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  • [music playing]

  • NARRATOR: The White House, June 18, 2018.

  • At a meeting of the National Space Council,

  • President Donald J. Trump calls on the Pentagon

  • to develop a sixth branch of the United

  • States military, a space force.

  • I'm hereby directing the Department of Defense

  • and Pentagon to establish a space force as the sixth branch

  • of the Armed Forces.

  • That's a big statement.

  • [applause]

  • NARRATOR: The stunning news was followed 10 days later

  • by the announcement that President Trump and Russian

  • President Vladimir Putin would have

  • a private behind-closed-doors meeting the following month.

  • Is it possible that these two high-profile events

  • were strategically related?

  • If both nations are aware that there's

  • an extraterrestrial presence and that it is potentially hostile,

  • then cooperation is the only route to go.

  • It's the only way that we could actually

  • achieve some sort of mutual defense of the planet Earth.

  • This one-on-one between Trump and Putin may just be

  • the latest in a long line of secret high-level

  • communications between the world leaders,

  • and it may be that things like the creation

  • of the space force show that there's been an escalation.

  • Well, the reason you create a force of any kind

  • is to deal with a threat.

  • We're reaching the point in our civilization

  • here on Earth that we're beginning to send probes,

  • and maybe even soon people, throughout the solar system,

  • maybe even into deeper space.

  • NARRATOR: As far as ancient astronaut theorists

  • are concerned, the US-Russia relationship in space

  • is the direct result of an extraordinary agenda,

  • not on the part of world leaders,

  • but by an extraterrestrial intelligence, an intelligence

  • that believes that each nation has the unique ability

  • to complement the other's strengths and weaknesses,

  • and that outer space should be explored not as a function

  • of competition, but as the result

  • of mankind's shared need to fulfill its ultimate destiny.

  • In actuality, the idea of space race

  • is not correct because there were never space race.

  • It was a cooperation which had to be kept secret for a while.

  • But sooner or later, you could see fruits of such cooperation.

  • We actually have to work together

  • and explore together and cooperate together

  • to prevent any danger to Earth.

  • NARRATOR: As humans prepare for their journey

  • to Mars and beyond, they will become

  • the extraterrestrial visitors of other worlds.

  • And if ancient astronaut theorists are correct,

  • their journey will have been aided by alien visitors who

  • see our planet not as a number of warring nations,

  • but as a launching pad filled with people eager to explore

  • an amazing universe.

  • [music playing]

[music playing]


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

古代宇宙人:宇宙を探検するアメリカ宇宙軍(シーズン13)|歴史 (Ancient Aliens: US SPACE FORCE to Explore Universe (Season 13) | History)

  • 1 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日