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  • I really hope walked Perceptions of May will be corrected by what they say in the jungle suspended by the Tory party MP in the jungle.

  • I don't really know what I'm not myself in for.

  • How hard could be Theo, of course, the woman everyone's talking about Nadine, Dorries and P lady who's in the jungle on the news on Definitely Off David Cameron's Christmas card list.

  • Incidentally, Good evening, Prime Minister.

  • The phone numbers for the first Bush Tucker trial are very short.

  • Weston asked me, Would you go to the jungle with snakes and rats?

  • I thought, That's west, mister.

  • I work that So it didn't seem but big deal.

  • They sent me a DVD.

  • You have the viewing public workmen on anything.

  • I'm quite feisty, um, bit naughty because I don't always do and say what I'm supposed to do and say on described the Prime minister, David Cameron on the Chancellor George Osborne, your dad, my daughter pees his pants.

  • Look up, sweet guard money should be giving me.

  • You never really know what he doesn't know.

  • Anything anyone could say to me or any situation I could be putting that is going to be any more comfortable men have been fighting that.

  • How hard can it be?

  • Oh, how hard can it be?

  • Has she seen this show before My apology highs.

  • They sent a DVD, apparently about Downton Abbey on Yeah, it's home homes.

  • Pretty are serious.

  • Diddle the dean's appearance on the shore has caused a lot of controversy.

  • There's already being questions asked in Parliament, plus a statement from the prime minister on.

  • If you're on happy about it, we recommend you contact your local MP.

  • Unless you live in the constituency of mid bed richer, then you're pretty knackered because she's here, she's down there.

I really hope walked Perceptions of May will be corrected by what they say in the jungle suspended by the Tory party MP in the jungle.


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B1 中級

"I'm a Celebrity" -- ジャングルMPナディーン・ドリーズのイントロダクション ("I'm a Celebrity" -- Intro(se)duction of Jungle-MP Nadine Dorries)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日