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So if you grew up in Korea, or have been living here for a long time, a lot of the stuff at
a local GS25, which is just a convenience store, is gonna seem pretty normal to you,
but to us foreigners a lot of the stuff there is exciting, bizarre, and new. So we're about
to raid our GS25 for all the things we've never tried before and taste test them to
tell you what's good, what's bad and what's weird. Let's go!
Okay. So we're starting with the bagged snacks today, and the first one we're gonna do is
the Jolly Pong. We actually got this recommendation from a viewer, so, here we go: Jolly Pong!
And it looks like popped corn, except without the frill around the outside...........and
it's actually really good, really sweet. If you've ever had Sugar Crisps before, it's
what they taste like: "Can't get enough of that suuugarr criiiisp" It's almost like cotton
candy in your mouth; it's very, very soft and melts in your mouth, and very, very sweet.
Very good. Try it out. Jolly Pong. I'm pretty sure this would be really good with milk also.
Oh yeah!
The next on our list is egg cookie. So we're not sure if it's a chip or a cookie. We will
soon find out. Looks like...smells like a cookie. Mmmm? Mmmm! It tastes like a vanilla
cookie, actually. Mmm! Mmmm! Wow!
Next on the list is Gogoma gang? Gogoma means sweet potato. Gang means...I don't know! But
I'm gonna try it anyways so, here we go. Looks like a...dehydrated french fry. Very glossy.
It's very sweet, it's almost like a...potato chip meets a cookie. It's not bad. It's not
great. I would definitely go for the Jolly Pong above this...but it's not terrible. Alright!
Next on our list is Premium Home Run Ball. Comes in a little plastic container. Smells
like cheese. A little...bread puff. Why do I get the bad ones? Ummm. Maybe you can see.
The flavor to best describe this is peanut butter cheese. I think...Simon (No!) It's
pretty good (No! I'll pass). Ummm. I'm personally not a fan of peanut butter and cheese together.
If you like peanut butter and cheese together, you should go for the Home Run Ball.
Next thing we're trying is the Corn Cho. Now, it looks really interesting. Looks like a
cheesy puff covered with chocolate. Ugggh. Here we go! So let's give it a shot. Ummm?
The corn puff dissolved almost instantly leaving you nothing with a film of corn on your teeth
and then some mushy chocolate on your tongue. Umm. It's not great. It's not terrible, but
it's not for me. I'm not going to get this again.
Next up is a very famous Korean Snack. It is roasted squid. Okay. You can get this on
the street actually, being cooked fresh. Here we go. So this is Ojingo. It's been roasted.
And it also comes with...a little sauce! I'm pretty sure this is Gochujang. So just like...hot
red pepper paste. Alright. I'm gonna try it first without the sauce. Maybe I took too
much, with that bite. Now, it has the texture of beef jerky: a little bit tougher. And basically
just tastes like, fried fish. I don't mind it. Some people I think would be really grossed
out but if you get the chance definitely try it. I'm gonna try it with the gochujang. Mmm!
Mmm! Really good with the gochujang. Simon! mmm. MMMM! (Really good with the gochujang)
Yeah. Really good. Don't be scared by it. There's all different kinds to choose from.
We got the cheapest kind, GS25 brand. Don't be afraid! Try the roasted and delicious Ojingo.
It's good. Mmm!