Now, thisis a K f a to G T x 6 80 I boughtfor a budgetbuildproject.
Itcostme £70 usedat C E.
X with a twoyearwarranty.
I'm notsurewhat I'm actuallygoingtobuildyet, so I alsoboughtthis a GTX 10 50 thatinsomeplacescostsdoubletheprice I paidforthe 6 80 havingcomparedthe 6 80 10 50 t i many, manymonthsagoandfindingthattheywerequitecloseinperformance.
I thengottothinkingabouthowwellthenonti I 10 56 80 wouldcompareonwhetherornotyoushouldbuytheolderKeplerbeast.
Instead, there's onlyonewaytofindoutthis K f A 26 80 runsatstandardreferencespeedswith a 1000 andsixmegahertzcoreclockon 1058 megahertzboostclock.
Asexpected, the 10 50 willalwaysruncallerand a littlequieterthantheoldschoolpowerhouseinPubJi.
Onceagain, it's a similarstory.
Thegameaveragedaround 60 f.
S onbothcolds, althoughthemapsaredifferentinthefootage, thefiguresweretakenafterplayingacrossbothmapswithbothcardsandworkingouttheaveragecombinedagainwithnobuiltinBenchmarktoldtheresultswillvarytheirnomatterthemap.
The 10 50 willstutter a littlemore, asseenbythe 500.1% lowfigureonscreenagain.
Ifyouhave a 6 80 you'llhave a greattime.
Andifyouhave a 10 50 you'llhave a greattimeatmediumsettings.