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  • The interior of your home is a self-reflection of who you

  • are as a person.


  • So much of interior design can seem daunting.

  • There's so many choices that are available.

  • I'm going to teach you how to find your style,

  • how to work with pattern, and how

  • to use lighting so everyone can look good

  • who comes over to your house.

  • Go into your closet.

  • Take a few of the articles of clothing

  • and drape them across your living room,

  • and see like, oh my god, I love that color!

  • So what you look good in, you're going to feel good in.

  • In every project, this is how I start.

  • I call these vibe trays.

  • It keeps the materials in one place.

  • We have stone, tile, wood.

  • All of these textures work together.

  • And that's what I love, is being experimental.

  • Color is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

  • Living without color is like living without love.

  • It evokes so many emotions.

  • Yellow makes everyone happy.

  • There are many things you can do to make

  • a small space feel larger.

  • For example, having pieces that are up on legs,

  • or a coffee table that maybe has glass.

  • High gloss paint can really expand the space,

  • because you have reflectiveness and dimension.

  • And it looks so [MUTED] good.


  • I want to take some of the mystery out of design,

  • so you feel confident and you can make incredible decisions,

  • and make a beautiful home.

  • Stay curious, take risks, and beautiful things will happen.

  • I'm Kelly Wearstler, and this is my MasterClass.

The interior of your home is a self-reflection of who you


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B1 中級

ケリー・ウェアストラーが教えるインテリアデザイン|公式予告編|マスタークラス (Kelly Wearstler Teaches Interior Design | Official Trailer | MasterClass)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日