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  • Wait.

  • Hey, you go.

  • That's what I want.

  • 900.

  • Aim yourself, ma'am.

  • Wait.

  • Getting better hand up.

  • Recognized car.

  • Papa, I got too much.

  • Hey, take your time behind.

  • Last time I kept it in one lane, I want to see all three lengths this car, 16 years old.

  • Miles on it.

  • 6 to 2200.

  • I like this top one year old tires got about 400 miles on them.

  • I bought it from an end of it.

  • Never, right?

  • No.

  • A little ride.

  • Well, you got Give me a little water on that fire.

  • My girlfriend just going for a ride way.



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

マスタングがSVTコブラクラブを去る★パークウェイ・フォードショー2015(3台中1台) (Mustangs leaving SVT Cobra Club ★ Parkway Ford Show 2015 (1 of 3))

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日