字幕表 動画を再生する
In 1894, Nicholas II became ruler of a Russian empire that stretched from the Baltic to the
「代議政体を認めるつもりは決してない、 神が私に庇護を託した臣民にとって有害である」 (ニコライ2世、1904年)
Pacific, inhabited by 126 million people, from 194 ethnic groups.
1894年、ニコライ2世はロシア皇帝となった。 バルト海から太平洋に至る領土を持ち、
It was a country in which workers and peasants lived in poverty and hardship - while Russia's
1億2600万の人口と、194の民族を抱える 帝国の支配者である
elite - its imperial family and aristocracy - lived lives of gilded luxury.
There was a long history of struggle in Russia against the injustices of the system.
いっぽうで上流階級の皇室と貴族は 贅沢な暮らしを謳歌していた
And in 1905, a revolution forced the Tsar to allow the creation of a state duma, or
ロシアでは長きに渡って、この不公平な 仕組みに抗う動きが続いてきた
national assembly.
1905年の革命により、皇帝は ドゥーマ(国会)開設の承認を余儀なくされた
But its power was limited, and the compromise pleased neither the Tsar nor the reformers.
しかしドゥーマの権限は狭く、この妥協は 皇帝と革命派双方に不満を残した
In 1914, this divided empire was plunged into fresh crisis... by world war.
1914年、分裂した帝国は 世界大戦という新たな危機に直面する
World War One was a disaster for Tsarist Russia.
「人民の信任とは一体何の話だ? その人民にこそ私の信頼を得る努力をさせろ!」 (ニコライ2世 1916年)
At the front, the country suffered a series of devastating defeats, while at home there
were food shortages and economic chaos.
The Tsar was held responsible for the crisis – after all, he was now the army's commander-in-chief,
and he was standing in the way of government reform.
His German-born wife, Empress Alexandra, was even thought to be supporting Germany; while
軍の最高司令官である 彼自身が 政治改革への障壁となっていた
the entire family was said to have fallen under the spell of a Siberian mystic and faith
ドイツ生まれのアレクサンドラ皇后も 敵国ドイツを支持していると噂された
healer, Grigory Rasputin.
そして家族全員がシベリアの祈祷師ラスプーチンの 魔術に取り憑かれたという悪評もあった
In December 1916, Rasputin was murdered by Russian aristocrats, possibly with the help
1916年12月、ラスプーチンは ロシア貴族に殺害される
of British secret agents - both groups determined to end his influence over the Tsar.
事件にはラスプーチンの影響力を懸念したイギリスの 工作員も関わっていた
But in the eyes of many, the damage had already been done.
しかしすでに事態は誰の目にも 明らかなほど悪化していた
On 23rd February 1917, thousands of women took to the streets of the Russian capital,
「首都が無政府化し、深刻な状況にある。 行政は機能せず、街道で銃撃戦が起こっている」 (ミハイル・ロジャンコ ドゥーマ議長)
Petrograd, to mark International Women's Day and protest over bread shortages.
1917年2月23日、数千人の女性が 国際女性デーに合わせて
The next day they were joined on the streets by workers and students, carrying placards
that read 'Down with the Tsar!'
翌日には労働者や学生も加わり、 「皇帝を倒せ」のプラカードを掲げた
Troops, ordered to put down the disorder, mutinied, and joined the protesters instead.
鎮圧を命じられた陸軍部隊は命令を拒否し、 そのままデモに参加した
Tsarist officials were arrested, prisons and police stations were attacked, emblems of
皇帝派の官憲は捕らえられ、 刑務所と警察署が襲撃され、
Tsarist rule smashed and burned.
The government had lost control of the capital.
The Tsar was told by his ministers that order could only be restored - and Russia saved
閣僚は皇帝に対し、秩序回復と敗戦回避のためには 退位するしかないと説得する
from military defeat - if he gave up power.
So on 2nd March, Nicholas agreed to abdicate.
300年続いたロマノフ王朝は 僅か10日で終わりを迎えた
In just 10 days, 300 years of Romanov rule had come to an end.
「臨時政府に実質的な権力は全くない」 (アレクサンドル・グチコフ陸海軍大臣)
The February Revolution had been remarkably swift and bloodless, and hopes were now high
for the creation of a more democratic, more just Russian state.
そして民主的で平等なロシアの建設に向けて 期待が高まっていった
Members of the State Duma, the national assembly, had formed a Provisional Government, which
was to hold power until a Constituent Assembly was elected, to give Russia a new constitution.
選挙を経た新たな議会が新憲法を制定するまで 権力を握ることになった
But in reality, the Provisional Government shared power with the Petrograd Soviet, a
しかし実際には、ペトログラード・ソヴィエトも 大きな権力を持っていた
council elected by workers and soldiers, that controlled the capital's troops, transport
労働者と兵士によって作られた評議会で、 首都の軍事力、交通、通信を掌握していた
and communications.
ペトログラード・ソヴィエトを構成する 社会革命党とメンシェビキは臨時政府より過激だった
The Petrograd Soviet, dominated by the Socialist Revolutionary Party and the Marxist Menshevik
しかし彼らも臨時政府の 戦争継続方針を支持しており、
Party, was much more radical than the Provisional Government... yet it supported the Government's
decision to continue the war, and honour the commitments that Russia had made to the Allies.
この決断が運命を分け、弱小党だった ボリシェビキの思うつぼになるのである
It was a fateful decision, that ultimately played into the hands of one of the smaller
指導者のレーニンは16年間の追放から帰還し、 「帝国主義者の戦争」を痛烈に批判した
parties.... the Bolsheviks.
さらに、地主の土地をただちに取り上げて 農民に再分配すること、
Their leader, Vladimir Lenin, recently returned from 16 years in exile, bitterly opposed the
そして「ブルジョア」の臨時政府から 全国のソヴィエトへと権力を移譲することを要求した
'imperialist war'.
ボルシェビキは計画を シンプルなスローガンにまとめた
He also demanded the immediate redistribution of land from rich landowners to peasants;
and the transfer of power from the 'bourgeois' Provisional Government to the people's Soviets,
ロシアの軍事的、経済的混乱が深まるに連れて この訴えは次々と拡大していった
or councils, that were springing up across Russia.
「我々の戦術は絶対不支持である! 臨時政府は一切支持しない」 (レーニン)
The Bolshevik programme was summed up in a simple slogan, 'Bread, Peace and Land'.
6月、ロシア軍の新たな攻勢は 40万の損害を出して失敗に終わる
And as Russia's economic and military crisis deepened, its appeal to the masses grew and
In June, a new Russian military offensive ended in disaster, with 400,000 Russian casualties,
彼らはボルシェヴィキ後援の労働者たちと ともに街道に出た
massive desertions, and the collapse of army morale and discipline.
しかし臨時政府の部隊が 発砲してデモ隊を蹴散らした
In July, soldiers and sailors in Petrograd mutinied.
警察の取締りが始まり、レフ・トロツキーを含む ボルシェヴィキの幹部は逮捕された
They were joined in the streets by workers, with Bolshevik support.
レーニンはスターリンの助けを得て フィンランドに逃れた
But troops loyal to the Provisional Government opened fire on the protestors, and dispersed
コンスタンティン・イワノフの偽名と 偽造旅券を使った
the crowds.
弁舌家の社会主義者、ケレンスキーが 新首相に就任する
A police crackdown followed, leading to the arrest of several Bolshevik leaders, including
Leon Trotsky, while Lenin, with the help of Josef Stalin, fled to Finland, travelling
「レーニン筆頭のドイツのスパイ連中を吊して ソヴィエトを滅ぼせ」 (コルニロフ将軍)
with forged papers under the name of Konstantin Ivanov...
陸軍最高司令官コルニロフ将軍は、 ロシアの戦争遂行能力の低下は―
A socialist, and stirring orator, named Alexander Kerensky, became Russia's new Prime Minister,
国内の混乱と、レーニンを始めとした 「ドイツのスパイ」の破壊工作が原因だと考えた
and was hailed as the man who would save Russia from anarchy.
そして8月、「秩序回復」を目指して ペトログラードへの進撃を開始する
The army's commander-in-chief, General Kornilov, believed Russia's war effort was being undermined
このクーデターでは、ボルシェビキが 首都防衛の主要な役割を果たした
by chaos at home, and deliberately sabotaged by men like Lenin, whom he declared a German
トロツキーが刑務所から釈放され、 そのカリスマを活かして
ボルシェビキの民兵「赤衛隊」を 市内の要所に配置した
So in August, he ordered his men to march on Petrograd, to 'restore order'.
ボルシェビキ支持の鉄道労働者がストを起こし、 コルニロフ軍の移動を妨害した
Bolsheviks played a leading role in the city's defence against this attempted military coup.
やがてコルニロフの兵士たちは 敵側に寝返るか、家に帰った
Their most brilliant organiser, Leon Trotsky, was released from prison, and sent armed Bolshevik
このクーデター未遂でボルシェビキは 革命の守護者として名を上げた
militias, the 'Red Guards', to defend key points in the city.
そして9月下旬にはペトログラード・ソヴィエトの 多数派となった
Strikes by railway workers, many of them Bolshevik supporters, prevented Kornilov from moving
his men by rail, and his soldiers began to switch sides, or simply go home.
フィンランドからペトログラードへ秘密裏に戻り、 権力奪取の準備を始めた
The Kornilov Affair cast the Bolsheviks as saviours of the revolution.
「ボルシェビキが多数派になるまで待つなど甘い。待った革命など存在しない。 今権力を手にしなければ歴史は我々を決して許さないだろう」(レーニン)
And by the end of September, they'd gained a majority in the Petrograd Soviet.
In October, Lenin decided the time had come.
赤衛隊と支持派の部隊が首都の要所を占拠する。 その夜、臨時政府のある冬宮に突入した
He secretly returned from Finland to Petrograd, and began preparing to seize power.
On 25th October, the Bolsheviks made their move: Red Guards and loyal troops seized key
名監督セルゲイ・エイゼンシュテインの映画によって 有名になった
points around the capital, and that night they stormed the Provisional Government's
ケレンスキーは辛くも逮捕を逃れ、 首都を脱出した
headquarters at the Winter Palace – an event later immortalised by Bolshevik propaganda,
翌日、第2回ソヴィエト大会において レーニンは臨時政府の転覆を発表した
and the great Soviet filmmaker, Sergei Eisenstein.
「我々に敵分子や白衛隊を撃つ用意が無かったら、 革命はどうなっていた? 単なる言葉と一杯の粥ほどの価値しかなかっただろう」(レーニン)
Kerensky fled the city at the last moment, narrowly avoiding capture, and the next day,
at the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets, Lenin announced the overthrow of the Provisional
同時に外国から援助を受けた反革命の白軍と 激しい内戦を繰り広げた
The following months saw the Bolsheviks consolidate their hold on power, while fighting a brutal
退位の後、ニコライ2世と家族は首都郊外の ツァールスコエ・セロに軟禁されていた
civil war against counter-revolutionary, or 'White Russian', forces, who had foreign support.
Some Whites hoped to put Tsar Nicholas back on the throne.
1917年夏、一家はシベリアのトボリスクに 移され、知事の館に軟禁された
After his abdication, Nicholas and his family had been held under guard at Tsarskoye Selo,
翌年の春、ボルシェビキは一家を エカテリンブルクへ移した
outside Petrograd, where they occupied themselves with gardening and other diversions.
1918年7月、白軍が市街に迫ると ボルシェビキは一家全員を地下室に集めた
In summer 1917 the family was sent to Tobolsk, in Siberia, where they lived under house arrest
皇帝、后、息子アレクセイ、4人の娘、オルガ、 タチアナ、マリア、アナスタシアと4人の従者である
in the Governor's Mansion.
The following spring, the Bolsheviks had the family moved to Yekaterinburg.
In July 1918, as White forces approached the city, Bolshevik soldiers gathered the whole
200万人が戦死し、チフスと飢餓によって 900万人以上の民間人が死亡した
family in a cellar – the Tsar, his wife, their son Alexei, their 4 daughters, Olga,
Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, as well as 4 servants - and executed them all.
そしてレーニンの強力な指導の下、 社会主義秩序の建設がはじまった
Russia's civil war was one of the 20th century's most devastating events.
1922年、ソヴィエト連邦が成立。 その後の第二次世界大戦でナチスドイツを破り、
An estimated 2 million soldiers lost their lives, while a typhus epidemic and famine
claimed the lives of a further 9 million civilians.
しかし反対意見や勢力は容赦なく潰される 一党独裁国家であり続けた
By the end of 1921, the Bolsheviks had emerged victorious, and under Lenin's determined and
uncompromising leadership, set about building a new socialist order.
ボルシェビキの10月革命によって打ち消され、 数十年の歳月を耐えなければならなかった
The Soviet Union, created in 1922, emerged as a world superpower following the defeat
Bridgeman Images は芸術、文化、歴史の 画像や動画を多岐にわたり提供しています
of Nazi Germany in World War Two.
世界の有名な博物館やコレクションや芸術家の ものを掲載しており、
But it would always remain a single party state, where all opposition or dissent was
テレビや映画で公開、宣伝に使用するための 研究や著作権関連の相談にも対応します
ruthlessly suppressed.
Those brief hopes for Russian democracy, that flowered amid the euphoria of the February
Epic History TV はパトロンからの 寄付によって成り立っています
Revolution, were extinguished by the Bolshevik October Revolution, and put beyond reach for
decades to come.
In 1894, Nicholas II became ruler of a Russian empire that stretched from the Baltic to the
Pacific, inhabited by 126 million people, from 194 ethnic groups.
It was a country in which workers and peasants lived in poverty and hardship - while Russia's
elite - its imperial family and aristocracy - lived lives of gilded luxury.
There was a long history of struggle in Russia against the injustices of the system.
And in 1905, a revolution forced the Tsar to allow the creation of a state duma, or
national assembly.
But its power was limited, and the compromise pleased neither the Tsar nor the reformers.
In 1914, this divided empire was plunged into fresh crisis... by world war.
World War One was a disaster for Tsarist Russia.
At the front, the country suffered a series of devastating defeats, while at home there
were food shortages and economic chaos.
The Tsar was held responsible for the crisis – after all, he was now the army's commander-in-chief,
and he was standing in the way of government reform. His German-born wife, Empress Alexandra,
was even thought to be supporting Germany; while the entire family was said to have fallen
under the spell of a Siberian mystic and faith healer, Grigory Rasputin.
In December 1916, Rasputin was murdered by Russian aristocrats, possibly with the help
of British secret agents - both groups determined to end his influence over the Tsar. But in
the eyes of many, the damage had already been done.
On 23rd February 1917, thousands of women took to the streets of the Russian capital,
Petrograd, to mark International Women's Day and protest over bread shortages.
The next day they were joined on the streets by workers and students, carrying placards
that read 'Down with the Tsar!'
Troops, ordered to put down the disorder, mutinied, and joined the protesters instead.
Tsarist officials were arrested, prisons and police stations were attacked, emblems of
Tsarist rule smashed and burned.
The government had lost control of the capital.
The Tsar was told by his ministers that order could only be restored - and Russia saved
from military defeat - if he gave up power.
So on 2nd March, Nicholas agreed to abdicate.
In just 10 days, 300 years of Romanov rule had come to an end.
The February Revolution had been remarkably swift and bloodless, and hopes were now high
for the creation of a more democratic, more just Russian state.
Members of the State Duma, the national assembly, had formed a Provisional Government, which
was to hold power until a Constituent Assembly was elected, to give Russia a new constitution.
But in reality, the Provisional Government shared power with the Petrograd Soviet, a
council elected by workers and soldiers, that controlled the capital's troops, transport
and communications.
The Petrograd Soviet, dominated by the Socialist Revolutionary Party and the Marxist Menshevik
Party, was much more radical than the Provisional Government... yet it supported the Government's
decision to continue the war, and honour the commitments that Russia had made to the Allies.
It was a fateful decision, that ultimately played into the hands of one of the smaller
parties.... the Bolsheviks.
Their leader, Vladimir Lenin, recently returned from 16 years in exile, bitterly opposed the
'imperialist war'.
He also demanded the immediate redistribution of land from rich landowners to peasants;
and the transfer of power from the 'bourgeois' Provisional Government to the people's Soviets,
or councils, that were springing up across Russia.
The Bolshevik programme was summed up in a simple slogan, 'Bread, Peace and Land'.
And as Russia's economic and military crisis deepened, its appeal to the masses grew and
In June, a new Russian military offensive ended in disaster, with 400,000 Russian casualties,
massive desertions, and the collapse of army morale and discipline.
In July, soldiers and sailors in Petrograd mutinied. They were joined in the streets
by workers, with Bolshevik support. But troops loyal to the Provisional Government opened
fire on the protestors, and dispersed the crowds.
A police crackdown followed, leading to the arrest of several Bolshevik leaders, including
Leon Trotsky, while Lenin, with the help of Josef Stalin, fled to Finland, travelling
with forged papers under the name of Konstantin Ivanov...
A socialist, and stirring orator, named Alexander Kerensky, became Russia's new Prime Minister,
and was hailed as the man who would save Russia from anarchy.
The army's commander-in-chief, General Kornilov, believed Russia's war effort was being undermined
by chaos at home, and deliberately sabotaged by men like Lenin, whom he declared a German
So in August, he ordered his men to march on Petrograd, to 'restore order'.
Bolsheviks played a leading role in the city's defence against this attempted military coup.
Their most brilliant organiser, Leon Trotsky, was released from prison, and sent armed Bolshevik
militias, the 'Red Guards', to defend key points in the city.
Strikes by railway workers, many of them Bolshevik supporters, prevented Kornilov from moving
his men by rail, and his soldiers began to switch sides, or simply go home.
The Kornilov Affair cast the Bolsheviks as saviours of the revolution.
And by the end of September, they'd gained a majority in the Petrograd Soviet.
In October, Lenin decided the time had come. He secretly returned from Finland to Petrograd,
and began preparing to seize power.
On 25th October, the Bolsheviks made their move: Red Guards and loyal troops seized key
points around the capital, and that night they stormed the Provisional Government's
headquarters at the Winter Palace – an event later immortalised by Bolshevik propaganda,
and the great Soviet filmmaker, Sergei Eisenstein.
Kerensky fled the city at the last moment, narrowly avoiding capture, and the next day,
at the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets, Lenin announced the overthrow of the Provisional
Lenin: “If we are not ready to shoot a saboteur and a White Guard, what sort of Revolution
is that? Nothing but talk and a bowl of mush.”
The following months saw the Bolsheviks consolidate their hold on power, while fighting a brutal
civil war against counter-revolutionary, or 'White Russian', forces, who had foreign support.
Some Whites hoped to put Tsar Nicholas back on the throne.
After his abdication, Nicholas and his family had been held under guard at Tsarkoye Selo,
outside Petrograd, where they occupied themselves with gardening and other diversions.
In summer 1917 the family was sent to Tobolsk, in Siberia, where they lived under house arrest
in the Governor's Mansion.
The following spring, the Bolsheviks had the family moved to Yekaterinburg.
In July 1918, as White forces approached the city, Bolshevik soldiers gathered the whole
family in a cellar – the Tsar, his wife, their son Alexei, their 4 daughters, Olga,
Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, as well as 4 servants - and executed them all.
Russia's civil war was one of the 20th century's most devastating events. An estimated 2 million
soldiers lost their lives, while a typhus epidemic and famine claimed the lives of a
further 9 million civilians.
By the end of 1921, the Bolsheviks had emerged victorious, and under Lenin's determined and
uncompromising leadership, set about building a new socialist order.
The Soviet Union, created in 1922, emerged as a world superpower following the defeat
of Nazi Germany in World War Two.
But it would always remain a single party state, where all opposition or dissent was
ruthlessly suppressed.
Those brief hopes for Russian democracy, that flowered amid the euphoria of the February
Revolution, were extinguished by the Bolshevik October Revolution, and put beyond reach for
decades to come.
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