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you have gotten yourself Jack for a role.
And this photo?
I don't know if we have it.
I think we have.
It's it's been everywhere, huh?
Are just a wall of muscle.
Now, do you feel stronger?
Do you actually feel like superhero strong now?
These muscles air, decorative.
They don't do anything.
You really don't?
Emily will be like, Can you open this jar for me?
I'm like, probably not Now.
How did fans respond when you revealed I Camille, Non Johnny, Now have this physique.
People expect me to be different, and I'm really not.
I'm just I am slightly less interesting because I do talk about working out a lot.
Yeah, and I'm slightly less funny, right?
Other than that, no, ma'am.
Guy, Same guy, Same guy.
Do people get intimidated by you now?
Know, because of my voice, one guy was like, I wish his voice would get a six pack.
You You are honored that they put you pornhub put you in the muscular man category.
They did your and this is a true story.
You were in the pornhub muscular men under the category.
Yeah, it was mature mellf and then muscular man.
And it was a picture of me on, and they gave me a 10 year free subscription to porn.
Have premium.
You know, I just say I love the way the crowd reacted to that They were excited.
They reacted as if you had been terminally ill.
And then suddenly you announce you're cured, and it was about a 10 year subscription.
I I will say, you know, because people are like, Why do you need to pay for poor?
And I don't.
I do not work for Pornhub.
They have not paid me to say this, right, But Andy does.
Andy, I am furious right now.
I got a three, a three year premium.
I'll share my log in with you.
Just have to coordinate.
All right, I get it.
So they don't like together?
I'm open minded, but I don't need I get it again.
Are you free?
Thursday I would be like, I'll text you that k.
Stay off it for the next 5 to 7 minutes.
I must get a category.
So you have access to a whole new world like free porn is good, but when you go to premium.
I could develop fetishes crazy ones over the next 10 years, and I know I'll be taken care of, right?
There's a lot.
I have no idea.
Like what's happening on premium porn?
They have to explain it to you?
Wouldn't I just picture the same stuff's happening?
But they're all wearing, like, really nice hat feet are slightly more petty.
Uh, this is nice you gotten Put it.
It's nice.
Not that this'll.
Next thing I was going to say you were invited to join, uh uh, visit times 100 Most influential Peoples list.
Yeah, I waas on.
You also asked to join the academy?
I'm the movie academy.
The movie academy, which was great.
And the time thing, which was great.
They pick 100 people every year and again, people were upset.
They were like Camaro set that you're in there.
They were like camels on the list.
And Vladimir Putin isn't on the list.
I'm like, I don't wanna piss him off.
It should be him, not me.
Yeah, I'm a fan.
You know what that is?
Our That is our Putin camera bythe one that goes right to him.
great work, man.
Yeah, keep at it.
You have a fan.
So, uh well, there were people, like people.
You said that people were upset that like, Hey, if you're on a list, I would think it makes sense, because the minute you're on a list, there are people that are angry.
Well, why you and not that other person?
Yeah, there's always Honestly, I I agree with them.
I I should not beyond I don't agree.
I think you should be on the list.
Thank you.
I think you're right.
I'm not just saying you're a very influential.
You are.
You're you've got a big following you, but, uh, you know Ah, you know, a big part of the community.
I'm just throwing out what you're really like.
Yes, Bottom of the barrel there.
You're a big part of the community, a human being.
You're a person you have a you inhabit or you have parents that care about.
You know, I'm you have had a very successful career, and I think you should be one of the things you I just realized My parents are gonna watch this and know that I have a 10 year subscription to partner up.
I guess it Dad's gonna visit now.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Mr Non, Johnny, but it's a known fact.
I wish you could have seen what I saw was just, like, two feet away.
Couldn't going.
Dad's gonna visit now and then.
Eyebrows didn't think that was the creepiest thing I've ever seen.
Dad's gonna visit, you know, maybe you were right to cancel.
Last, very locked the doors.
Dad's gonna visit.
It's also nice to that.
He has a reason not to visit you or anything, but like what?
He's got porn, man.
Whatever work I take it.
Yeah, yeah, I miss him.
Let's talk about Dad free porn.
What's about what about little America?
I think it's an amazing project on.
And I'm very excited for you.
You're the executive producer of the show Little America.
And, uh, this is, I guess your effort project to get people to relate to the immigrant struggle with that tough segway pulled off very well from or to the lives of immigrants.
Hey, everybody, you're there are immigrants that have gotten their start important.
You went back.
You went back and try across the bridge.
Went back and jumped off.
It's a job.
I tried to get in that job.
That is true.
It is a job, right?
And they work hard.
Um, immigrants do too.
Um, I don't think the show will air.
I have a strong feeling that none of this will air that.
They're going to show a farm report from the 19 eighties from Iowa.
So the light What sweet revenge for To get on you for not showing up last time Way go.
Well, I guess the little America is It shows an anthology use show.
So every episode is completely different and they're based on rials stories of immigrants to America.
Um, and the dramatized versions, you know, they're like actors.
And Wei wrote him and change the story a little bit, but, um, yeah, all eight of them are completely different.
Completely different towns.
There's, you know, people from Syria.
Um, it's like all over the world.
Iran, um, India.
And just very, very proud of the show.
It's Ah, it's on Apple TV.
Plus, I think you know, I have many times just living in.
You can live in any city in the United States and experiences.
But in Los Angeles, when I encounter people who have come here +34 years ago, some of them not speaking the language and there reinventing their lives, they're reinventing who are in this foreign country.
I'm so blown away, and when I talk to them, I think I don't know that I I don't know that I could do that.
I grew up here and I'm the Ben.
I'm the beneficiary of so many events and you hear about these people and it is That's why I think this project is such a great idea.
And, you know, I have spoken to so many people.
You meet somebody like I was talking to this old gentleman and he waas a chemist where he was from, and now he was driving a cab, you know?
So I think a lot of immigrants, when they move, you sort of take a head so that the next generation can have the life that they want for their Children.
So, uh, yeah, it's ah, it's a tough thing coming to a place where you might not speak the language and where your identity is not as valued, you know, I feel like it's sort of a tricky time for immigrants in America.
Did you have?
How old were you when you were 18?
You were 18.
Yeah, that's a very that's a very young formative age to come here.
That must have been tricky.
Yeah, it waas, but again, You know, I was very lucky in that.
My experience waas I came from college, so I was in a bubble.
I was cushioned, do you know?
And so my experience was not as as difficult as it could have been.
So I feel I feel very grateful, but, um, yes.
So these all these these stories where I find them very inspirational, you know?
And I think the I feel, you know, I've always felt there are the people who sort of have It's a divisive issue, obviously the issue of immigration and I feel like those people who are anti immigration I'm like you were born here.
These people chose to come here.
They thought to be here in a way, you know, they're more American.
I'm the most American man.
Here is what I'm saying.
Doesn't really sound like, Well, we're out of time and he's from Switzerland.
That's right.
I'm all cheese.