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All right, So, um, G force now is here now, so we'll talk about that now.
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All rights going start with a couple of things.
Obviously, this computer is a little overkill for G force Now.
The other thing is, you probably like What the heck is G force?
Now we'll talk about that in a second.
The other thing is knowing that it did not sponsor this video.
They had nothing to do with this video.
I've not even talk to them.
Sounds like the 20 something super launched and they're all mad at me.
So about that, this is literally my perspective.
I have installed it.
I'm like, What the heck is this?
Okay, sure.
Let's do a video about it now.
Also know Kyle did a video that did really well, so I feel like getting the word out there.
People are obviously interested about this, so let's go and talk about what G force now is.
It is a cloud based gaming service, not a new concept, but probably the only company big enough that could have pulled this off is in video in terms of the processing power.
So there's Google stadia, which has been a complete flop as far as people are concerned.
But about five years ago, I did a video about a service that never came about, although they promised it would have never happened.
And that was Cloud Gate from Leap Computing and then that all fell by the wayside.
But what's happened is as technology has moved forward as Internet speeds have increased in, although the United States is still in a state of disarray, if you will, when it comes to the consistency of Internet providers and I S P s across the nation giving fast Internet connections, data caps and all that sort of stuff, it's getting better, however, this service is something that does use Internet.
So if you have data caps and speed limits, then this would probably still be somewhat disappointing to you.
But moving forward G force now is a cloud based gaming service.
What does that mean?
While it means that there is a bunch of servers online that then have all your games installed and running, and then they stream them to the computer that you were being the end user at.
So you can see now why a latent see and Internet speed and bandwith and reliability are going to be more important than anything that has to do with specs.
So basically, look at it this way.
A very, very big, very robust version of steam streaming when you have a computer on your network that has a game installed on it and you lunch steam on another computer.
That doesn't have steam in Star that game installed on it.
But it says you could stream it from that PC over to yours.
Well, it's ah, it's that, but extremely beefy, and it's more than just steam, obviously.
Now there are some licensing things that are still waiting to be ironed out.
I think with some epic games are or e a origin and then not all games up there.
So obviously the library, in my opinion, a little bit limited.
But these are the kind of things that grow over time.
And I think in video investing any sort of energy and cost into this means that we can see this mature, unlike other service is that have come about and then just fallen off by the wayside.
Now, G Force now is actually a free service.
But there is a paid service called Founders.
I mean, they really love their with that term around for $4.99 a month, which gives you a perceived increase in hardware specs.
If you will remember, this is all running off a server.
So again of a big version of like what Linus did with the one PC 20 gamers kind of thing.
So you're getting slices of hardware that are dedicated into V EMS, which you're connecting to, and basically you're getting a virtual machine that you get to connect to, and it streams a game down to you, um, in terms of the hardware and coding and the specs and all that sort of stuff that kind of vague.
We'll take a look here in the in the steam system, configuring your thing to see if it tells us what it is.
But we do know what the founders service it says Artie exes on.
So we know that they're gonna be at least a R t x 2060 or higher in terms of what your gaming experience would be.
So this is G force now, right here.
I just put a couple of games in the library.
I got paid a two in their lonely mountains downhill.
That's just paying homage to Steve, Steve, this downhill mountain biker guy, dude.
And so I figured, Why not do that?
It's got which are 3/2 life to destiny, too, So we'll do a couple of titles on here.
But it's just an app that runs on your on the client side.
And when you launch a game, it's going to say it's gonna launch you into the launcher.
So if it's a steam game, for instance, it'll bring up steam and you'll be connected to a remote client at that point.
So let's go ahead and go to half life too.
Now, yes, this system is running a Titan, Artie X.
It is running a 99 100 K, and it does have 16 gigabytes of DDR four.
However, what you have to realize right now is write.
This system is doing nothing but decoding a video stream that's coming to it, and it's sending packets back and forth for the user inputs and such.
So what it's doing right now is it's analyzing our Internet.
Now we are an Ethernet.
We are on a co axial, gigabit non weird connection, so we only have 25 megabit up, which is still more than enough for our gaming experience.
It recommends, I believe it said 15 megabit down for 7 20 p 60 f.
P s gaming and 25 megabit down for 10.
80 p 60 f.
P s.
But you can configure that in the settings.
We'll show you that, too.
You can also configure for low late and see graphical quality, balanced competitive.
You could kind of fine tune your connection a little bit to try and get as little late and see as possible.
The service is gonna connect to whatever server is closest to you with the best Leighton see.
And it does that at that Leighton see test that you just saw.
So obviously with us being in the l A area connected us to a Southwest server and, um, it will even tell us during that test.
What are Ping is we're getting about a consistent 17 millisecond ping here because again, we are Uncle Axial, not fiber.
If we were on fire, that probably closer to like five.
But the problem inherently with cloud based gaming is late and see.
And in any sort of shooter game, having any added late and see usually can be completely game changing term intended pun intended.
When it comes Thio, you're being able to actually hit your target.
Because if you see it, you know, let's say 2030 milliseconds after wherever it really waas, it's like that whole net code thing back with Battlefield four all over again, like I'm shooting where the guy was, but he's over here now, but it's actually not that bad.
So I'm starting with Half Life two only because this is a very simple game on.
I think it's one that's actually coming back in popularity again simply because of half life.
So now that I want to launch Half Life two, it's making me install it.
But it's not a stolen on my machine.
It's installing it on the server.
But fortunately, when it comes to installing it, it's very much like a giant supercomputer version of the That land cash that we showed for the dream hack set up where all the game's already on the servers.
It just has to connect to it and install it, which is pretty much instantaneous.
So this is on Lee.
Six gigabytes, I say.
Only, that's That was huge back in the day, but six gigabytes today, even on the sea of a 10 megabit connection, that's gonna take you a while to download still 60 gigabytes you probably spent in 1/2 an hour or maybe an hour or more trying to download that.
I don't math very well, but the second I hit next, watch this look, the download speed just done already, right?
It said, ah, 100 megabytes or 95 megabytes per second peak.
That's simply because of the fact that it never really had a chance to fully down to get its download speed ramped up.
And all I did was grab it from its own server.
So now we can hit play for how good these LG speakers were.
Half life two admittedly, yes.
You could play on potato.
Yes, we are doing it on this 9900 k, which is very capable of decoding h 0.264 10 80 p 60 f ps signal clearly.
But what I want when I want a test right now is late and see, that's what we're testing first, because we have to see what happens when we go from undoubtedly a very overkill gaming PC to a PC that normally couldn't play this game, let alone Destiny, too by itself.
Uh, it's not the same as if we were gaming locally.
There is Leighton.
At least 17 milliseconds of it.
When we did the test, the network test, We first set this up.
Okay, Is that noticeable?
Well, that's gonna kind of depend on you, Quite honestly.
I noticed that only cause I played shooters for so long.
I noticed any additional input lag, which is what this feels like because that's what really what it is We're making input after we're seeing something on the screen.
And then by the time we make the motion and it gets to the screen or gets to the server processed and sent back to us in the form of movement, there is late and see there.
So far, we're walking around and stuff, but doesn't.
All right, So if you go to settings here, this is where you can see how you can change the particular settings here to try and make your latent sees as good as possible.
So we're set to balance, which is like, it sounds good image quality with good game play.
And by game play, I think they mean Leighton see, quite honestly.
But that uses approximately 10 gigabits per hour of actual data.
So if we go down to data server or data saver, that's if you have a lot less connective ity or let's say data caps, but it still can use as much as six gigabytes per hour are four gigabytes per hour.
So one thing we're gonna do right now to is we're gonna turn off the sink because I'm kind of curious system that will help our late and see a little bit because Visa and can create latency on local client side at the Magic is doing on the server.
It's just gonna compound, so we'll do that now.
If you want to know what your actual connection is it set to auto?
We're currently at Southwest, but it we click test network.
It's gonna do that test again.
0 14 right now.
So that's good.
It's telling us to that were everywhere we need to be were greater than 50 megabits per second for the best experience we've lost no frames.
It's required that you lose lesson two frames and then recommend is less than half a frame.
I hate when only half a frame drops anyway, late and see here like it's saying it's required that you have less than 80 milliseconds of late and see it's recommended that you have less than four years so clearly we're doing all right right there.
So if you have a fiber network, you're definitely gonna be all right.
So let's go ahead and fire up a game here.
Um, I don't think they have the best system in terms of finding your games for instance.
I wish they would just have a big list of Here's all the games on there.
No, you're like, um do they have battlefield?
You gotta clique find battlefield.
How about, um Doom?
Quake to Artie.
X comes up.
So it's not the biggest, most robust library, but it's theoretically, it's gonna grow because in videos put money into this.
So what about CS Counterstrike?
Global offensive?
I mean, could you imagine if they didn't have that?
Oh, wow, that's bad.
Like it was a huge stutter.
OK, it's back.
It's fine now, one of us, because we turned off the sink.
Honestly, Yeah, there are even moving like him.
So one thing we did right now is we went ahead and turn the sink back on on the app to see if that kind of gets rid of some of the stuttering and choppiness that we were getting to kind of completely put this out there when I was playing on this in the on a different computer, one that's not nearly as high spec is this We weren't I wasn't getting any choppiness or stuttering at all.
Well, big stutter there, huh?
It's not good.
CS goes Probably not a title that I would take too seriously on G force now.
But this is probably one of the most competitive titles that I could probably imagine when it comes to late to see being important.
This is already better than contrite.
Yeah, something was weird with CS Go.
I mean, Okay, I'm right now.
I'm already focusing more on the game than my input.
Like there's there is lack Earl agency, but it's manageable.
It's the best way to put it.
This is unbalanced.
It looks good.
Had this been my first experience, I would have a lot of different opinion than I was left with CS Go.
But like we've already said, this computer is not a fair presentation.
I think of the average clientele that would be interested in G force.
Now, how about we really make it a Stax test against the hardware?
Yeah, this is perfect.
We're not this that this is a surface to I think it's a to remember about a long time ago.
There is no chance in hell that this computer can play destiny, too.
I mean, the screen sucks more If that makes sense.
I've seen ghosting, but that's the screens fault, Not not the system or the service.
And it's not even hot.
Doesn't think it's like it's not even that is not playing a game.
It's playing a video.
Yeah, so there's that's, like, ever so slight amount of stutter.
You just walked in and saw that.
What do you think you're playing on this machine?
I mean, I would maybe just a slight amount of fuzziness to it, but very doable.
All right, so is it worth it?
The point of this video was not really to try and make that decision for you.
You kinda have to do that on your own.
But the best part is you can try it for free because there's two.
Service is there's the Founders, which is $4.99 a month, which gives you priority queue access.
So if you ever try to log in like a blizzard game where there's a queue, um, you have to wait until it's your turn to get priority access to that in that line, and then with the free, you don't have to wait if there's no que but you only get one hour gaming sessions.
Where founders you get six hours, and at the end of that session you have to start a new one.
If there's not a Q, you just go right back into your game.
But there's a queue.
You wait until your turn is up.
That's something that will happen and become more frequent if the service starts becoming more adopted.
And given the fact that it's free and a lot of people having a hard time building or getting parts or pieces right now moving forward as we kind of have this whole industry disruption happening, there's no reason why you shouldn't try it for free.
I mean, we did, and that's what we decided to make this video.
But I can tell you right now it does work in the sense that we could take a system like this surface book or surface tablet convertible thingy.
Um, it's not a pro doesn't discreet graphic card or any any of that stuff that is available on the higher and model and could play games that it never would have had a chance.
I could have sat here and actually played through Destiny a bit, and the type of game that this service, I think, makes the most sense for is an adventure type game.
Indie games would probably be perfectly fine, like that downhill game that we kind of showed the beginning, things that are extremely twitch.
Ah, responsive, You know, a twitch, an example of a twitch you to be like C s go.
You've got to be able to respond, move the mouse, quickly, flick, shoot and have the best possible agency to actually pull off those types of shots.
You're not gonna do competitive gaming on this whatsoever, but that's not who it's really meant for.
It's meant to be able to play games on the go on, not just your computer, but you could actually play PC games on a Mac because it does have a Mac OS version.
You can do it on a shield like a type of tablet.
You know the NVIDIA Shield Gaming Tablet, which is a portable device, and your android device.
So if you have an android device, it has a controller hooked up to it.
You could play on your particular you know, some of those adventure type games anywhere you have an Internet connection that's decent enough.
We already showed you kind of what the requirements are regarding that.
So my only recommendation to honestly would be to just go try it, sign up for the free one.
If you don't like, it didn't cost you anything.
If you do like it and you use it all the time, then maybe consider upgrading to the founders.
It's the price of one cup of coffee a month.
But I'm I'm happy to see in video taking the gumption, if you will, to truly run with this cause a lot of people expected stadia to be something great and it really wasn't.
This is already better than stadia waas.
And it's only gonna grow because once in video at least starts dumping money into something we already know.
They stick with it, no matter what I mean.
That's kind of like what the Arctic stuff is, right?
Even though people aren't necessarily adopting it, they're looking at that as the future will Look.
A lot of people were adopting Artie excess.
Be honest, but they're looking at that as the future of GPU performance and GP technology.
They're doing the same thing now, utilizing all of the amazing deep learning stuff that they've created all of server grade stuff now, using that to bring gaming to people that otherwise wouldn't have had available to them at the time making this video, though it's only available in North America and Europe.
So if you're in one of the countries that has a hard time getting PC hardware, you have a hard time getting this for now, too.
And that is probably just because of the data center quality.
To be honest, the data center has to be able to serve this obviously with the highest quality capable.
Otherwise, you're gonna have a bad experience, which is just gonna reflect negative on the entire technology.
So I'm happy to see five years later, after I was supposed to do something with a company that ended up going to funked on this seeing, At least now it's happening.
So you guys signed up in the comments below, try it on your system for free again.
Invaded did not sponsor this video.
They have nothing to do with this video.
But I'm curious.
Try it down below.
Say what game you tried and what your PC specs are and how it worked for You try to do it with the worst possible PC that you can find.
All right, guys, Thanks for watching.
And as always, we'll see in the next one.