字幕表 動画を再生する
Berlin stands upon the vast European Plain in Northeastern Germany, on the banks of the
River Spree.
Berlin's history has been one of triumph and tragedy, tyranny and transformation.
勝利と悲劇が繰り返され、暴政から変革にいたる ベルリンの歴史は激動そのものです
Brought to her knees by two World Wars, and then divided throughout much of The Cold War,
2 つの世界大戦で敗北し、冷戦時代のほとんどの期間 東西に分割されていたベルリン
Berlin has reemerged, blossoming into one of the world's economic and creative powerhouses.
今では再び台頭して、世界経済の創造的な原動力の 1 つです
With a population of only three-and-a-half million, Berlin enjoys an air of spaciousness
ドイツの首都でありながら、人口はわずか350 万人
not found in many other European capitals.
Berlin is an incredibly green city, both physically and politically. At times it feels like the
city was built just to fill in the gaps between its many parks, forests, and lakes.
With hundreds of miles of bike paths, stringent traffic regulations, and an absence of hills,
Berlin is the perfect city to explore on foot or by bicycle.
A legacy of Berlin's checkered history is a cityscape of every imaginable architectural
style; from the gothic to the baroque, from the socialist to the futuristic.
Yet somehow it all works ~ magnificently!
The Brandenburg Gate rose in the 18th century as a symbol of peace.
18 世紀に平和の象徴として建てられた「ブランデンブルク門」
It was battered in the Second World War, then isolated by the division of Berlin, before
第二次世界大戦で損傷し、ベルリンの東西分裂によって 孤立したこの門には
becoming the rallying point during the joyous days of the reunification.
A block to the north, The Reichstag is also a symbol of a Berlin reborn.
ここから北へすぐの場所にあるライヒスターク (国会議事堂)も ベルリン再生の象徴です
Gutted by fire in 1933 and reduced to rubble during the fall of Berlin, today visitors
1933 年に火事で全焼し、ベルリンの陥落時に瓦礫と化しました
can climb the Reichstag's transparent dome for a bird's-eye view of the city.
今日、再建されたこの建物のガラスドームからは ベルリンの街が一望できます
Occupying an entire city block is the Holocaust Memorial - an unsettling reminder of the consequences
of letting the roots of intolerance take hold.
許されざる行為による悲劇を思い起こさせ 心を揺さぶられる場所です
Rolling out before the Brandenburg Gate, is The Tiergarten, a 500 acre tapestry of forests,
woodlands, and canals.
豊かな森や林に囲まれ、運河が流れるこの公園は、200 ヘクタールの広さを誇ります
The Tiergarten is also home to the Victory Column, the Soviet War Memorial and Bellevue
Palace ~ the official residence of the German President.
But her most famous resident of all, is the Berlin Zoo.
Featuring over 1500 species, and enclosures that look more like natural habitats, The
1500 種を超える動物が自然に近い環境で飼育されているこの動物園は
Berlin Zoo is one of the most visited zoological gardens in Europe.
ヨーロッパで最も人気のある動物園の 1 つです
Berlin is a city of churches.
Retaining its war-damaged spire, The Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church is a shining example
戦争で破壊された尖塔がそのまま残されている カイザー ヴィルヘルム教会
of Berlin's ability to honor its past, while forging a bold architectural future.
建築の未来を力強く築きながら過去の歴史も大切にする ベルリンの姿勢が伺えます
But perhaps Berlin's most striking place of worship, is The Chapel of Reconciliation,
the spiritual heart of the Berlin Wall Memorial.
Near the center of Berlin, another section of the infamous wall has become a memorial
~ of a more colorful kind.
Featuring the work of 100 international artists, the East Side Gallery is one of the largest
それが、国内外 100 人以上のアーティストの作品が描かれたイースト サイド ギャラリー
outdoor art exhibits in the world.
And the theme? Freedom, of course.
Featured in countless spy novels and films, Checkpoint Charlie was the Cold War's most
数々のスパイ小説や映画に登場する チェックポイント チャーリー
famous border crossing.
The adjacent museum explores the history of the checkpoint and the ingenious ways in which
この跡地の横にある博物館では、チェックポイントの歴史を たどることができます
Berliners defected from East to West.
また、東側から西側へ亡命したベルリン市民の巧妙な方法も 紹介されています
The Cold War years remain an endless source of fascination for Berliners and visitors
At the DDR Museum, visitors are invited to rummage through the drawers and cupboards
社会主義時代の東ドイツの生活が再現された DDR ミュージアム
of its exhibits, which recreate life in East Germany during Socialist rule.
引き出しを開けたり食器棚をのぞいたりと 実際に展示物に触れることのできる博物館です
Directly opposite the DDR Museum, is Museum Island, a chance to step even further back
このDDR ミュージアムの対岸にあるムゼーウムス島 (博物館島)には
in time.
Now an internationally protected heritage site, the island is home to five museums,
現在、世界遺産に登録されているこの島には 5 つの博物館と 美術館があります
each one specializing in different periods of the arts and sciences.
The Berlin Cathedral also stands on Museum Island.
Once inside, climb the wide 270 step staircase to the observation deck and breathe in the
中に入り 270 段の階段を上がって展望台へ
colors of the city below.
Berlin is also a city of great civic squares.
The Bebelplatz, is home of the Humboldt University.
Alexanderplatz became a showcase for Soviet architecture throughout the Cold War.
アレクサンダー広場では、冷戦時代に建てられたソビエトの 建築物が見られます
The Fernsehturm, a futuristic 1960s TV Tower, still evokes mankind's eternal quest to reach
1960 年代の未来的デザインが目を引くベルリン テレビ塔
for the stars.
Potsdamer Platz was once known as the Times Square of Berlin.
かつてベルリンのタイムズ スクエアとして知られていたポツダム広場
Since reunification the area has regenerated into a visionary space where all Berliners
can celebrate their city ~ together, as one.
今ではここで、すべての市民がひとつになって ベルリンの街をたたえることができるのです
Welcome to the Berlin of the 21st century, a city proving to the world that tolerance,
21 世紀の新しいベルリンは
creativity and passion can bear the most incredible fruit.