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  • one of those days again where the Lows Garden Centre is calling my name.

  • So come along with me to see what's going on over here and wait until the end.

  • Wait.

  • Okay.

  • I see succulent here.

  • Pretty.

  • Some of these are.

  • Yeah, loving it.

  • Let's go inside.

  • I get it.

  • All these beautiful colors.

  • Let's look for something I do not have.

  • It's a nice for 1990.

  • We can make those ourselves.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, you don't like what they paint these.

  • I just feel so bad for them with you.

  • Oh, here goes those cans.

  • Like they had a last season.

  • Cute.

  • Thank you.

  • Pretty pink.

  • Really cute.

  • I've been a lavender look at these.

  • Cute.

  • Beautiful.

  • It's not just cute.

  • I had left with this yard.

  • How much is this?

  • It does not say that.

  • It's too heavy for being plastic.

  • This training formula, baby gift.

  • One of those 22 98.

  • You can get a full arrangement that you could take out and put in a whole another pot.

  • You got a different one?

  • Pretty those are.

  • I got plenty of these.

  • Okay.

  • In my friend Succulent garden, many of those These are good because you could divide him to make arrangements.

  • So for 24 98 they kind of go see what you got, what it does.

  • One of those This is a gobby disappearance.

  • Native Florida on my Florida people out there who will leave a comment.

  • If you got one of these, that looks like it hurts, too.

  • I love these.

  • You could make lots of different arrangements for these two.

  • These air luscious and only 17 98.

  • I picked up two of these from a nursery and a pot.

  • Them, You'll see.

  • We'll see how I do Jags.

  • Let's go look in the clearance to see if there's anything I need to get a fountain.

  • 16 98 for the bowl in 16 98 for the bottom, right?

  • Is that what I'm saying?

  • Oh, paid e.

  • Think that 16 98 way Your guys I see a dollar.

  • I see $3.5 dollars, $5.

  • Let's see these.

  • That may be waking.

  • Make live again or knocked?

  • Not no, no.

  • The heck of those.

  • Oh, they were airplanes.

  • They were here.

  • $3.

  • I don't know if that's coming back.

  • I think it's done for $5.

  • You see that, Nick?

  • I mean, I'm desperate, but I'm not that I mean, they don't even look great at all.

  • Oh, what's this one?

  • Which is this?

  • $7?

  • Okay, doctors.

  • Do you think that's worth $10?

  • It's a lot of jade.

  • Um, these air, like the sun kiss and something was some sort of award via.

  • Look at this one.

  • This is $13 $13 And I love this.

  • Hold on, guys.

  • $30 regularly.

  • It would be 26 I think.

  • 98 or 2090.

  • But for all of these, they look like they're in good shape.

  • Don't see any Millie buds love this war.

  • Thehe al.

  • Oh, sorry.

  • Some I forget the name of these extra Beria's Jade on.

  • This is some kind of seed.

  • Um so for 13 this isn't doing too great, but the's sticks on fires on 10 bucks.

  • I could probably bring that back to life, but look at this.

  • One $10.

  • Four bia, almost half off.

  • But do you see this white stuff?

  • It's just the substance that comes out of it, or I don't It doesn't really look like Millie book stuff, but that's kind of cool.

  • Let me see here.

  • Another one.

  • I have a bunch of these, so I'm not quite sure I get that this one thing is $10.

  • I love this two.

  • But another one a minute, for sure.

  • Look at these words.

  • Thes degree in ground, too.

  • Look that Great.

  • Okay, let's see what else we can get into with that win for sure.

  • This looks good.

  • 13.

  • That's not bad.

  • Today's G this'll is no.

  • Seriously.

  • Seriously thing is clear.

  • Okay?

  • Look at this.

  • With $15 0 score.

  • I'm getting it.

  • Look at this.

  • Did that get that?

  • Okay, I gotta Look.

  • Look at this.

  • $15 you get Jade, this one this you could take out.

  • You see, hold on.

  • What's going on in Northern California lows.

  • But there's a lot of good things out here for a very inexpensive price dollars for this basket.

  • $3 for these, even just for like, the pots or re propagating.

  • It's like a pretty good rice young.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • But these $15 I'm gonna get these.

  • I have to get I have to.

  • I'm going to I found those frogs.

  • They're 39 98.

  • I want to add some more whimsical like, um, statues, too.

  • My yard.

  • Sometimes they could be price.

  • So look at how cute this is.

  • Yeah, he's left with those in the front yard.

  • I have a couple things that look similar, but a little bit different.

  • I'm trying to put a man on the side.

  • I'll show you what they look like.

  • Want to happen?

  • So excited.

  • Look what I got.

  • Okay, so after that, Lowe's shop with me video.

  • This is what I hauled from there.

  • So these were on clearance.

  • You guys, these air $30.

  • 39 99 e.

  • $15.

  • Not only did I get a lot of good still surviving succulents, that looking pretty good, decent shape, I am going to re pot these, but I also So as some of this you can see, like this got pulled off, I could either leave that re propagate it, But it's pretty good.

  • That's a black prince right there.

  • You got some really good nice jade.

  • An inch of area right there.

  • I got some really good looking ones, so I like how it looks right there on the edge.

  • Wait.

  • I put the other one right here.

  • This looks pretty decent as faras, like the succulents and the little look at those little jelly beans in there That frosty in the bag so I can re vamped this.

  • But again, with the pot and those, um, succulents that Aaron, they're not too bad of a deal.

  • Looks really good.

  • So let me just come, Doc.

  • More so you guys can see Sorry about the shadow.

  • You see, my way.

  • You see these two arrangements that we did together, you'll see the 1st 1 right there on the other one right back there.

  • You see that?

  • I'm gonna move, revamps and stuff over here, but let's not get distracted.

  • I think I'm gonna go and get that other one.

  • There was one left.

  • There was another one that had, like, a reddish black color to it.

  • I think keep one right there and keep that one right there.

  • But either I can put another one now.

  • Probably not.

  • I could put it like over here somewhere.

  • I wanted cut these out.

  • Maybe I could put it right there.

  • You never know.

  • Never know.

  • Ok, let me show you the other one that I got okay.

  • that was that hanging?

  • One that was on clearance for $13.

  • Look at all those still doing very well.

  • Still doing really well.

  • I think I'm gonna leave it in the basket.

  • I did take the hanging thing off, but they look all pretty good, Stone.

  • It's right underneath this little arrangement right here, So Yeah, well, until the next video.

  • I hope you loved this shop with me at Lowe's.

  • And I hope you're proud of what I got till the next video.

  • God bless.

  • Bye.

one of those days again where the Lows Garden Centre is calling my name.


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Lowes Shop With Me 2020 / Lowes Clearance Succulent Haul (Lowes Shop With Me 2020 / Lowes Clearance Succulent Haul)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日