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  • they say, Write what you know.

  • Hence, crime fiction in Scotland is incredibly popular.

  • It's far removed from the demands of Sir Walter Scott, but its appeal is just his international.

  • I've put on my best bonnet and come to morning, say, to meet Reiter vomit dammit.

  • His claim novels have been translated into 40 languages and sold over 16 million copies.

  • I just started doing your bit class name.

  • Excellent.

  • So no spoilers.

  • They found a bunch of boy.

  • These things just happen in books, unprompted by the director, we silently agreed to take a seat.

  • We know that you have a totally walks in homicide.

  • It's really nice to meet you.

  • Vow.

  • It's lovely to meet you, too, because I can.

  • I know when you said books for for years.

  • You know a really good book on forensics on apparently, when it is slabs it than the pathology is named after your whole mantra is named after, I don't know why did it take so long for the infection to take Britain?

  • Scotland?

  • She don't really isn't so.

  • Somebody has to make the imaginative leap to get a place where that's possible, and I think for us abysmally Michael Van is book Laidlaw in the late 19 seventies, and nobody had written acclaimed novel like that in Scotland before.

  • I remember reading it and being astonished that there was actually a book written with working class characters.

they say, Write what you know.


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B1 中級

スコットランドの犯罪小説|フランキー・ボイルのスコットランドツアー|BBC予告編 (Crime fiction in Scotland | Frankie Boyle's Tour of Scotland | BBC Trailers)

  • 5 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日