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  • Hello there, my name is Richard McMunn from the interview training company,

  • and in this tutorial, I'm going to teach you how to pass a Primary School Teacher interview.

  • And in particular, I'm going to give you a number of important tips to make sure you

  • prepare effectively.

  • And more importantly, I'm going to give you a number of primary teacher interview questions

  • and top-scoring answers!

  • So, please do stick around and watch the tutorial from beginning to end.

  • Now, before I get into those top tips to help you pass your primary teacher interview, a

  • very warm welcome to this tutorial.

  • My name is Richard.

  • That's me there in the center.

  • I've been helping people to pass their interviews for about 20 years now, and I do that specifically

  • by giving you TOP SCORING ANSWERS you can't find anywhere else.

  • On that basis, please do SUBSCRIBE to my channel by clicking the red button below the video,

  • and then you won't miss out on any of the weekly interview training videos that I'm

  • uploading.

  • And I would also very much appreciate it if you gave the video a LIKE, that always motivates

  • me to create more content for you.

  • Thank you very much.

  • You can also connect with me on if you want to.

  • My LinkedIn link is in the description below the video.

  • Now, in preparation for your primary teacher interview, we need to make sure that you demonstrate

  • the following key skills and attributeslet’s work through them.

  • You have to demonstrate an ability to develop and deliver strong lesson plans that allow

  • for engaging and inclusive learning - so that's learning for everybody within the class.

  • (Inclusive).

  • You also have to demonstrate an ability to motivate your students with imaginative lessons

  • and classes.

  • You have to include parents and carers in the development of their child by providing

  • them with appropriate and constructive feedback.

  • You will have to mark and assess work in a timely manner.

  • This is in addition to your teaching duties to ensure each student can progress based

  • on your feedback.

  • Also, you have to keep up-to-date with primary educational developments and you also have

  • to take responsibility for your own CPD, which is Continuous Professional Development.

  • And finally, being flexible, you have to demonstrate a flexible and supportive approach to your

  • teaching duties.

  • So, you need to work long and difficult hours at times, but also support other teachers

  • to help them deliver on the educational objectives of the school or the establishment you're

  • working for.

  • Now, in all of the primary teacher interview questions and answers that are coming right

  • now, I've made sure I've included all of those skills and attributes to ensure that you pass

  • your interview.

  • Excuse me.

  • So, let's get straight into it.

  • The first question of your primary teacher interview: Tell me about yourself and why

  • you think you'll make a good primary teacher?

  • Let's take a look at a strong answer to that question.

  • “I am an extremely passionate teacher who decided to get into this profession because

  • of the skills and qualities I possess that are a match for the role.

  • I am hard-working, I always put the welfare and education of my students at the core of

  • everything I do, and I always work tirelessly to give them the best possible start in life

  • through the education I provide as a Primary Teacher.

  • I will make a good Primary Teacher because I have the ability to build strong relationships

  • with my students and their parents.

  • I am kind, patient and caring, and above all, I am totally dedicated to the teaching profession

  • which I feel will be a positive influence on my style of teaching and the results that

  • it brings.”

  • So that's a strong answer because it is positive in nature.

  • You are telling them about yourself and you are focusing totally on your work ethics,

  • your skills and your attributes, which is important.

  • And also, you're explaining why you'll make a good primary teacher.

  • So you're coming across as a passionate person who is totally dedicated to the teaching profession.

  • So you can either pause the video and write that down, or if you want to wait, I will

  • tell you where you can download my full set of 21 primary school teacher interview questions

  • and top scoring answers.

  • Let's move on to the second question.

  • Why have you chosen our school to become a primary teacher?

  • Again, a guaranteed question!

  • So why have you chosen our school to become a primary teacher?

  • They want to understand why you've chosen them.

  • And I believe this question will come pretty much early on during your primary teacher

  • interview.

  • So we need to give them a great answer.

  • Here it is.

  • “I have chosen your school because of the strong reputation it has within the community

  • and it is also clear, from my research, that you strive to deliver the highest standards

  • of education possible.

  • Everyone I have spoken to about your school have all had nothing but positive comments

  • to say, and on that basis, I feel this school is the one where I can continually grow and

  • develop as a Primary Teacher.

  • There is a huge amount of responsibility that comes with being a Primary Teacher, and I

  • only want to work within a school that is a match for my own work ethics, standards

  • and values.”

  • So that demonstrates that you have thought carefully about why you've chosen their school

  • and also their reputation is a match for your own high standards.

  • Next question: What are the core values you would apply in your teaching?

  • That’s a difficult primary school teacher interview question, a difficult one.

  • We need to make sure that the core values you apply within your teaching are a match

  • for the expectations of the school.

  • So here's my answer.

  • The three core values I would apply whilst teaching would be inclusion, honesty and hard

  • work.

  • It is essential that all students are made to feel valued, appreciated and that their

  • education and development is important.

  • I would also make sure that the student’s parents are informed and kept up-to-date in

  • the progress of their child’s educational development.

  • In respect of honesty; it is crucial the right standards are met, especially when teaching

  • children of such a young influential age.

  • Finally, if you teach children the importance of hard work and determination through your

  • work as a teacher, this will have a positive impact on their future education and instil

  • the importance of working hard, and professionally, in everything you do.”

  • So that demonstrates that you have thought carefully about the values that you would

  • instil whilst teaching.

  • And I like the fact that you you've given three core values.

  • You're not just mentioning one or two, it’s three specific values.

  • And if you focus on those three, it will be easier for you to remember them when preparing

  • for your primary teacher interview.

  • Now, I've got two more questions to run through, so please do stick around.

  • Theyre difficult questions, but I'll give you great answers!

  • But if you want to download my full set of 21 primary school teacher interview questions

  • and top scoring answers, there's a link that's appeared in the top right hand corner of that

  • video.

  • Click it, when you're ready, and it will take you through to my website where you can download

  • the full set.

  • Next question: What do you think makes a good primary teacher?

  • Here’s my suggested answer.

  • “I believe there a number of things that all combine to make a good, competent Primary

  • Teacher.

  • These are making sure the students feel confident to speak during class where they can ask any

  • questions they want to.

  • This is important because, historically, students and pupils don’t always feel confident enough

  • to ask important questions, meaning they end up missing an important aspect of the lesson.

  • A good Primary Teacher will also understand that everyone learns at a different pace,

  • and on that basis, progress must be measured individually as opposed to being on a ‘whole

  • classbasis.

  • It is important that everyone progresses, but at a pace that is suitable and applicable

  • to their own style of learning and ability.

  • Finally, a good Primary Teacher makes lessons interesting, inclusive and enjoyable.

  • The more enjoyable education is, the more willing to learn the students will be.”

  • That’s a great answer to that question!

  • So, it demonstrates that you know what the role involves, but more importantly, how to

  • be a good primary teacher.

  • That's the important part.

  • Next question.

  • Tell me about a time when you received criticism about your style of teaching?

  • Now, this is a common primary teacher interview question, and the vast majority of people

  • would respond by saying – “I've never actually been criticized.”

  • And they think that is the right answer, to say that you've never been criticized.

  • But here is the correct way to answer this.

  • “I haven’t been criticized often; however, when I first started out in teaching an experienced

  • teacher who had been at the school for a long period of time was assessing me during my

  • first few lessons.

  • This was common practice at the school to make sure all teachers were not only adhering

  • to the school curriculum, but that their style of teaching was applicable to all students.

  • At the end of the first lesson, the teacher raised two important improvement areas with

  • me.

  • The first was the pace of teaching – I was basically too fast, and I needed to slow down.

  • The second area of improvement was the fact that I didn’t confirm the teaching points

  • often enough with the students.

  • I took the feedback onboard and started to implement these important aspects in future

  • lessons.

  • I am someone that, despite now being experienced as a Primary Teacher, is always looking to

  • improve and develop and I see constructive feedback as an important part of being maintaining

  • competence in my role.”

  • And that last bit is the important part.

  • You are someone who is open to feedback and constructive criticism because a lot of people,

  • not just teachers, find it difficult to take on board feedback if somebody criticizes them.

  • But as a primary teacher, you have to be open to learning and developing at all times because

  • the educational sector is changing all the time.

  • There are different ways to teach, and the expectations are really high.

  • So, being open to criticism is really important.

  • If you want to download my full set of 21 primary school teacher interview questions

  • answers, click that link below the video or the one in the top right-hand corner of the

  • screen, and it will take you through to my website ( and you can

  • download my full set of 21 cracking answers to difficult primary teacher interview questions!

  • Thank you very much for watching.

  • I hope you enjoyed that.

  • Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and click the LIKE button.

  • (Thank you).

  • Thank you very much.

  • Got questions?

  • Put them in the comments section below - but I wish you all the best for passing your primary

  • teacher interview.

  • Have a brilliant day!

Hello there, my name is Richard McMunn from the interview training company,


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プライマリー・ティーチャー・インタビューの質問と回答 (PASS YOUR PRIMARY SCHOOL Teacher Interview!) (PRIMARY TEACHER Interview Questions And Answers (PASS Your PRIMARY SCHOOL Teacher Interview!))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日