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  • Have you seen any of this stuff going on here?

  • Do you have any idea what's going on?

  • What's this precooked bacon trickle from when it's dated?

  • Think they do it every day?

  • Just when was that, Coach?

  • That's not today.

  • Honestly, let's see what it says.

  • 10.

  • 31.

  • We're in November the sixth.

  • Now, this is insane.

  • Look at that there.

  • Don't you drain that all.

  • He just sits there in his blood.

  • I'm in here.

  • That's a freezer.

  • What's that noise?

  • That's the fan.

  • What a night.

  • Karen, you've got no idea that this is going on like this.

  • What is that?

  • Dishwater?

  • No French fries.

  • Why is the water so dirty?

  • Nobody changes.

  • Sorry, nobody didn't change.

  • But you're cooking fries from there tonight.

  • In that water.

  • I saw them.

  • Philip Fry twice.

  • It sucks.

  • Where'd you get the ham from?

  • She bought it at the store.

  • Holy crap.

  • It's a spiral cut.

  • They cut it and put it in here and use it for side of hands.

  • What was last time?

  • This was clean Last year when I cleaned the chef last year.

  • When we clean the other, we're in November last year.

  • Yes, sir.

  • I asked Karen, Can we need to shut down the way we got to do, mate?

  • Look at the mess.

  • Why'd you let it go?

  • I didn't know that they were doing things that were not heard.

  • That room?

  • No, but let's listen to me, Jack.

  • This bullshit the guy.

  • Okay, let's tell him the truth here, OK?

  • I have some new equipment.

  • I can't get no new equipment.

  • Why not?

  • I've been here for four years.

  • I've been asking for new equipment.

  • I can work with this shit here.

  • Look.

  • Look at that.

  • Fucking I've been asking for their new equipment.

  • How long do you think this shit's gonna laugh?

  • They laugh for Albert.

  • I'm just so fucking every day.

  • I'm thinking I can't get no help made.

  • Joe pulled you out of this and I want some help with the equipment.

Have you seen any of this stuff going on here?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ゴードン・ラムジーを驚愕させるDISGUSTINGフードプラクティス|ホテル地獄 (DISGUSTING Food Practice Shocks Gordon Ramsay | Hotel Hell)

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日