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  • graphics cards.

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  • All right, so we got some things to talk about here.

  • 5600 X t has now basically hit the market if you can't tell as of your sub boxes this morning, January 21st.

  • So technically, the launch day.

  • I don't know if they're gonna be on shelves as we speak, but we've got a new competition taking place between the $279.300 dollar price point.

  • Appoint a price point that was kind of left alone for a little bit.

  • The only things that got up there where the customs 16 60 t eyes, which was okay, because it was still cheaper than the cheapest 20 sixties that you could find.

  • But a CS two major announcements were made, obviously the 5660 and the 2060 ko.

  • What's an Arctic scarred, non super Ko and Kale Ultra from E V G.

  • Et The Ko name was a name that used back in the 9000 series, and prior to that, where it was kind of like a now they call things like SC or Super Clock and all that ko was the same kind of thing.

  • It was extra boost clocks, and that was kind of it.

  • So it's an ultra stripped down version of a 2060 a standard 2060.

  • So it's interesting because the $299 price point in this card made it extremely relevant to the $279 price point of the 5600 x t.

  • Because depending on the skewer you go with, you might hit 300 or more dollars.

  • The power color red dragon card that we have her here is a dual bios back plate custom PCB, which, by the way, they're all pretty much going to custom PCB is.

  • There's not like a reference design floating around out there for the retail.

  • It's all a be controlled with a M D, obviously supplying the cores and all that sort of stuff.

  • We'll start with a price discussion here first.

  • The 16 sixties tricks.

  • The tea ice tricks is a $304 card on new egg.

  • Right now that makes this card $20 more for $25 more than the M S.

  • R.

  • P of a 15 56 160.

  • The $299 2060 is obviously $5 cheaper than the 60 60 t I, which, you know this card will be faster than this card in every single way, even though it's a very bare bones basic cooler that looks like they stole right off their 16 60.

  • Be honest where the back plate.

  • So that makes this Carter Road.

  • But you're going to see this card in our in our testing because it's one of the fastest 16 62 guys that we had, and obviously it's relevant because of price point overlap.

  • So we're kind of showing you the best 16 60 t I versus, um, not the best 5600 extra experience you're gonna have because there is the Red Dragon or the Red Devil, which is a triple cooler card.

  • And there's other excuse out there.

  • They're higher than this one.

  • So this is more of a closer to M S R P card and then the cheapest 2060 on the market.

  • But it all changed at the last minute, as is normal with a MD reviews where typically it's Oh, by the way, guys, there's a new driver, which is something we're really used to.

  • But you know, we got to deal with on this one.

  • By the way, there's a new BIOS.

  • The bombshell of this card coming out, which was clearly a collaborative effort between the VJ and in video and video, had to have approved this design at this price point is M.

  • S R.

  • P and all that sort of stuff.

  • So in video had to be involved in the price point of this card, which was nothing more than a an attempt to steal sales from the 5600 x t to the 26.

  • That's business.

  • There's nothing weird about that.

  • There's nothing unethical about its competition.

  • It's what we've wanted.

  • If it gives us a faster car, did a cheaper price point.

  • We are winning and I'm going lower right now because my my stool is.

  • But what happened is that C.

  • E s.

  • We started seeing that all the performance figures versus the 2060 in the 16.

  • 60 t I that were taking place with the 5600 x t in a MD slides was now gonna not be nearly as relevant because they had pared this these two up 5600 X t versus 16.

  • 60 t i, and the 2016 on Super was always intended to compete with, like the 5700.

  • And then the 50 2060 Super was like the custom 5700 and 5760 was to compete with the 2070 and 2070 super.

  • So it all kind of changed because suddenly that's a more appropriate pairing when it comes to performance.

  • Now, let me caveat this with one thing.

  • There is only one skew on the market that has that price point of $299 trying to find it right now would probably be like a needle in a haystack because of $300.2060 is a hell of a bargain.

  • A performance, ah, price of performance bargain.

  • In fact, right now what?

  • We're editing this video.

  • We decided to kind of see what's going on with the pricing, because it's been a while since his card was announced.

  • It became available, and big surprise.

  • It is currently sold out on new egg as well as DVD.

  • His own website and some knucklehead up here is actually trying to sell one for 380 some odd dollars making the $319 Ko Ultra the cheapest car you concurrently get, making my fears exactly come to truth or took for mission, which is it's This is just a This is kind of just a paper marketing thing.

  • But number 2 a.m. D.

  • Responded by coming out with a performance increased bios, which were which raised power targets.

  • It raised memory speed.

  • It raised clock speed, and it raised, um, overall power draw of the 5660 to answer this.

  • So did it pay off?

  • Well, here's our veterans.

  • All right, So as you can see the 5600 ext.

  • Version that we have here from Power Color.

  • Now I would highly recommend you guys watch more than my review, obviously, because other reviewers got different samples to Prince cues to for brands in different bios, different boost tables.

  • Although A M.

  • D is really like putting a noose around the performance that you could do with these cards for obvious reasons, they don't want to step on the performance of a 57 100 because you're starting to get pretty close to the performance of that for a lot less, which would make, well, 5700 maybe less enticing people in this card.

  • Um, it has to fit in between there and still compete with now this new 2060.

  • So you can see by looking at the performance difference between the original bias, which, by the way, they were like, don't even tested 1,000,000 bother.

  • Who cares about that one?

  • Just do the new one.

  • Obviously, we're gonna test it.

  • We want to see what the changes were were not just be like, Okay, we'll just do it the way you say two in the a m.

  • D.

  • So I had some conversations with some anonymous people that I don't want anyone in trouble.

  • But I can say that some of the coolers are gonna be up to the new power draw and the new heat load that's gonna be happening with the higher power limit, which is up to 30.

  • I think 30 watts more than what originally shipped with this particular cooler, at least, is the exact same cooler that's found on the 5700 Red Dragon.

  • So there's no heat pipes removed.

  • There's not.

  • It's not like it looks the same, but it's all different.

  • Inside, it is literally a takeoff from the higher the bigger brother card with Maur uh, diet and harder chip put on here.

  • So this had no problems handling the extra temperature.

  • In fact, we saw only about a 10 degree delta between EJ temp and Junction temperature of like 60 and 70 and then the hottest title.

  • We saw 70 and 80 so it did a really good job, and that was with the fan curve that I was manually controlling.

  • I'll explain why in a second that may not be the case for all the skews out there If you've got a version that's trying to stay very close to M.

  • S, R.

  • P and is putting a basic cooler on there may be only one or two or no, no one has only one, maybe two or three heat pipes.

  • Sources like the five that are on here You might find that the temperatures creep up.

  • I'm sure the aye aye.

  • Bees are also increasing their fan curves to go along with the additional power drawing power limit to kind of keep up with that.

  • We all know the fan curve set from the factory or extremely conservative the edge of the air on the side of acoustics rather than performance.

  • So we know that the most of the time the fans are gonna have a lot more headroom where you'd be a little louder but will still stay plenty cool.

  • And as you could see at the 299 versus $289 price point, the 2060 might look like a better deal at $299.5600 x t.

  • Because it was edging this card out in just about every test.

  • A couple of them they really traded blows.

  • Some, like the 2060 really pulled ahead.

  • Hitman was a title.

  • We used to show on all of our benchmarks because it was a name.

  • Be title that favorite a M D.

  • S.

  • We could see how an NVIDIA card would perform on there and vice versa.

  • But we got some really strange And I mean strange things happening with this card on Hitman, where I was getting extremely inconsistent readings.

  • I would get 140 average, one test and then the next test get 120 then the next one and 136.

  • So it was all over the place.

  • Unfortunately, I had to throw it out.

  • I think obviously the 16.

  • 60 t i and a premium package like this is just now completely irrelevant.

  • You've got these two cards occupied that price point, but it doesn't end there because, like I said, try finding a 209 $9.2060 and stock summer and the fact that only one skew is at this price point.

  • If you really want to bring competition, you lower all the skews across the board.

  • You really do.

  • You make them all nmsr PF $300 then custom.

  • May I be boards being somewhere around 3 20 year whatever, which is like what the K Ultra is because we're gonna find as the median price is really more like $335 to $340 for 20 sixties, not a 2 99 price point, which makes then the 5600 x t obviously the value, because it's very close to the performance of a 2060 at nearly $50 less.

  • And that's significant when it comes to our experiences with this, though.

  • Like I said, we did both bios because I want to see what the improvement was, and I wanted to see what the temperatures were.

  • The power draw was and all of that prior to changing the bios.

  • So temperatures came up about 5 to 10 c.

  • I was seeing any Where's Lois, 50 C on the edge temp and 60 see on the junction prior to the BIOS change with a consistent fan curve.

  • I want to see how much that locked it.

  • Let's say 40% fan speed.

  • What locked at 40% would do after the change was about 10.

  • See the problem I have with this card?

  • The fans didn't turn on on their own.

  • For whatever reason, these fans failed to turn on.

  • If I went into afterburner, I could control the fans.

  • But if I just used if I just let am these radio on software do its thing, the card would melt down.

  • It would literally melt itself.

  • I finally would stop in about 100 c of it climbing where I would okay, stop the test, turn on the fans manually and watch it cool down.

  • And then the fan rpm reading was, what, 36,005 Whatever 53 65,006 which is filled with saying is That's the highest bit blah, blah, whatever that it could read.

  • But I'm hoping that the car's gonna be up to the task because my big concern with this is that by suddenly increasing all of the limits on something that was clearly designed within a certain spec range is now just been pushed another 10% or more as long as it all stays within spec of the V.

  • R.

  • EMS and the power delivery and the core design, and it doesn't hurt anything that I can tell you right now.

  • Then they should have had this bios all along.

  • The other thing is, if suddenly, in video is able to reduce the price point of 2060 down 22 99 when competition takes place.

  • And that means, obviously you're being kind of overcharged for this all along.

  • It's one of those things where at least we're seeing some competition taking place at a price point.

  • I think most people buy around the $300 price point.

  • 300 bucks is kind of.

  • I think that's in the upper tier of where a lot of people tend to spend the average consumer.

  • Of course, you have your die hards like me, which have always shop like 80 Siri's cards and hire 70 series and all that.

  • But 300 bucks is you're gonna hell of a card now for 300 bucks.

  • Okay, Jason, which card should I buy the 5600 x T or the Artie X 2060?

  • Well, that's gonna depend on a couple of things.

  • Honestly, can you get your hands on a 2060 ko at $299.

  • The 2060 gives you more consistent experience.

  • The drivers are much more frequent within video.

  • The drivers are are solid.

  • We rarely have driver problems with video.

  • AMG though I gotta tell you, this is the first time I've done a review with a nd where I didn't have weird, funky drivers that were being updated four times during the press release cycle, where we had to do all of our testing all over again.

  • It is the first time I ever had a BIOS update, though that meant I did you testing all over again?

  • The first card out there on shelves are not gonna have the updated bios.

  • You're going to get the lesser performance that we showed.

  • You're gonna have to go to Amy's website and they're gonna have to do the best they can to make sure they can hand hold everyone along the way of flashing their bios on this, which is very simple.

  • It's just a Windows utility.

  • You drag the you click the Rahman, it does it restart and you got to buy us.

  • It's really stupid foolproof, but that doesn't mean someone out there may not have some funky power failure in the middle of bios.

  • Flash.

  • If it's not a duel bios card like this, then it's Brick.

  • So that's risky.

  • My recommendation might be toe wait until they announce that all the cards have been flashed.

  • And then when you buy, you know, is the newest 1 16 60 t i.

  • There is no reason to buy this anywhere into this price point whatsoever.

  • $305 is more expensive that both of these cards and the slowest No.

  • One thing you do give up, though with the 2060 ko is monitor outputs you get one HCM I won Devi I and one display port whereas the 5600 x t at least the card we have has a more traditional single HTM I with three display port.

  • So if you're running a multi monitor config, you might want to consider the 5600 x t because of its superior monitor output.

  • Over clocking, though, is a whole different story.

  • So stay tuned for over clocking video though we talk about the power Lim Limited 2060 ko which is really what holds this card back because you get no extra power limit versus the additional power limit they give you on the BIOS.

  • Plus the additional 20% power limit you can get on this card changes a lot of things.

  • So guys watch more of the reviews.

  • This is one experience we had on a card that is giving us some weirdness but a really good idea of what the performance is gonna be like.

  • We all got different cards in different vendors, and they're gonna pay a bigger picture.

  • So don't just go.

  • Jay said.

  • Go out there and watch Kyle watch Paul Watch Steve watch Linus, Whoever does these reviews Enough.

  • Linus even does GP reviews anymore.

  • I think he's like, Yeah, better than GPS use wherever he sounds.

  • So whatever.

  • I love Linus.

  • That's besides the point, so I can't do his voice.

  • My voice is not go high enough.

  • You do it video fish, but guys, watch more reviews.

  • Get a better idea of how this card performs and you'll see some more about this in the future.

  • It's big news.

  • It's just I'm I hope they don't catch fire with all the additional.

  • They're they're they're turned into 11 guys.

  • All right, Thanks for watching.

graphics cards.


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A2 初級

私はまだ5600XTを買わないでしょう...その理由はここにあります。 (I wouldn’t buy a 5600XT just yet... here’s why)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日