.

  • 3.

  • Death Toll. There is no doubt that Dracula was a Sick,

  • Sadistic ruler, but youve got to askHow many people’s deaths has he been responsible

  • for?”.

  • Well when you consider that Dracula had a passion and a large appetite for death, you

  • can expect the death toll to be in the thousands.

  • He was reportedly responsible for at least 40,000 deaths with other reports saying the

  • death toll is in the 100,000.

  • 2.

  • His Death. As with any reign, It must come to an end

  • in some way or form.

  • Vlad was eventually captured during the Turkish invasion and was decapitated for all his troubles.

  • His head was then given to the sultan, who impaled it outside his palace so everybody

  • could see it thus marking the end of his reign of terror.

  • 1.

  • His Body Disappeared. Even though his reign was ended at the hands

  • of the Turkish invasion, His legacy still haunts the empire he once ran to this day.

  • Soon after his head was impaled in front of his own castle, his body was buried in Snagov

  • Monastery outside of Bucharest.

  • However reports state that his body was never found there either meaning someone went grave

  • robbing soon after his death or Vlad the Impaler either rose from the dead reincarnated as

  • dracula………….Well there’s always the possibility that he faked his death and

  • he’s hiding out in cuba with tupac.

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本物のドラキュラについての10の事実 (10 Facts About The Real Dracula)

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    Vera に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日