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  • Yeah.

  • Hello, Angels people that knew the new intro felt I needed to incorporate angels in here somewhere.

  • So that was it.

  • Hello, Angels.

  • Welcome to another video.

  • Today.

  • I'm going to be reacting to fan, and it's a lot of you guys asked for this van, and it's have evolved a lot since I started social media.

  • Y'all are making, like, little movies these days.

  • It's impressive, I thought.

  • I'm going to pay my respects and honor those that put the time in to make, then edits.

  • And I think they're sick and I just want to show some of them anyway.

  • Also, we have a new intro, shouts Kimberly for making that I'll leave her Twitter over here.

  • She's amazing, but I was like, email me that that Stokke.

  • So it's my internal.

  • I love Kimberly.

  • Thank you for that.

  • So I asked you guys Thio put some of your favorite edits under hashtag Angel edits.

  • I'm going to go to the hashtag, and I'm going to look at some of your some of your edits.

  • All right, so I guess I'll look it from the top post first.

  • First, I just want to say that was incredible I don't know how you guys.

  • Second of all, I don't know what half those videos came from or ever remember taking them like some of those videos from 2016.

  • But that was amazing.

  • Lauren F Warne vfx l dot or the ex?

  • Well done.

  • That was very good.

  • I'm gonna rate that.

  • I would say was a 10 out of 10 for tumbler qualities.

  • That was very tumbler.

  • Very aesthetic was dope.

  • Bikini Beach.

  • See, I like that user Name is Well, it's a play on words.

  • Bikini Beach Beach is my last.

  • Same you wear became to the beach.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay, let's see what else we have in here.

  • This is amazing.

  • You guys were so good at the little like drawings.

  • I tried it before, and I'm awful at it, but I also have no artistic ability whatsoever, So I'm gonna show a few more drawings just cause I think they're amazing.

  • This one's from J b p dot Lauren edits Guy's incredible same thing with happy Warren.

  • You killed it.

  • Go off this way.

  • We owe you know, like I like what am I doing?

  • J t m Lauren.

  • That was amazing.

  • And that was a collab with Berlin kiddos.

  • So shallow sea boat.

  • It's incredible.

  • How many like, how many of you are just so talented?

  • Do y'all just teach each other how to do this stuff?

  • And do you do this on your phones?

  • Because if so, that is very impressive.

  • Someone let me know if you're an editor.

  • Please let me know how you do this.

  • If you do on the computer, on your phone or something I might make like an m and cabbage.

  • I'm gonna get it.

  • E really sorry.

  • They used, like, a depressing musically a video of me getting shot in the eye with a Nerf gun and a video of me crying and screaming at a Justin Bieber concert to make a depressing at it.

  • And I freaking live for, and I'm gonna like it.

  • All right?

  • This one is by Thank you.

  • You know what I was just thinking?

  • It's so weird.

  • How many people have photos of me and the camera roll?

  • Like in order to make these edits, they have to save the photos which needs My photo of my face is in your phone.

  • I love that.

  • This is the picture of me looking sauces.

  • Hell, when I was, like, four.

  • You are my inspiration.

  • So you're making me blush?

  • I'm a cry Oh, my little horror.

  • And then there's, um, like, really random voters in a corner.

  • Theo, actually watch the edit Shook beach.

  • I will fall.

  • You're ministering Shot that right now so I can follow you.

  • You all really began some crazy audio's I really turning up to this.

  • Okay, so this girl put new edit.

  • Finally, I've been gone for a while and I finally learned how to use after effects.

  • I'm gonna become like a pro editor.

  • Aftereffects is a digital visual effects, emotion, graphics and compositing come pop compositing application developed by Dobie 2000 years later, Mr King Track and come pick compositing An animation also functions as one fatality later, Media Transcoder That's gonna be lovely When I did it But its weapon Oh, no, I'm on 20%.

  • 10%.

  • I don't know what's weapon means, but you guys were so good, so talented.

  • I'm really out of breath from dancing.

  • I'm not gonna lie to you.

  • Then versus now I literally just got here.

  • I love it.

  • It ended with me eating because literally.

  • That's probably the last thing I'm gonna do My life My final words won't even be final Words will just be me taking one last bite of, like, fried chicken and then dying.

  • That was a bit deep, actually.

  • I'm just gonna just gonna carry on.

  • What is this?

  • I literally just got I'm crying over a two second video.

  • I'm so soft.

  • Okay, I love you.

  • Pull it together, Lauren.

  • Let's continue.

  • That was so cute.

  • And then the caption is we are more than two supporters were family.

  • I love you.

  • I'm done.

  • Now that I will get some edits I'm gonna look att Angels are beautiful just because I want to show some appreciation to you all beautiful faces.

  • Do you hear that?

  • I have a deviated septum, and it's really ugly.

  • I told you guys yesterday or two days ago to start posting on this hashtag whenever you have like a selfie that you think is Q because you're all so freaking cute Best we're besties And yes, we love lorn.

  • And yes, we're angels love you Learn like they're so freaking cute.

  • Look at their little blue tongues.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Did they like share the Fanta.

  • Cal, There's 12345 of them.

  • That's crazy!

  • You guys were so cute.

  • You're all beautiful as well.

  • Like look at this one, Thio free!

  • Very so frickin pretty.

  • Wow, this is Carmen.

  • Carmen's is sunny days.

  • No makeup.

  • Don't care.

  • That's no makeup.

  • I just wanted to show a few of those I love to see your faces and your smiles.

  • So thank you for everyone who posted under the hashtag.

  • I'm gonna be looking at it literally all the time.

  • I might even put a few at the end of every video because I just want the world to see your festive.

  • I think that's gonna be all for this video.

  • Guys.

  • Thank you so much for watching and thank you to everyone who makes edits all of the time and have fan pages and dedicate so much time and effort to showing your support.

  • It's honestly the craziest thing and thank you to all the people who maybe don't have fan pages were still supporters and still angels.

  • You all make me so happy.

  • And y'all are also beautiful.



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ファンの編集に反応!?泣いてしまいました)|ローレン・グレイ (REACTING TO FAN EDITS!! (yes. I cried.) | Loren Gray)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日