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[music playing]
What happens to us after we die?
Do our memories or our personalities,
everything that makes us who we are--
does it all just disappear?
Or do we have a consciousness, a soul that lives on?
Well, that is what we'll try and find out.
[music playing]
WILLIAM SHATNER: Richmond, Virginia, September 5th, 2005--
David Schwartz goes to the hospital
to be treated for what he believes
is a nagging ear infection.
But in fact, his illness is much, much worse.
DAVID SCHWARTZ: I checked myself into the emergency room.
That was Monday afternoon.
And by Tuesday afternoon, I was in a coma.
My kidneys were shut down.
All of my organs were failing.
And the blood flow was lost to my brain stem
as well, which would have meant brain death.
They told my mom and my dad that, really,
that I had a limited amount of time left.
WILLIAM SHATNER: With their son facing certain death
due to kidney failure, David's parents were willing to try
anything that might help him.
So they reached out to Scarlett Heinbuch, a woman who
after having a near-death experience in childhood
claimed to be gifted with incredible healing powers.
SCARLETT HEINBUCH: When I walked in David's hospital room
for the first time, I knew he was near death.
He was unconscious, and I took his hand.
And I was standing right by his bedside when, all of a sudden,
I was out of my body in another realm.
He was hovering there, and there was the soul connection.
And I felt him with every fiber of my being,
and he made a decision at that point to come back.
DAVID SCHWARTZ: When I first awoke and saw Scarlett,
I had the sense that I knew who she was
and I knew everything about her.
SCARLETT HEINBUCH: David looked up at me.
And all of a sudden, the next thing I was aware of
was that I was seeing four beings.
They were tall, and they were colored blue.
I saw them manifesting a set of kidneys, if you will.
I saw the kidneys being dropped into his body.
David's recovery after that was so stunning
that the doctors and nurses at this hospital
called him "miracle boy."
DAVID SCHWARTZ: When I came out of the coma,
it was absolutely because we had an experience.
I don't know what happened there.
But I do know that it happened, because the doctors told me
that they didn't have an explanation
as to why I was making the recovery that I was making.
WILLIAM SHATNER: Today, David Schwartz
has two fully functioning kidneys,
and both he and Scarlett Heinbuch
have no doubt in their minds that it
was the powerful connection between their souls
that saved David's life.