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  • How's it going?

  • Good.

  • Are you doing today?

  • Good.

  • How could you got a rarest addition of game of Thrones book Looking to sell a rarest editions.

  • Rare sedition ever made.

  • Okay.

  • Winter has come, Rick.

  • I always see what you got.

  • Why would you read the book when you watch the TV show?

  • Because the book is generally better.

  • Voter.

  • I'm just both.

  • You can't look at police in the book.

  • I have a game of Thrones.

  • First Edition signed copy by George R.

  • R.

  • Martin.

  • I'm looking to get around $2500 today.

  • If I'm able to make a sale today, I'm gonna use that money to put towards my hobby, which is collecting high end sports cards.

  • I love the game of pounds.

  • Where'd you get it?

  • Ah, friend of mine had ah, money issues, and he was selling his collection of first edition books.

  • I'd seen the show.

  • New is massively popular.

  • Figured this was a good one.

  • To pick up the game of Thrones really is an amazing Siri's.

  • It'll go down in history as one of the most popular series ever produced.

  • Absolutely.

  • It looks like amazing condition.

  • You know, if it's the first printing of the first edition.

  • This is the first print of the first edition.

  • They made 500.

  • Ah, 52 words lettered 448.

  • We're number.

  • This is a numbered copy, and it has been properly stored since the day he got it.

  • So how much you want for this thing?

  • I'm looking for 2500.

  • All right, so I have no idea what this is worth.

  • I really don't.

  • And you want 2500 bucks, which is a lot for a modern bark.

  • So, um, let me give someone call.

  • Absolutely.

  • I'll be right back.

  • This is super cool.

  • It's amazing condition, but I just don't know the price on it.

  • So I've called in Rebecca, because when it comes to the game of books, she is definitely the queen.

  • So who was, like, the really big, mean guy?

  • The hound?

  • Yeah.

  • Are you talking about a book?

  • Yes.

  • Well, TV show.

  • Okay.

  • Sorry.

  • I, uh I don't know if I'd read the book.

  • You should read the book.

  • I mean, is there an audio version?

  • Yes.

  • Oh, I'm all it'll take forever to get through.

  • I've got a lot of time Okay, but this book, this book is pretty cool.

  • It's It's signed by the author.

  • 452 numbered 52 letters.

  • All right, What I'm about to say is not gonna surprise you at all, but I'm a fantasy nerd, and so I've got a lot of things to say about this.

  • Okay, this was really a big deal in the fantasy genre, because it's very, uh, brutal.

  • You have the first printing intended.

  • Six.

  • This edition comes out like, right the turn of century.

  • So you have essentially 4001.

  • All of the the illustrations air from 2000.

  • So this was not really the first edition of this is not the first edition.

  • Okay?

  • It is what we call a signed a limited edition.

  • So signed, signed by the author and by the illustrators, and it's limited III.

  • There were only 500 copies total.

  • This is number 2 57 Some people consider this book the Holy Grail of Game of Thrones collecting the first printing.

  • There were decent amount of copies at least of the U.

  • S.

  • Printing, and so you can still kind of get that.

  • But this, you know, You know, there are only 448 copies floating around, and there are a lot more fans than that.

  • So when this first comes out, it was sold for $250.

  • It's worth a lot more than that now.

  • Okay, so what is it worth?

  • I know that copies of this cell for 4500 I know you can get that.

  • Um, you could get more, though.

  • You could legitimately put the price up 3500 4000.

  • See what happens?

  • Because right now people want this.

  • Alright, Thanks.

  • All right, take care.

  • All right.

  • So what's your bottom line out?

  • Uh, says 2500 is where it's at.

  • Could go a lot higher.

  • I think it's really fair price, considering how popular the show goes.

  • Right around 2500.

  • If I'm lucky on my bill, get more.

  • You know what?

  • I give you 50 Another box.

  • It's more than any other book deal is gonna give you.

  • I think it's a pretty safe bet with how popular the show is.

  • It's still a bad 2000 would be your 1500 Bucks.

  • 1800.

  • I'll give you 60 Niner box.

  • Penny Bar.

  • You got a deal.

  • Sweet.

  • We'll go right up.

  • Just leave it right here.

  • You never do anything.

  • Harrison's always pay their debts.

How's it going?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ポーン・スターズゲーム・オブ・スローンズ限定版 サイン本(シーズン16)|ヒストリー (Pawn Stars: Game Of Thrones Limited Edition Signed Book (Season 16) | History)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日