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  • I'm not gonna use any soul.

  • Guess what.

  • Used most amazing.

  • No, you know, I love scrambled egg.

  • So throughout this series, what we have done has done the most amazing comeback.

  • What we're gonna do now A beautiful how Why?

  • It's beautiful, their hand dives.

  • Trust me now from there.

  • Take out the shelf underneath and then literally on pounds, you pound that out, literally boxing class from them from their little slices now pounding it like that tenderizes it.

  • So slicing super fit.

  • You want to get a nice bit of color?

  • Told me this has to be one of the most delicious sort of abba known sort after from that.

  • So having the seizing ready first, they would touch a line before it comes out.

  • So teii super quick, come to the amazing stone toilet, get a super home.

  • You need to be really quick and I mean quick.

  • Uh huh.

  • You got my deal, but okay.

  • From scrambled eggs ever.

  • Of course.

  • Let's go exit.

  • Yeah, Come on, X truck.

  • I'm not gonna use any soul.

  • Guess what Used most amazing.

  • Just a touch like that.

  • Shut up.

  • I use that Then from there season, he's gonna absolutely give That would've left in there.

  • And she goes, That's it.

  • No, she's ready.

  • But you but partners touch.

  • Go in, give a little mix up.

  • Throw that.

  • Yeah.

  • Super Bowl.

  • Clean that down.

  • Come from, huh?

  • Sure.

  • Absolutely melted already.

  • Smell that useful?

  • 30 seconds on.

  • 30 seconds off its furnace.

  • Is that egg stuff?

  • Now what?

  • Okay, I just cool down season.

  • Why bracket you and then from that back on, what a touch of cream touch that it was Super quick back into those beautiful shells.

  • Now, I've made a lot of scrambled egg.

  • In my time.

  • This has been one of most glamorous 35 million of you down to rest, but I recommend it.

  • How?

  • Trust me way.

  • Finally, that's all.

  • Voice come together?

  • How?

  • Uh, scrambled eggs, right?

  • She's shy.

  • Oh, my God.

  • So seize my little bit of seaweed.

  • Chop the power up sergeant very quickly and then literally finished with such power.

  • Thanks.

  • I think you know it's amazing how taste that.

  • How is fine, huh?

I'm not gonna use any soul.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ゴードン・ラムジーはニュージーランドでアワビのスクランブルエッグを作ります。 (Gordon Ramsay Makes Abalone Scrambled Eggs In New Zealand | Scrambled)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日