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  • In this American English pronunciation video,

  • were going to focus on placement in American English.

  • Did you get a chance to look over those transcripts?

  • I did. Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it.

  • No problem.

  • This video is a placement exercise, and it’s going to get a little weird.

  • The fun thing about this is were totally playing with language.

  • >> Yeah. >> I mean like, this is cracking us up.

  • Absolutely, yeah!

  • But stick with me. Placement refers to where in your body the vibrations of your voice are happening.

  • Sometimes the difference in the sound of the voice is subtle, and sometimes more obvious.

  • I’m going to say a phrase with three different placements:

  • That’s so weird.

  • That’s so weird.

  • That’s so weird.

  • That’s so weird.

  • That’s so weird.

  • For American English, I always try to get my students to bring the resonance down.

  • Very low, very relaxed.

  • Uhhhh is the feeling of placement I want them to imitate.

  • Uhhh....

  • In this video, Tom and I are going to have a short conversation.

  • Then well go back over it, phrase by phrase, and copy the intonation, but just on uh.

  • This seems silly,

  • but it is literally something we do with our students to bring the focus to placement.

  • When you take out the actual words, it’s easier to focus on placement

  • and other qualities of the voice.

  • Do it out loud with us.

  • The sound were using is the UH as in BUTTER vowel.

  • Everything in the mouth and face is relaxed.

  • Uhhhuhhh.

  • First, the conversation.

  • Did you get a chance to look over those transcripts?

  • I did. Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it.

  • No problem.

  • How long did it take?

  • About 10 hours altogether.

  • Okay, that’s not bad.

  • It was fine.

  • Now let’s break it down, phrase by phrase.

  • Well listen to each phrase, and repeat it back with the same placement and intonation,

  • but on the sounduh’.

  • This first time through, just listen.

  • Did you get a chance to look over those transcripts?

  • Uhh uhh uhh uhh uhh?

  • I did. Uhh-uhh-

  • Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it. Uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-

  • No problem. Uhh---

  • How long did it take? Uhh-- uhhh-- uhhh?

  • About 10 hours altogether. Uhh-- uhhh-- uhhh

  • Okay. Uhhh---

  • Okay, that’s not bad. Uhh--- uhh---

  • It was fine. Uhh---

  • Now well hear the conversation, phrase by phrase,

  • with the UH imitation three times.

  • Repeat the third time, just on UH.

  • Copying what you hear.

  • Think about everything in the face and neck being relaxed, and the placement low.

  • Maybe even put your hand here. Uhhh---

  • Did you get a chance to look over those transcripts?

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh?

  • I did.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh

  • Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh

  • No problem.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh

  • How long did it take?

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh uhh- uhh?

  • About 10 hours altogether.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh

  • Okay

  • Uhh--uhhh--

  • That's not bad.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh-

  • It was fine.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh-

  • Now well put the text back in.

  • But, to stay focused on the placement, were going to slow the speech down.

  • Did you get a chance to look over those transcripts?

  • Did you get a chance to look over those transcripts?

  • I did.

  • Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it.

  • No problem.

  • How long did it take?

  • About 10 hours altogether.

  • Okay

  • That’s not bad.

  • It was fine.

  • Were almost there. Now well hear the UH phrase once a regular pace.

  • Repeat it at regular pace.

  • Then well hear the phrase at regular pace, repeat it at regular pace.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh?

  • Did you get a chance to look over those transcripts?

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh

  • I did.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh

  • Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh

  • No problem

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh uhh- uhh?

  • How long did it take?

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh- uhh

  • About 10 hours altogether.

  • Uhh- uhh

  • Okay.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh-

  • That’s not bad.

  • Uhh- uhh- uhh-

  • It was fine.

  • Once you get the feel for this,

  • think about placement everytime you speak English.

  • It can truly transform your American accent.

  • For free weekly English lessons sent right to your inbox,

  • be sure to sign up for my mailing list by clicking here, or in the description below.

  • That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

In this American English pronunciation video,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

アメリカンアクセントのトリック。 プレースメント (American Accent Trick: Placement)

  • 20 2
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日