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  • COREY HARRISON: What do we got?

  • TERRY: I got a couple of guitars for you.

  • DC Comics, John Bolin, Batman and Joker guitars, a set.

  • COREY HARRISON: Oh, wow!

  • TERRY: And this one is even more impressive, the Joker!

  • COREY HARRISON: I didn't know the Joker had played guitar.

  • [cackling]

  • Cool!

  • John Bolin, I mean, he basically became the guy,

  • if you wanted a bad ass custom guitar, that you went to.

  • And this guy's got a really interesting story.

  • He went down and apprenticed to, I

  • believe it was Gibson or one of them,

  • and decided that that's what he wanted to do with his life.

  • And he started making custom-made acoustics

  • for his friends and friends of friends.

  • And then one day, he ended up making

  • one for some folk singer.

  • And then Billy Gibbons from the ZZ Top

  • is what really, really put him on the map.

  • And then I think he made them for just

  • about everybody that wanted a really high-end, custom guitar.

  • TERRY: Right.

  • COREY HARRISON: When it comes to making custom guitars,

  • Bolin is a guy you go to.

  • And everybody from Joe Perry to Steve Miller

  • have had this guy make them for him.

  • So if this is legit, we're not looking at your average guitar

  • here.

  • But Batman and Joker, I didn't know that he made them, though.

  • TERRY: The cool thing about the Joker

  • is it also has this little chip in it.

  • And if you push this button when it's

  • all hooked up to an amplifier, you push it,

  • and the Joker laughs.

  • It's a-ha ha ha ha ha ha, really cool!

  • COREY HARRISON: That is cool.

  • Yeah, that's unique.

  • COREY HARRISON: Yeah, ever since the success of the "Star Wars"

  • and how much money they made from licensing stuff,

  • every movie they could license out stuff did.

  • And with the Batman stuff, you know,

  • there's no exception there.

  • I just didn't know that they would be Bolin guitars.

  • Kind of unique, right?


  • So what are you looking to get for him?

  • I want to get $15,000 for them.

  • OK.

  • For the pair?

  • TERRY: For the pair.

  • OK.

  • This is a little out of my realm, I got to tell you, man.

  • We're talking about really high-end guitars

  • in a really niche market.

  • And it just would make me a little more comfortable

  • if I called a buddy of mine to come

  • down and take a look at them.

  • Understood. COREY HARRISON: All right.

  • Why don't you hang out, and I'll be back in a little bit.

  • Sounds good.

  • When he called for an expert, I thought

  • it was great because I think that these guitar

  • speak for themselves.

  • I know I have all my paperwork done.

  • And the guitars are solid.

  • [phone ringing]

  • JESSE AMOROSO: Hey, what's up, man?

  • COREY HARRISON: Hey, what's up, Jesse.

  • I got-- I got two guitars, a John Bolin Batman and Joker--

  • I don't know--

  • I don't really know much about them.

  • Do you think you can come down and take a look at them?

  • JESSE AMOROSO: Well, if you're legit,

  • they're probably anywhere from--

  • for the pair $7,500 to $8,500.

  • But, you know, I can't make it down there.

  • But I got--

  • I got somebody that can come down there.

  • I'll send him down your guys' way.

  • COREY HARRISON: Right on, man. I appreciate it.

  • JESSE AMOROSO: Cool, man. No problem, dude.

  • I'll talk to you soon.

  • All right, bye.

  • Jesse sent me John Bolin.

  • Oh wow, John Bolin, OK?

  • The John Bolin?

  • I am.

  • TERRY: Wow!

  • JOHN BOLIN: Looks like a couple of my guitars here.

  • TERRY: What a treat!

  • COREY HARRISON: Well, I guess you'd

  • be the guy to talk to about these then, wouldn't you?

  • Yeah.

  • I made these 26 years ago.


  • JOHN BOLIN: My name is John Bolin.

  • And I'm the owner of Bolin Guitars.

  • And I'm a guitar maker, known as a luthier.

  • My buddy, Jesse, knew I was in town, gave me a call.

  • And he said, hey, you won't believe this.

  • They've got a pair of your Batman

  • and Joker at a pawn shop.

  • You got to go down and see them.

  • They are absolutely beautiful, my lord!

  • Pretty much-- looks to me like they're unplayed.

  • COREY HARRISON: So how did this will all come about?

  • Well, it started with the Batman.

  • This was to celebrate the "Batman" movie.

  • And we did the prototype.

  • And at that point, we make a lot of guitars for ZZ Top.

  • And the word got out to Billy that we were doing this.

  • And he's like, oh, I have got the perfect design

  • for the Joker.

  • COREY HARRISON: So Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top designed this?

  • JOHN BOLIN: He did.

  • COREY HARRISON: That's awesome, man.

  • I brought an amp out.

  • I'm kind of curious to hear the Joker laugh.

  • [joker laughs menacingly]

  • JOHN BOLIN: It's a seven-second loop, so you--

  • [joker laughs again]

  • COREY HARRISON: OK, that's pretty cool.

  • So, I mean, you're the guy to ask.

  • Are they legit?

  • JOHN BOLIN: Oh yeah, absolutely.


  • Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

  • I think my fingernail marks are on there somewhere.


  • I really appreciate you coming down.

  • Thank you very much. - You're welcome.

  • Thank you. TERRY: Thank you, sir.

  • Terry, nice to meet you.

  • Nice to meet you, Corey.

  • COREY HARRISON: So, you wanted $15,000.

  • Bad news is I can't have John Bolin

  • give me the price of the guitars because he built him.

  • And I'm sure to him they're priceless.

  • TERRY: OK.

  • COREY HARRISON: So I did talk to my buddy on the phone.

  • And he told me that they'd probably retail

  • for about $7,500 for the pair.

  • We're so far off--

  • I mean, you went $15,000.

  • I mean, I'll go $7,500 for them.

  • TERRY: I know a Batman sold for $7,500 by itself once.

  • I definitely would not sell them for $7,500.

  • Yeah.

  • And that's going to be the most I can pay.

  • But I really appreciate it, man.

  • It was fun.

  • Yeah, it was.

  • Thanks so much.

  • COREY HARRISON: If you hurry up, you

  • might be able to catch him and get him to sign them

  • for you out there if you want. - Thank you.

  • COREY HARRISON: Take care.

  • TERRY: There's no way I can take $7,500.

  • I've seen one alone sell for $7,500.

  • I'm going to hop in the Batmobile and head out of here.

COREY HARRISON: What do we got?


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ポーンスターズ。ボリンバットマンギター(シーズン13)のローボールオファー|歴史 (Pawn Stars: Lowball Offer for Bolin Batman Guitars (Season 13) | History)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日