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  • - I'm Nick Jonas and this is everything I do "In A Day".

  • [soothing music]

  • [bell rings] I wake up anytime

  • from around six a.m. to about six p.m.

  • If it's a six a.m. kind of day,

  • usually I'm awoken by my alarm, which I set two alarms:

  • one at the time I need to be up,

  • and one three minutes after the time I need to be up.

  • The sound of the alarm is what wakes me up in the morning.

  • Music is too soothing.

  • I listen to music, actually, while I'm sleeping.

  • Max Richter, Sleep songs.

  • Great album.

  • My most listened album on Spotify, actually,

  • 'cause I listen to it every night.

  • I have pretty vivid dreams

  • and then I like to go and look up what they mean.

  • So most of my first Google searches of the day are

  • what does this dream mean?

  • Was I dreaming about an organ?

  • Not an organ in the body

  • but a musical organ. [organ music]

  • I'm sorta like a spring-outta-bed kinda guy.

  • I run right into the bathroom, use the restroom,

  • and then look in the mirror, and look at the damage.

  • I take into account all of what happened the day before,

  • the night before, and see how this affected my general face.

  • I brush my teeth first.

  • Not a lot of people do this in the morning,

  • and we can tell.

  • Make sure you do that, please.

  • I take about 12 1/2 minutes in the shower.

  • Some days, I'm running behind, it's more like 2 1/2.

  • I apply some moisturizing facial cream

  • that also has caffeine in it.

  • So it awakes the skin and it's soothing, too.

  • It's a cooling cream.

  • I then take a similar eye roller,

  • and I go like this under each eye,

  • and then I do just the corners up here.

  • Following that, I will apply lip balm.

  • I then take my cologne,

  • and do a spritz here, a spritz here,

  • and a spritz in the center

  • so that I can reapply after my clothes are on.

  • Following that, the first thing I do

  • is I dry off the remaining parts of my body

  • that are potentially still wet.

  • I blow dry my hair.

  • And then once that's done, I take my ring off.

  • I don't like the hair product in the ring.

  • I pull the product out.

  • First, I'll get forward with it,

  • and then up with it, and then like that,

  • and then I exit the bathroom.

  • I then grab some underwear,

  • preferably clean underwear, then put on some socks.

  • It's either no-show socks,

  • those, no-shows,

  • or it's long socks.

  • And if I put the long socks on

  • and I realize I should have been wearing short socks,

  • I get really frustrated.

  • And I have to then get back in bed, reset the alarm,

  • and just wait 'til the next day to get it right.

  • So basically, socks are the most important part of my day.

  • I sometimes turn on SportsCenter

  • and I'll watch the highlights.

  • I'll get the Top 10 in.

  • I love when there's a quirky Top 10 play,

  • something about like a penguin kicking a soccer ball,

  • or it usually has to do with a cat running

  • on the baseball field.

  • That's the kinda content I'm into.

  • If I don't find it on SportsCenter, I go to my feed.

  • And I look through there

  • looking for a funny cat video or dog video.

  • My Instagram feed is an important part of my day.

  • Probably lying if I said it's not one of the first things

  • I look at in the morning.

  • And then, emails.

  • I have a lot more junk emails than important emails.

  • I also have a dog now which is new,

  • so in some cases, I will sacrifice my morning television

  • or Instagram feed time to try and stitch up

  • whatever pillow he's decided to destroy that morning

  • or clean up whatever accident he's had in the house,

  • the joys of being a dog owner.

  • The gym for me is either in the morning,

  • while I'm fasting,

  • or I'll work out in the afternoon if there's a window.

  • And in that case, it's usually some kind of sport

  • or physical activity where it's a workout

  • but combined with something that I really enjoy.

  • So that can be anything from golfing,

  • playing some baseball,

  • kicking a ball around backstage at the venue,

  • or playing tennis.

  • I really like tennis.

  • And then I either make myself a cup of coffee

  • or I go to the nearest Starbucks, politely ask the barista,

  • may I have an iced Americano,

  • or potentially a hot Americano,

  • depending on the season and the temperature,

  • or if I feel like mixing things up,

  • I might do a cappuccino.

  • After the coffee, I get into some kind of vehicle,

  • and I drive to a location.

  • The location can be anything

  • from a recording studio or a meeting.

  • In one of these scenarios,

  • I'm in the car and I'm drinking the coffee

  • and I'm listening to a musical theater show.

  • I like listening to musical theater in the morning

  • 'cause it makes me feel at peace and inspired.

  • I will finish the coffee

  • and look at my watch over and over again

  • to think about when my intermittent fast will be over.

  • I will then think about what I'm going to have for food.

  • And in most cases, it's some kind of greens with a protein,

  • and I'll think about that for four hours.

  • [clock rustling]

  • And then lunch usually comes at about 12:30, 12:45.

  • And I eat the boring meal that I've allowed myself to eat

  • thinking about how much better an Italian hero with turkey,

  • with ham, salami, lettuce, pickles, olives, oil and vinegar,

  • and a bit of oregano would have been.

  • And I think about that until dinner comes

  • and I still don't eat the meal that I wanted to eat.

  • I eat this other shitty meal

  • that I'll feel better about in the morning.

  • Immediately, after lunch,

  • I will, most times, go back onto my phone and call someone.

  • The priority list is my wife,

  • obviously, if I'm not with her,

  • one of my brothers, probably my little brother

  • that I don't see that much, or my parents.

  • And then after that,

  • this is the real exciting part of the day,

  • I get to the venue.

  • It's a show day.

  • I sit down and I have,

  • waiting for me in my dressing room, two things:

  • a bunch of posters that I have to sign that day,

  • and it ranges from 50 to 1,000 posters,

  • depending on the day,

  • which pretty heavy workload.

  • But then next to that is a little treat

  • and it's ants on a log:

  • celery, almond butter, raisins.

  • And I eat about six of those

  • which takes me about 4 1/2 minutes.

  • And at this point, I will make myself a drink

  • and it's either going to be Villa One reposado

  • with a little club soda and an orange wedge,

  • or I'll drink a cold and refreshing Coors light,

  • sort of a combination of my childhood,

  • memories of my childhood with an ants on a log,

  • and adult things.

  • And then I just go and I meet a lot of people.

  • We have meet-and-greets,

  • and I meet like 400 people, maybe,

  • and I say, hello, how are you?

  • Thanks so much for coming.

  • I hope you enjoy the show.

  • Let's take a picture.

  • They leave and we do that about 450 times.

  • I have dinner just after the meet-and-greet.

  • So I come back to the room

  • and usually, it's a grilled chicken, some vegetables,

  • maybe a little brown rice,

  • or it will be a salmon or something.

  • And there are times,

  • and this is mostly on days off, where I indulge.

  • In those cases, I'll have a chicken Parmesan,

  • or gnocchi pesto, Indian food.

  • I love Indian food and Greek food.

  • Pizza.

  • I love all food basically.

  • This point, I turn on some Bollywood hits,

  • and I listen very loud.

  • I get loose, a couple dance moves,

  • and find that the energy of the music,

  • the drums, everything really inspires me

  • and gets me excited.

  • I will then, at times, post one of these.

  • I'll be doing a dance and getting ready for the show.

  • So I get back to my room, I change into my show threads.

  • Louis Vuitton is the designer I work with

  • for this part of the tour,

  • so I throw that on.

  • I then reapply the hydrating gel awakening cream

  • both to my face and to my under eyes.

  • I do another spritz of cologne.

  • I put my in-ear monitors in,

  • I do one more dance

  • to one of the Bollywood songs I'm playing.

  • I walk to the prayer circle.

  • We say a prayer or give thanks to a higher power.

  • So everyone speaks from their heart

  • about what they're thankful for and shows gratitude.

  • We then say this thing where we go,

  • when does happiness begin?

  • And we say, right now,

  • and then we walk to the stage.

  • And at this point,

  • I will walk into my little cubby under the stage

  • and I will apply this throat spray,

  • that's sort of is like a glycerine for your throat.

  • It makes you feel really good.

  • I walk up to this platform

  • which then lifts up in the air.

  • I give a couple fist bumps to people,

  • and we do the show.

  • Post-show, I get in the car.

  • I think about the fans,

  • how grateful I am that they are with us

  • and still with us,

  • and then I play this game with my brothers

  • which I invented called Toronto.

  • It's a fun dice game and it's very simple.

  • One day, I will share it with the world the rules,

  • but it's not quite there yet,

  • so you'll thank me once you play this game.

  • And then, I like to go out.

  • I'm a very social butterfly.

  • Spend a lot of time with my brothers, obviously,

  • but outside of that,

  • lots of friends here in L.A. and New York

  • that I like to spend time with, and of course, Priya.

  • My family has grown quite a bit.

  • Priyanka's family will come

  • and cook great Indian Food for us as well

  • so it's really nice,

  • especially if we're in the Northeast.

  • My routine when my wife is around

  • is far more interesting and better.

  • My life is more enriched, my life is better as a whole.

  • I get home, we have some time,

  • we'll put on a movie,

  • maybe a Netflix show that we're watching.

  • We got our dogs now so some cuddle time is important.

  • If I'm not with Priyanka,

  • I will call her for sure and say,

  • this is all what happened today.

  • At this point, I will have get back to my room,

  • whether I'm at home or in a hotel,

  • put SportsCenter back on hoping for some more funny content.

  • If there's not that,

  • if it's more Lebron James highlights,

  • I go, cool, that was just like yesterday.

  • Before I go to bed, I will wash my face,

  • I will apply, yes, ultra moisturizing cream,

  • and sometimes even the Tom Ford serum.

  • It's just a simple oily serum

  • which is really nice to rejuvenate the skin.

  • I will brush my teeth for approximately 70 seconds,

  • do a little spit spit, rinse, reapply the lip moisture.

  • My bed attire is basically just my boxer briefs,

  • and that's it.

  • I get really warm when I sleep so I have to keep it light.

  • Basically, I plug my phone in

  • and I sleep starting on the left side,

  • and then by the time I wake up,

  • I'm usually on my right side.

  • But I sleep very well.

  • I sleep hard.

  • It takes a lot to wake me up.

  • And I repeat this everyday.

  • This is my existence.

- I'm Nick Jonas and this is everything I do "In A Day".


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ニック・ジョナスが一日にすることのすべて|ヴァニティ・フェア (Everything Nick Jonas Does in a Day | Vanity Fair)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日