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  • One day we'll be standing.

  • Possibly appear, will say Well, we won and we're going to say that sure as you're sitting there were going to say that, Then we're going to win and I think with their win faster than people think.

  • I hope when we're finished with the virus we will win.

  • We will win and when that victory takes place, our economy is going to go through the roof.

  • It is so pent up.

  • It is so built up.

  • It is so ready to go in a in an upward direction.

  • But we have to knock out this enemy.

  • There's a really tough enemy, but we have to knock out all of us.

  • That's all of us.

  • So I don't think in terms of recession, not recession.

  • It's words.

  • We have to knock out this and we will have an economy.

  • I actually think we'll have an economy like we've never had before.

One day we'll be standing.


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