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  • For thousands of years, the lands known today as Russia and Ukraine were inhabited by nomadic

    今日ロシアとウクライナとして知られる地域は、 数千年に渡って遊牧民や

  • tribes and mysterious Bronze Age cultures.


  • The only record they left were their graves.

    現在に残る彼らの足跡は南に広がる広大な草原地帯、 ステップに作られた墓のみである

  • In the great open grasslands of the south, the steppe, they buried their chieftains beneath

    クルガンと呼ばれる大きな塚の下に 首長が埋葬された

  • huge mounds called kurgans.

    古代ギリシアの歴史学者ヘロドトスは、 これらの人々を「スキタイ」と呼んだ

  • The Ancient Greek historian Herodotus called these people 'Scythians'.

    この地域はローマ帝国を滅ぼした 遊牧民族の侵攻を受けた

  • Their lands were overrun by the same nomadic warriors who brought down the Roman Empire.


  • The land was then settled by Slavs.

    彼らは言語や文化を一部共有していたが 多くの部族に分かれていた

  • They shared some language and culture, but were divided into many different tribes.

    東方では「ヴァランギアン」と呼ばれるヴァイキングが ロシアの長大な川を遠征し、

  • Vikings from Scandinavia, known in the east as Varangians, rowed up Russia's long rivers


  • on daring raids and trading expeditions.

    伝説によると、東スラブ人が ヴァランギアンの首長リューリクに

  • According to legend, the East Slavs asked a Varangian chief named Rurik to be their


  • prince and unite the tribes.


  • He accepted and made his capital at Novgorod.

    リューリク朝はこの後 700年に渡ってロシアを支配する

  • His dynasty, the Rurikids, would rule Russia for 700 years.


  • His people called themselves the Rus, and gave their name to the land.

    リューリクの後継者オレーグはキエフを占領し、 そこを首都に新国家キエフ・ルーシを築いた

  • Rurik's successor, Oleg, captured Kiev, making it the capital of a new state, Kievan Rus.


  • A century later, seeking closer ties with the Byzantine Empire to the south, Vladimir

    ウラジーミル1世がキリスト教を導入、 正教会に改宗する

  • the Great adopted their religion, and converted to Orthodox Christianity.

    ウクライナとロシアにキリスト教を もたらした人物として今日も尊敬を集めている

  • He is still venerated today as the man who brought Christianity to Ukraine and Russia.


  • Yaroslav the Wise codified laws and conquered new lands.


  • His reign marked the golden age of Kievan Rus.

    当時のヨーロッパで最も洗練された 強力な国家であった

  • It was amongst the most sophisticated and powerful states in Europe.

    しかしヤロスラフの死後、息子たちの争いで キエフ・ルーシは崩壊し対立する公国の集合体となる

  • But after Yaroslav's death his sons fought amongst themselves.


  • Kievan Rus disintegrated into a patchwork of feuding princedoms... just as a deadly


  • new threat emerged from the east.


  • The Mongols under Genghis Khan had overrun much of Asia.

    カルカ河畔の戦いでキエフ諸公軍を撃破 しかし、モンゴル軍は撤退した

  • Now they launched a great raid across the Caucasus Mountains, and defeated the Kievan


  • princes at the Battle of the Kalka River, but then withdrew.


  • 14 years later, the Mongols returned.


  • A gigantic army led by Batu Khan overran the land.


  • Cities that resisted were burnt, their people slaughtered.

    大公アレクサンドル・ネフスキーは 侵攻してきたチュートン騎士団を氷上の決戦で撃破

  • The city of Novgorod was spared because it submitted to the Mongols.


  • Its prince, Alexander Nevsky, then saved the city again, defeating the Teutonic Knights

    ネフスキーはロシアで 最も偉大な英雄として名を残している

  • at the Battle of the Ice, fought above a frozen lake.


  • He remains one of Russia's most revered heroes.

    新たな帝国ジョチ・ウルスが誕生した。 新首都サライを拠点に、ハーンが統治する

  • The Mongols ruled the land as conquerors.


  • Their new empire was called the Golden Horde, ruled by a Khan from his new capital at Sarai.


  • The Rus princes were his vassals.

    ルーシはこれら圧制者をタタールと呼び 「タタールのくびき」の時代が始まる

  • They were forced to pay tribute or suffer devastating reprisal raids.

    ネフスキーの子、ダニールはモスクワ大公国を建国 急速に勢力を拡大する

  • They called their oppressors 'Tatars' - they lived under 'the Tatar yoke'.

    ウズベク・ハンの治世下 タタールはイスラム教に改宗する

  • Alexander Nevsky's son, Daniel, founded the Grand Principality of Moscow, which quickly

    力を増すリトアニア大公国が 青水の戦いでタタールを撃破し、キエフを征服した

  • grew in power.

    18年後、モスクワ大公ドミトリー・ドンスコイも クリコヴォの戦いでタタールを撃破する

  • 18 years later, Dmitri Donskoi, Grand Prince of Moscow, also defeated the Tartars... at

    長年の内紛の末、ジョチ・ウルスは 多くのハン国に分裂して解体した

  • the great Battle of Kulikovo Field.

    ビザンツ帝国最後の砦、コンスタンティノープルが オスマン帝国に征服される

  • After years of infighting, the Golden Horde now began to disintegrate into rival khanates.

    コンスタンティノープル陥落後、「第3のローマ」 としてモスクワが正教会の拠点と認められる

  • Constantinople, capital and last outpost of the once-great Byzantine Empire, fell to the

    一方、モスクワの大公は勢力を拡大し続けており ノヴゴロドを併合

  • Turkish Ottoman Empire.


  • Some hailed Moscow as the 'Third Rome', the seat of Orthodox Christian faith, now Rome

    モスクワのイヴァン3世が ウグラ川の戦いでタタール軍を撃破

  • and Constantinople had fallen.


  • Meanwhile, the Grand Princes of Moscow continued to expand their power, annexing Novgorod,

    ヴァシーリー3世の下、モスクワはその勢力を さらに拡大していく

  • and forging the first Russian state.

    その子イヴァン4世が ロシア初のツァーリの称号を名乗った

  • At the Ugra River, Ivan III of Moscow faced down the Tatar army and forced it to retreat.


  • Russia had finally cast off the 'Tatar yoke'.

    イヴァン4世はタタールのカザンとアストラハンを 征服するが―

  • Under Grand Prince Vasili III, Moscow continued to grow in size and power.

    リヴォニア戦争でスウェーデンと ポーランド・リトアニア連合に敗北する

  • His son, Ivan IV, was crowned the first Tsar of Russia.

    イヴァン4世の改革は、妄想からなる 恐怖政治と大量処刑に変わっていった

  • He would be remembered as Ivan the Terrible.


  • Ivan conquered Tatar lands in Kazan and Astrakahan, but was defeated in the Livonian War by Sweden


  • and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

    しかし翌年、ロシア軍は首都の南 モロディの戦いでタタールを撃退した

  • Ivan's modernising reforms gave way to a reign of terror and mass executions, fuelled by

    3つの国に挟まれた統治の及ばない地域、 ステップ地帯にはコサックが居住していた

  • his violent paranoia.

    彼らは騎馬民族として自由に生活しており、しばしば ロシアやポーランドに傭兵として雇われた

  • Russia was still vulnerable.


  • Raiders from the Crimean Khanate were able to burn Moscow itself.


  • But the next year Russian forces routed the Tatars at Molodi, just south of the city.


  • Cossacks now lived on the open steppe, a lawless region between three warring states.


  • They were skilled horsemen who lived freely, and were often recruited by Russia and Poland

    北方でアルハンゲリスクが建設され、 ロシアで唯一の西欧に繋がる港となる

  • to fight as mercenaries.


  • Ivan the Terrible's own son, the Tsarevich, fell victim to one of his father's violent

    イヴァン雷帝の後を継いだフョードル1世は 後継ぎのないまま死去

  • rages - bludgeoned to death with the royal sceptre.


  • The Cossack adventurer Yermak Timofeyevich led the Russian conquest of Siberia, defeating


  • Tatars and subjugating indigenous tribes.


  • In the north, Archangelsk was founded, for the time being Russia's only sea-port linking

    帝位はイヴァン雷帝の末子を自称する 偽者が継ぐが、彼もすぐに殺された

  • it to western Europe, though it was icebound in winter.


  • Ivan the Terrible was succeeded by his son Feodor I, who died childless.

    叛乱や侵略により国土は荒廃、 飢饉やペストで人口が激減した

  • It was the end of the Rurikid dynasty.

    ポーランドがモスクワを占領し、 スウェーデンがノヴゴロドを奪取した

  • Ivan's advisor Boris Godunov became Tsar.


  • But after his sudden death, his widow and teenage son were brutally murdered, and the

    1612年、ロシアは動乱時代と呼ばれる 無政府状態の只中にあった

  • throne seized by an impostor claiming to be Ivan the Terrible's son.

    人々は戦争、飢饉、疫病の脅威に晒され、 死者は人口の3分の1に及んだ

  • He too was soon murdered.

    モスクワ、スモレンスク、ノヴゴロドが 外国軍に占領された

  • Russia slid into anarchy, the so-called 'Time of Troubles'.


  • Rebels and foreign armies laid waste to the land, and the population was decimated by

    ポジャルスキー公と商人クジマ・ミーニンが 義勇軍を率いてモスクワに攻め込み、

  • famine and plague.


  • Polish troops occupied Moscow; Swedish troops seized Novgorod.

    2005年、ロシアはこの出来事を記念し 毎年11月4日を祝日「民族統一の日」に制定した

  • The Russian state seemed on the verge of extinction.


  • In 1612, Russia was in a state of anarchy.

    ロシア議会「ゼムスキー・ソボル」は、 新たな指導者の下での統一が必要と判断

  • They called it 'The Time of Troubles'.


  • The people were terrorised by war, famine and plagueup to a third of them perished.


  • Foreign troops occupied Moscow, Smolensk and Novgorod.

    ミハイルは領土と引き換えに和平条約を結ぶ。 勝利したロシアには戦争を続ける余力は無かった

  • But then, Russia fought back.


  • Prince Pozharsky and a merchant, Kuzma Minin, led the Russian militia to Moscow, and threw

    これはロシア人口の8割を占める 農民を農奴と規定していた

  • out the Polish garrison.

    実質的な奴隷であり、身分は子に受け継がれ、 旅行の自由も、主人を選択する自由も無かった

  • Since 2005, this event has been commemorated every 4th November, as Russian National Unity

    このシステムは今後200年間、 ロシア農民の生活を支配する

  • Day.

    ロシア正教会の総主教ニコンの改革によって 正教会は改革派と「古儀式派」に分かれる

  • The Russian assembly, the Zemsky Sobor, realised the country had to unite behind a new ruler,


  • and elected a 16 year old noble, Mikhail Romanov, as the next Tsar.

    ポーランド・リトアニア共和国に叛乱を 起こしたウクライナ・コサックが

  • His dynasty would rule Russia for the next 300 years.


  • Tsar Mikhail exchanged territory for peace, winning Russia much-needed breathing-space.

    ロシアとポーランド・リトアニア共和国の間で 13年戦争が勃発する

  • His son, Tsar Alexei, implemented a new legal code, the Sobornoye Ulozheniye.

    ロシアが勝利し、スモレンスクを占領 ウクライナ東部を獲得する

  • It turned all Russian peasants, 80% of the population, into serfseffectively slaves

    コサックのスチェパン・ラージンが ツァーリの支配に対して叛乱を起こす

  • - their status inherited by their children, and with no freedom to travel or choose their


  • master.

    叛乱鎮圧後、ラージンはモスクワに連行され 四つ裂きの刑に処された

  • It was a system that dominated Russian rural life for the next 200 years.

    病弱ながら教養の高いフョードル3世は 多くの改革を行った

  • The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Nikon, imposed religious reforms that split

    実績よりも家柄によって 政権の地位が決まる門地制を廃止

  • the church between Reformers and 'Old Believers'.


  • It's a schism that continues to this day.

    しかしフョードルは僅か19歳で死去 姉ソフィアが摂政となり、

  • Ukrainian Cossacks, rebelling against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, recognised

    二人の弟イヴァン5世と共同統治者ピョートル1世の 代理として統治する

  • Tsar Alexei as overlord in exchange for his military support.

    数世紀に渡る紛争の末、ロシアは ポーランド・リトアニア共和国と

  • It led to the Thirteen Years War between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.


  • Russia emerged victorious, reclaiming Smolensk and taking control of eastern Ukraine.

    ロシアは神聖同盟に加盟して 大トルコ戦争に参加した

  • A revolt against Tsarist government, led by a renegade Cossack, Stenka Razin, brought

    ソフィア治世下、ロシアと清国は 初の条約を結び両国の国境を確定する

  • anarchy to southern Russia.


  • It was finally suppressed: Razin was brought to Moscow and executed by quartering.

    ピョートル1世が17歳になると、 ソフィアから権力を奪取した

  • The sickly but highly-educated Feodor III passed many reforms.

    ピョートルはロシアの指導者として初めて 国外旅行を行なう

  • He abolished mestnichestvo, the system that had awarded government posts according to

    大使節団とともにヨーロッパを旅しながら オスマンに対する同盟の交渉を行ない、

  • nobility rather than merit, and symbolically burned the ancient books of rank.


  • But Feodor died aged just 19.

    大トルコ戦争が終結し、 コンスタンティノープル条約が結ばれる

  • His sister Sofia became Princess Regent, ruling on behalf of her younger brothers, the joint

    ロシアはクリミア・ハン国からアゾフを獲得。 黒海への足がかりを得る

  • Tsars Ivan V and Peter I.

    ピョートルはロシアをヨーロッパの様に 近代化するため、多くの改革を断行した

  • After centuries of conflict, Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth signed a Treaty

    ロシア貴族の服装や習慣をヨーロッパ風に改めさせ、 拒否する者には「ひげ税」を課した

  • of Eternal Peace.

    ピョートルはロシア海軍を創設し、陸軍と政府を再編 工業、貿易、教育を促進した

  • Russia then joined 'the Holy League' in its war against the Ottoman Empire.

    大北方戦争で、ロシア、 ポーランド・リトアニア共和国、デンマークが

  • Sofia's reign also saw the first treaty between Russia and China, establishing the frontier


  • between the two states.

    ロシアはカール12世のスウェーデンに ナルヴァの戦いで大敗する

  • At age 17, Peter I seized power from his half-sister, Sofia.


  • Peter became the first Russian ruler to travel abroad.


  • He toured Europe with his 'Grand Embassy', seeking allies for Russia's war against Turkey,

    ピョートルはバルト海沿岸に新首都 サンクトペテルブルグを建設

  • and learning the latest developments in science and shipbuilding.

    沿岸の湿地帯にロシア第2の大都市を 建設したことは偉大な業績だった

  • The war against Turkey was successfully concluded by the Treaty of Constantinople: Russia gained


  • Azov from Turkey's ally, the Crimean Khanate, and with it, a foothold on the Black Sea.

    大北方戦争はニスタット条約の締結で終了する。 ロシアはスウェーデンから権益を獲得し、

  • Peter made many reforms, seeking to turn Russia into a modern, European state.


  • He demanded Russian nobles dress and behave like Europeans.

    死の4年前、ピョートルは 「大帝、国の父、全ロシアの皇帝」と称された

  • He made those who refused to shave pay a beard tax.


  • Peter built the first Russian navy; reformed the army and government; and promoted industry,

    死後、妃エカチェリーナ1世が後を継ぎ その後、孫のピョートル2世が即位するが

  • trade and education.


  • In the Great Northern War, Russia, Poland-Lithuania and Denmark took on the dominant power in

    ピョートル大帝の異母兄イヴァン5世の娘 アンナ・イヴァノヴナが女帝となるが、

  • the Baltic, Sweden.

    彼女の退廃ぶりと、ドイツ人の愛人 エルンスト・ビロンの影響力が悪評を呼んだ

  • The war began badly for Russia, with a disastrous defeat to Charles XII of Sweden at Narva.

    アンナの治世下、デンマーク出身の冒険家 ヴィトゥス・ベーリングが

  • But Russia won a second battle of Narva...


  • Before crushing Charles XII's army at the Battle of Poltava.

    彼はアリューシャン列島を発見し、 ロシアとアメリカを隔てるこの海に自らの名を付けた

  • On the Baltic coast, Peter completed construction of a new capital, St.Petersburg.


  • The building of what would become Russia's second largest city among coastal marshes

    ピョートル大帝の孫娘 エリザヴェータに廃位される

  • was a remarkable achievement, though it cost the lives of many thousands of serfs.

    イヴァン6世は生涯幽閉され、23歳の時 救出が試みられたため看守に殺害された

  • The Great Northern War ended with the Treaty of Nystad: Russia's gains at Sweden's expense

    エリザヴェータは虚栄心が強く、贅沢を極め、 多くの愛人に囲まれた

  • made it the new, dominant Baltic power.

    しかし彼女は優れた指導力を発揮し、 フランス、オーストリアと同盟

  • Four years before his death, Peter was declared 'Peter the Great, Father of His Country, Emperor

    7年戦争に参加し、 フリードリヒ2世のプロイセン王国と戦う

  • of All the Russias'.

    ロシア軍はクーネルスドルフの戦いで フリードリヒに大勝する

  • Peter was succeeded by his wife Catherine; then his grandson Peter II, who died of smallpox


  • aged just 14.

    一方、ペテルブルグでは 大きな犠牲を払って冬宮が完成した

  • Empress Anna Ioannovna, daughter of Peter the Great's half-brother Ivan V, was famed


  • for her decadence and the influence of her German lover, Ernst Biron.

    ピョートル3世はピョートル大帝の孫である。 母のアンナ・ペトロヴナは出産時に死亡した

  • During Anna's reign, Vitus Bering, a Danish explorer in Russian service, led the first


  • expedition to chart the coast of Alaska.

    そこで彼はロシアを戦争から抜けさせて、 フリードリヒを敗戦の窮地から救う

  • He also discovered the Aleutian Islands, and later gave his name to the sea that separates


  • Russia and America.

    彼はドイツ人の皇后 エカチェリーナからも嫌われていた

  • After Anna's death, her infant grand-nephew, Ivan VI, was deposed by Peter the Great's

    ピョートル3世は皇后と軍に廃位させられる その1週間後、疑惑の死を遂げた

  • daughter, Elizabeth.


  • Ivan VI spent his entire life in captivity, until aged 23, he was murdered by his guards


  • during a failed rescue attempt.

    1700年代初頭、ピョートル大帝の改革で ロシアはヨーロッパの大国にのし上がった

  • Elizabeth, meanwhile, was famed for her vanity, extravagance, and many young lovers.

    しかし、この変革を完遂させたのは 彼の孫から帝位を奪った妻

  • But she was also capable of decisive leadership: in alliance with France and Austria, Elizabeth


  • led Russia into the Seven Years War against Frederick the Great of Prussia.


  • The Russian army inflicted a crushing defeat on Frederick at the Battle of Kunersdorf,


  • but failed to exploit its victory.

    エカチェリーナはフランスの 啓蒙思想に傾倒しており

  • Meanwhile in St.Petersburg, the Winter Palace was completed at vast expense.


  • It would remain the monarch's official residence, right up until the Russian Revolution of 1917.

    彼女は「啓蒙専制君主」として振る舞った 独裁的ではあったが、

  • Peter III was Peter the Great's grandson by his elder daughter Anna Petrovna, who'd died


  • as a consequence of childbirth.


  • Raised in Denmark, Peter spoke hardly any Russian, and greatly admired Russia's enemy,


  • Frederick the Great - so he had Russia swap sides in the Seven Years War, saving Frederick

    帝国美術アカデミーも設立した 彼女の豪華な美術品のコレクションは

  • from almost certain defeat.


  • Peter's actions angered many army officers.

    エカチェリーナはヨーロッパの専門技術を 吸収するため、ロシアへの移民を誘致した

  • And he'd always been despised by his German wife, Catherine.

    ドイツ人がヴォルガ地方に移住し、 「ヴォルガ・ドイツ人」と呼ばれるようになった

  • Together they deposed Peter III, who died a week later in suspicious circumstances.

    この共同体は200年近く存続したが、 第二次世界大戦時にスターリンの命令で

  • His wife Catherine became Empress of Russia.


  • Her reign would be remembered as one of Russia's most glorious...

    エカチェリーナ2世の治世下では、 領土が大幅に拡大した

  • In the early 1700s, Peter the Great's reforms put Russia on the path to becoming a great

    南では露土戦争でオスマン帝国に勝利し、 新領土とアゾフ、ケルチの要塞を獲得

  • European power.

    しかし、コサックのエメリヤン・プガチョフ率いる 農民の大規模叛乱が勃発する

  • But it was his grandson's German wife, Catherine, who deposed her husband to become Empress

    叛乱軍は多くの街と要塞を攻め落とし、 カザン市の手前でロシア軍に敗北した

  • of Russia, who oversaw the completion of that transformation.

    その後エカチェリーナは ザポロジアン・コサックをロシアに吸収

  • Like Peter, she too would be remembered as 'the Great'.

    そして300年に渡ってロシアの喉元の棘だった クリミア・ハン国も併合する

  • Catherine was a student and admirer of the French Enlightenment, and even corresponded

    ロシア南部の新領土は ノヴォロシア(新ロシア)と命名された

  • with the French philosopher Voltaire.

    人口が少なかったため、 女帝の顧問であり愛人でもある

  • She reigned as an 'enlightened autocrat' – her power was unchecked, but she pursued ideals

    ポチョムキン監督の下、 ロシア人の入植が行われた

  • of reason, tolerance and progress:

    ポーランド・リトアニア共和国は、 戦争や隣国の脅威に疲弊しきっていた

  • Catherine became a great patron of the arts, and learning.

    国土は複数に分割され、 ロシアもその分け前を獲得する

  • Schools and colleges were built, the Bolshoi theatre was founded, as well as the Imperial


  • Academy of Fine Arts, while her own magnificent collection of artwork now forms the basis

    ロシアが獲得したポーランド地域は ユダヤ人の人口が多く、エカチェリーナは

  • of the world-famous Hermitage museum.

    ユダヤ人の「定住区域」外への移住を禁じ、 殆どの都市から締め出した

  • Catherine encouraged Europeans to move to Russia to share their expertise, and helped

    フランスでフランス革命が勃発し、 ルイ16世が処刑される

  • German migrants to settle in the Volga region, where they became known as 'Volga Germans'.

    エカチェリーナはこれに脅威を感じ、 晩年の治世では、

  • Their communities survived nearly 200 years, until on Stalin's orders, they were deported


  • east at the start of World War 2.

    3年後、エカチェリーナ2世は崩御し、 ロシアの栄光時代は終わりを告げた

  • Catherine's reign also saw enormous territorial expansion.

    後を継いだパーヴェル1世は 軍隊の規則や細部にこだわり、

  • In the south, Russia defeated the Ottoman Empire, winning new lands, and the fortresses


  • of Azov and Kerch.

    ロシアは革命フランスに対抗する ヨーロッパの同盟に参加

  • But then Catherine faced a major peasant revolt led by the renegade cossack Yemelyan Pugachev.

    ロシアの偉大な指揮官スヴォーロフ元帥が 北イタリアでフランス軍に勝利する

  • The rebels took many fortresses and towns, and stormed the city of Kazan, before they


  • were finally defeated by the Russian army.

    一方、パーヴェルの改革は軍と貴族の 反感を買い、クーデターで暗殺された

  • Catherine then forcibly incorporated the Zaporozhian Cossacks into the Russian Empire, and annexed

    その後は23歳の息子アレクサンドル1世が継ぐ 彼のロシア近代化のためのヴィジョンは

  • the Crimean Khanate – a thorn in Russia's side for 300 years.


  • Russia's new lands in the south were named Novorossiya - 'New Russia'.

    皇帝の顧問、ミハイル・スペランスキー公爵は 行政と財政の改革を行う

  • Sparsely populated, they were settled by Russian colonists under the supervision of Prince


  • Potemkin, Catherine's advisor and lover.

    アレクサンドルの治世下では 対仏戦争が最優先されたのである

  • The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, exhausted by war and at the mercy of its neighbours,


  • was carved up in a series of partitions, with Russia taking the lion's share.

    フランス皇帝となったナポレオン・ボナパルトは ロシアと同盟軍を破る

  • Poland did not re-emerge as an independent nation until 1918.

    アウステルリッツ、アイラウ、 フリートラントで連勝した

  • Russia inherited a large Jewish population from Poland, who, Catherine decreed, could

    しかし1807年、ティルジットの和約で 露仏の両皇帝は同盟を結ぶ

  • live only in the so-called 'Pale of Settlement', and were excluded from most cities.

    ロシアはスウェーデンを攻撃し、フィンランドを併合 ロシアの保護国フィンランド大公国とする

  • In France, the French Revolution led to the execution of King Louis XVI.


  • Catherine was horrified, and in the last years of her reign, completely turned her back on

    ボロディノで露仏両軍は一大決戦を行う 当時では最大級の戦いとなった

  • the liberal idealism of her youth.

    ナポレオンが勝利するが、ロシア軍は 手付かずのまま脱出した

  • Three years later, Catherine died, ending one of the most glorious reigns in Russian

    ナポレオンはモスクワを占領するが、 街は火災で破壊される

  • history.

    アレクサンドルは交渉を拒否したため、 フランス軍はロシアの冬の中

  • She was succeeded by her son, Paul, a man obsessed by military discipline and detail,


  • and opposed to all his mother's works.


  • Russia joined the coalition of European powers fighting Revolutionary France.

    ロシアはプロイセン、オーストリア、イギリスと 同盟し、反撃に出る

  • Marshal Suvorov, one of Russia's greatest military commanders, won a series of victories


  • against the French in Northern Italy, but the wider war was a failure.

    ウィーン会議において、アレクサンドルは 「ポーランド王」の地位を得る

  • Meanwhile, Paul's reforms had alienated Russia's army and nobility, and he was murdered in

    そしてオーストリア、プロイセンと共に 神聖同盟を結成

  • a palace coup.


  • He was succeeded by his 23 year old son Alexander, who shared his grandmother Catherine's vision

    一方、ロシアはバルカンとコーカサスで 断続的な戦争を

  • for a more modern Russian state.


  • His advisor, the brilliant Count Mikhail Speranksy, reformed administration and finance, yet the

    国境は南へ拡大し、ベッサラビア、 チェルケス、チェチェン、

  • Emperor refused to back his plans for a liberal constitution.

    現在のジョージア、ダゲスタン、 アゼルバイジャン、アルメニアの殆どを併合する

  • Ultimately, it was war with France that would dominate Alexander's reign...

    しかしコーカサスの人々は ロシアの支配に激しく抵抗した

  • France had a new emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, who inflicted a series of defeats on Russia

    ロシアによる強権支配に反発し、 コーカサス戦争が勃発

  • and her allies at Austerlitz, Eylau and Friedland.

    森林や山間部で激しい戦いが繰り広げられ、 戦争はこの後50年間続く

  • But at Tilsit in 1807, the two young emperors met, and made an alliance.

    アレクサンドル1世の後を継いだ弟 ニコライ1世は、保守的で復古的な性格だった

  • Russia attacked Sweden, annexing Finland, which became an autonomous Grand Duchy within

    だが、ロシア社会ではヨーロッパの 自由主義を求める風潮が高まっていた

  • the Russian Empire.

    その中には、ナポレオン戦争中に外国の制度を 直に見てきた陸軍士官たちも含まれていた

  • But then, in 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia.

    彼らにはニコライ1世は障害に思えた そして、新皇帝の最初の試練は

  • At Borodino, French and Russian armies clashed in a gigantic battle, one of the bloodiest


  • of the age.


  • Napoleon emerged victorious, but the Russian army escaped intact.

    ナポレオン戦争の勝利は、ロシアの 列強としての力を強化した

  • Napoleon occupied Moscow, which was destroyed by fire.

    しかし国内では知識階級や 軍人の不満が高まっており

  • And when Alexander refused to negotiate, the French army was forced to make a long retreat

    一部がロシアの権力体制を転覆するべく 秘密結社(デカブリスト)を結成した

  • through the Russian winter, and was annihilated.

    アレクサンドル1世の後を継いだのは、 予想に反して次兄コンスタンティンではなく

  • Napoleon had been dealt a mortal blow.


  • And Russia, alongside Prussia, Austria and Britain, then led the fight back, which ended

    彼の即位直後、秘密結社による 軍事クーデターが起こる

  • in the capture of Paris and Napoleon's abdication.

    しかし、この「デカブリストの乱」は 政府軍に敗北し、首謀者は絞首刑となった

  • At the Congress of Vienna, as part of the spoils of war, Alexander became 'King of Poland'.


  • Then, with Austria, and Prussia, he formed 'The Holy Alliance', with the aim of preventing

    これ以降、帝政ロシアにおいて犯罪者や政治犯は シベリアへ流刑することが一般的となった

  • further revolutions in Europe.

    ニコライ1世は正教、専制、 国民性重視の主義を採用

  • Meanwhile, in the Balkans and Caucasus, Russia had been waging intermittent wars against

    正教会、皇帝、民族精神の3本柱で 国家を運営する方針を打ち立てる

  • the Ottoman Empire, Persia and local tribes.

    ヨーロッパ自由主義の価値観と 真っ向から対決した

  • The frontier had been pushed south to incorporate Bessarabia, Circassia, Chechnya, and much

    コーカサスでは、ペルシアとの国境紛争が 戦争に発展し、ロシアが勝利する

  • of modern Georgia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

    トルコマンチャーイ条約を結び、 係争地域のロシアへの割譲と

  • But the peoples of the Caucasus bitterly resisted Russian rule.


  • Russia's attempt to impose its authority on the region led to the Caucasian War, a brutal

    ロシア支援の下、ギリシアが オスマン帝国からの独立戦争を開始し、

  • conflict, fought amongst the mountains and forests, that would drag on for nearly 50


  • years.


  • Alexander was succeeded by his brother Nicholas, a conservative and reactionary.

    ポーランドで、若手士官の起こした 11月蜂起がロシア軍に鎮圧される

  • But parts of Russian society had now developed an appetite for European-style liberalism

    ロシアの偉大な詩人、アレクサンドル・プーシキンが 決闘で撃たれ、2日後に死亡した

  • including certain army officers, who'd seen other ways of doing things during the

    ニコライはオーストリアに軍を送り、 ハンガリー独立運動の鎮圧に協力する

  • Napoleonic Wars.

    自由主義者の叛乱鎮圧に 気前よく協力する姿勢により、

  • They saw Nicholas as an obstacle, and the new Emperor's first challenge... would be


  • military revolt.

    ロシア初の鉄道が、 ペテルブルグとモスクワ間に開通した

  • 1825.

    ロシアを代表する批評家 アレクサンドル・ゲルツェンがロンドンに移住し、

  • Victory over Napoleon had confirmed Russia's status as a world power.


  • But there was discontent within Russia amongst intellectuals and army officers, some of whom


  • had formed secret societies, to plot the overthrow of Russia's autocratic system.

    今や「ヨーロッパの病人」と 呼ばれていたオスマン帝国は、

  • When Emperor Alexander was succeeded not, as expected, by his brother Constantine, but


  • by a younger brother, Nicholas, one of these secret societies used the confusion to launch

    ロシア黒海艦隊はスィノプ海戦で トルコ艦隊を撃破する

  • a military coup.


  • But the Decembrist Revolt, as it became known, was defeated by loyalist troops, and the ringleaders

    コンスタンティノープルへの進出を 警戒してロシアに宣戦布告

  • were hanged.

    連合軍はクリミア半島に上陸して 海軍基地セヴァストポリを包囲、

  • Others were sent into 'internal exile' in Siberia.


  • This was to become a common sentence for criminals and political prisoners in Tsarist Russia.

    英仏海軍が首都ペテルブルグに面した バルト海を封鎖する

  • Nicholas went on to adopt an official doctrine of 'Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality'

    ロシアは屈辱的な和平を結び、 黒海からの撤退と、

  • the state was to rest on the pillars of church, Tsar, and the Russian national spirit


  • - a clear rejection of the values of European liberalism.


  • In the Caucasus, border clashes with Persia led to a war which ended in complete Russian

    ニコライ1世の後は アレクサンドル2世が継いだ

  • victory.

    クリミア戦争はロシアの弱点を露呈した 工業力、インフラ、軍事力ともに

  • The Treaty of Turkmenchay forced Persia to cede all its territories in the region to


  • Russia, and pay a large indemnity.

    そのためアレクサンドル2世は、 父とは違い進んで改革を行なう

  • Russian support for Greece in its War of Independence against the Ottomans, led to war between Russia


  • and the Ottoman Empire.

    1857年の国勢調査によると、 ロシア人口の3分の1以上が農奴だった

  • Russian victory brought further gains in the Black Sea region.

    主人の土地に縛られて働き、権利も限られ、 移動の自由も無く、身分は子に受け継がれる

  • A Polish revolt, led by young army officers, was crushed by Russian troops.


  • Alexander Pushkin, Russia's greatest poet, was shot in a duel, and two days later died


  • from his wounds.


  • Nicholas sent troops to help put down a Hungarian revolt against Austrian rule.

    しかし現実には、殆どの元農奴が 引き続き隷属と貧困に苦しんだ

  • The Emperor's willingness to help suppress liberal revolts won him the nickname, 'the

    改革はなおも続き、 地方議会ゼムストヴォが設置される

  • Gendarme', or policeman, of Europe.


  • Russia's first major railway was opened, connecting St.Petersburg and Moscow.


  • Alexander Herzen, a leading intellectual critic of Russia's autocracy, emigrated to London,


  • where he continued to call for reform in his homeland.

    ポーランドとリトアニアで1月蜂起が起こり、 再びロシア軍に鎮圧された

  • He'd later be described as 'the father of Russian socialism'.

    コーカサスで長く続いていた 地元部族との戦争が終結し、

  • The Ottoman Empire, now known as 'the sick man of Europe', reacted to further Russian


  • provocations by declaring war.


  • The Russian Black Sea Fleet inflicted a crushing defeat on the Turks at the Battle of Sinope.


  • But Britain and France - alarmed at Russia's southern expansion, and potential control

    1880年代にはトルキスタンと呼ばれる 地域の殆どを征服した

  • of Constantinopledeclared war on Russia.

    現在のカザフスタン、ウズベキスタン、クルジスタン、 タジキスタン、トルクメニスタンである

  • The Allies landed troops in Crimea and besieged the naval base of Sevastopol, which fell after

    中央アジアを挟んで2つの帝国の抗争、 イギリスとロシアの「グレート・ゲーム」が始まる

  • a gruelling, year-long siege.


  • In the Baltic, British and French warships blockaded the Russian capital, St.Petersburg.

    間に位置するアフガニスタンで 双方の外交官やスパイが活動し、

  • Russia was forced to sign a humiliating peace, withdraw its forces from the Black Sea, and

    直接の軍事衝突を避けつつ、 地元への影響力拡大と

  • put on hold plans for further southern expansion.


  • Nicholas I was succeeded by his son, Alexander II.

    ロシアはアメリカに、アラスカを 720万ドルで売却する

  • The Crimean War had exposed Russia's weaknessthe country lagged far behind its European

    多くのアメリカ人は金の無駄だと考えたが、 後に金鉱や油田が発見された

  • rivals in industry, infrastructure and military power.

    レフ・トルストイの「戦争と平和」が出版 現在も文学史上最高傑作とされている

  • So Alexander, unlike his father, decided to embrace reform.

    19世紀後半はロシア文化の黄金時代であった 優れた作家や作曲家が数多く登場した

  • The most obvious sign of Russia's backwardness was serfdom.

    ロシアは、オスマン帝国に抵抗する バルカン半島の叛乱を支援し、

  • According to the 1857 census, more than a third of Russians were serfs, forced to work


  • their masters' land, with few rights, restrictions on movement, and their status passed down

    ロシア軍はドナウ川を渡河し、 ブルガリアの支援を得てシプカ峠を占領した

  • to their children.

    そしてブルガリアで5ヶ月に渡り プレヴェン要塞包囲戦を行なう

  • They were slaves in all but name.

    ロシアと同盟国は勝利し、 コンスタンティノープルに迫った

  • In 1861, Alexander II abolished serfdom in Russia.

    しかし、ロシアはベルリン会議で 国際的圧力を受けて獲得領土を減らされる

  • He was hailed as 'The Liberator'.

    ルーマニア、セルビア、モンテネグロが独立、 後にブルガリアも独立した

  • But in reality, most former-serfs remained trapped in servitude and poverty.

    その頃ロシア国内では、急進的な政治グループが 皇帝の慎重な改革に不満を募らせていた

  • Alexander's reforms would continue, with the creation of the zemstva - provincial assemblies


  • with authority over local affairs, including education and social welfare.

    そして立憲制に向けた改革を準備していた時、 「人民の意志」党員が投げた爆弾で殺害された

  • In the Far East, Russia forced territorial concessions from a weakened China, leading

    現代的テロ組織の 草分け的存在である

  • to the founding of Vladivostok, Russia's major Pacific port.

    このテロ行為は、新たな抑圧の時代の 始まりに過ぎなかった

  • Another uprising by Poles and Lithuanians against Russian rule was once more crushed

    1881年、皇帝アレクサンドル2世が ペテルブルグで左翼テロ組織に暗殺された

  • by the Russian army.

    現在、犯行現場となった場所には 「血の上の救世主教会」が建っている

  • In the Caucasus, Russia's long and brutal war against local tribes came to an end, with

    アレクサンドル2世は改革者であった。 農奴を解放した「解放者」と称えられた

  • their leaders swearing oaths of loyalty to the Tsar.

    しかし息子のアレクサンドル3世は、 父の改革はロシア国内に

  • In Central Asia, the Russian Empire was gradually expanding southwards.

    脅威を解き放ち、 それが暗殺に繋がったと考えていた

  • Russian armies defeated the Emirate of Bukhara, and the Khanate of Khiva, and by the 1880s,


  • Russia had conquered most of what was then called Turkestantoday, the countries

    「この深い悲しみの最中、神の声が我々に 専制の強さと公正さを信じ、

  • of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.

    勇気を持って統治の務めに 取り組むよう命じられた」

  • Imperial rivalry in Central Asia between Russia and Britain led to 'the Great Game' – a

    皇帝の秘密警察、通称「オフラーンカ」が 多くの革命派組織の内部に潜入した

  • 19th century version of the Cold War.

    反政府の陰謀が明らかになった者は 絞首刑にされるか、シベリアへ追放された

  • Centred on Afghanistan, diplomats and spies on both sides tried to win local support,

    アレクサンドル3世は敬虔な人物で、 正教会を支援した

  • extend their own influence, and limit the expansion of their rival - while avoiding

    そしてロシア人としての アイデンティティを特に重視していた

  • direct military confrontation.


  • Russia decided to sell Alaska to America for 7.2 million dollars.

    既にユダヤ人は前皇帝暗殺の時、 事件に関与したというデマによって、

  • Many Americans thought it was a waste of moneygold and oil were only discovered there


  • much later.

    政府は2万人のユダヤ人を モスクワから追放し、多くが国を離れた

  • Leo Tolstoy's 'War & Peace' was published, still regarded as one of the world's greatest

    その後40年間で約200万人のユダヤ人が ロシアを逃れ、殆どがアメリカに渡った

  • works of literature.

    ドイツの強大化に伴い、 ロシアはフランスと同盟を結ぶ

  • The late 19th century was a cultural golden age for Russia: a period of literary greats,

    どちらかが攻撃された場合、 軍事的支援をすることになった

  • and outstanding composers.


  • Russia, in support of nationalist revolts in the Balkans against Ottoman rule, went

    改革でロシア経済の近代化を進め、 外国からの投資、

  • to war with the Ottoman Empire once more.

    特に新同盟国フランスからの 投資を奨励した

  • Russian troops crossed the Danube... then, with Bulgarian help, fought to secure the

    フランスの借款の支援もあり、 ロシアの工業とインフラは発展していく

  • vital Shipka Pass.


  • Then they launched a bloody, five-month siege of Plevna, in Bulgaria.

    1916年に完成、モスクワ~ウラジオストク間で 全長9289キロに達し、

  • Russia and her allies finally won victory, with their troops threatening Constantinople


  • itself.

    アレクサンドル3世の後は、 子のニコライ2世が継いだ

  • But at the Congress of Berlin, Russia bowed to international pressure, and accepted limited

    モスクワの祝賀式典で将棋倒し事故が 発生し、1400人が死亡

  • gains, in a settlement that also led to independence for Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, and later,


  • Bulgaria.

    清国は、ロシアが旅順港に海軍基地を 建設することを認めた

  • Meanwhile, within Russia, radical political groups were increasingly frustrated by Alexander

    清で義和団の乱が勃発し、ロシア軍は 旅順防衛を口実に満州に進出する

  • II's limited reforms.

    この行動は、同じく満州と大韓帝国を狙っていた 日本との紛争を誘発した

  • There were several failed attempts to assassinate the Emperor.

    日本軍は旅順港を奇襲攻撃し、 奉天の戦いでロシア軍を破る

  • But as he prepared to approve new constitutional reforms, he was killed in St.Petersburg by

    ロシアはバルチック艦隊を 地球を半周させて太平洋まで派遣するが

  • a bomb thrown by members of the People's Willone of the world's first modern terrorist


  • groups.

    ロシアは和平を余儀なくされ、アメリカの セオドア・ルーズベルト大統領の仲介で

  • This act of violence would lead only to a new era of repression.


  • In 1881, Russian Emperor Alexander II was assassinated by left-wing terrorists in St.Petersburg.

    一方、皇帝はそのお膝元で 別の危機に直面していた

  • Today, the place where he was fatally wounded is marked by the magnificent Church of the

    ペテルブルグで製鉄所工員のストが激化し、 大規模なデモへと発展した

  • Saviour on Spilled Blood.

    数万人の群衆が冬宮へ行進し、皇帝に対して 労働者の権利向上や政治的自由を求めた

  • Alexander II had been a reformer, hailed as 'the Liberator' for freeing Russia's serfs.

    しかし、軍隊が群衆に発砲して 100人以上を殺害する

  • But his son and successor, Alexander III, believed his father's reforms had unleashed

    この「血の日曜日事件」は、ロシア国内に 更なるストと社会不安を蔓延させた

  • dangerous forces within Russia, that ultimately led to his death.

    戦艦ポチョムキンの乗員が叛乱を起こし、 士官を殺害して艦を掌握する

  • As Emperor, he publicly vowed to reassert autocratic rule, declaring that, 'in the midst

    これらの危機を緩和するため、ニコライ2世は やむなく「十月詔書」を発布

  • of our great grief, the voice of God orders us to undertake courageously the task of ruling,


  • with faith in the strength and rightness of autocratic power.'

    これは議会の開設や、言論の自由を含めた 政治的自由権を約束しており、

  • The Tsar's secret police, the so-called 'Okhranka', was ordered to infiltrate Russia's many revolutionary


  • groups.


  • Those found guilty of plotting against the government were hanged or sent into 'internal

    当初、皇帝と国会「ドゥーマ」は 対等な権限を持つはずだったが、

  • exile' in Siberia.

    皇帝は議会の決定に対して拒否権を有し、 いつでも取り消すことが出来た

  • Alexander III was a pious man, who supported the Orthodox church, and the assertion of


  • a strong Russian national identity.

    新たに首相になったストルイピンは 農民支援の大規模改革を行なった

  • Russia's Jews became victims of this policy.


  • They'd already been targeted in murderous race riots known as 'pogroms', after false

    じきに絞首刑の縄が 「ストルイピンのネクタイ」と呼ばれるまでになった

  • rumours were spread that they were responsible for the assassination of the emperor.

    ストルイピンは何度か暗殺の危機を逃れたが、 キエフのオペラハウスで射殺された

  • Now the government expelled 20,000 Jews from Moscow, and many who could began to leave

    その頃、シベリアの祈祷僧 グレゴリー・ラスプーチンが皇室内部に入り込む

  • the country.

    皇太子アレクセイの血友病の 病状を和らげたことで信頼を得たのだ

  • Over the next 40 years, around two million Jews would leave Russia, most bound for the

    散発的なテロに見舞われつつも、 ロシア経済はヨーロッパで最も急成長を遂げていた

  • USA.


  • Concerned by the growing power of Germany, Russia signed an alliance with France, both

    殆どの一般のロシア人はまだ皇帝と その家族を支持していた

  • sides promising military aid if the other was attacked.


  • Sergei Witte was appointed Russia's new Minister of Finance.


  • His reforms helped to modernise the Russian economy, and encourage foreign investment

    1914年、サラエヴォにてスラヴ民族主義者が オーストリア皇太子フェルディナントを暗殺

  • particularly from its new ally, France.


  • French loans helped Russia to develop its industry and infrastructure:

    オーストリア・ハンガリーがセルビアに宣戦すると ニコライ2世は、

  • Work began on the Trans-Siberian railway.

    同胞スラヴ民族支援の姿勢を見せるため、 ロシア軍の動員を命じる

  • Completed in 1916, it remains the world's longest railway line, running 5,772 miles

    オーストリアの同盟国ドイツは ロシア軍の動員に脅威を感じて宣戦布告

  • from Moscow to Vladivostok.

    ヨーロッパの同盟ネットワークの効果により、 全ての列強が戦争へと突き進んだ

  • Alexander III was succeeded by his son Nicholas II.


  • His coronation was marred by tragedy, when 1,400 people were crushed to death at an open-air


  • celebration in Moscow.

    首都ペテルブルグの名前がドイツ語風だというので、 ペトログラードに改名される

  • China granted Russia the right to build a naval base at Port Arthur.

    東プロイセンに侵攻したロシア軍は タンネンベルクとマズーリ湖で大敗した

  • When China faced a major revolt known as the Boxer Rebellion, Russia moved troops into

    オーストリアには勝利したが、 損害は大きかった

  • Manchuria, under the pretext of defending Port Arthur from the rebels.

    1915年、敗北が続いたロシア軍は 総退却を強いられる

  • This brought Russia into conflict with Japan, who also had designs over Manchuria, and Korea.

    1916年、ロシアはオーストリア軍に対して ブルシーロフ攻勢を行う

  • The Japanese made a surprise attack on Port Arthur, then defeated the Russian army at


  • the giant Battle of Mukden.

    しかしロシア軍の損害も大きく、 これ以降大規模作戦を行なうことが出来なくなった

  • Russia's Baltic Fleet, meanwhile, had sailed half way around the world to reach the Pacific...

    ペトログラードでは、皇室への影響を 噂されていたラスプーチンが

  • where it was immediately annihilated at the Battle of Tsushima.

    彼に反感を持つ貴族に殺害された 殺害にはイギリスの工作員も関与したと言われている

  • Russia was left with no option but to sign a humiliating peace, brokered by US President


  • Theodore Roosevelt.


  • Meanwhile the Tsar faced another crisis much closer to home.


  • In St.Petersburg, a strike by steel-workers had escalated, and plans were made for a mass

    都市部では、経済の失策により インフレと食糧不足が起こっていた

  • demonstration.

    ペトログラードの労働者の不満は高まり、 ストライキとデモが発生

  • Tens of thousands of protesters marched to the Winter Palace to present a petition to

    デモ隊の排除を命じられた軍隊は 命令を拒否し、そのままデモに加わった

  • the Tsar, asking for better workers' rights and more political freedom.


  • But instead, troops opened fire on the crowds, killing more than 100.

    プスコフの皇室専用列車の中で、 ニコライ2世は重臣や司令官たちに

  • 'Bloody Sunday', as it became known, led to more strikes and unrest across the country.

    退位しなければロシアは無政府状態になり、 戦争にも負けると説得される

  • The crew of the battleship Potemkin mutinied, killing their officers and taking control

    ニコライはこれを受け入れて帝位を放棄、 弟のミハイル大公に譲る

  • of the ship.


  • To defuse the crisis, Nicholas II reluctantly issued the October Manifesto, drafted under


  • the supervision of Sergei Witte.


  • It promised an elected assembly and new political rights, including freedom of speech, and was

    臨時政府が立ち上がるが、ロシアの 経済的、軍事的混乱を止めることはできなかった

  • welcomed by most moderates.

    労働者、兵士、農民たちは 独自の評議会「ソヴィエト」を結成

  • Russia's first constitution was drafted the next year.

    ペトログラードのソヴィエトは強力で、 事実上もう一つの政府となっていた

  • For the first time, the Tsar would share power with an elected assembly, the state dumathough


  • the Tsar had the right to veto its legislation, and dissolve it at any time.

    ウラジーミル・レーニン率いるボリシェビキが 戦争の即時終結、国家の再編、

  • Sergei Witte finally lost the Tsar's confidence, and was dismissed.

    ソヴィエトへの権力移譲など 急進的な主張で支持を拡大する

  • The Tsar's new Prime Minister, Stolypin, introduced land reforms to help the peasants, while dealing

    10月、レフ・トロツキー指揮の下、 クーデターが勃発する

  • severely with Russia's would-be revolutionaries.

    ボリシェヴィキの赤衛隊が 臨時政府のある冬宮に突入して閣僚を捕らえた

  • So much so, that the hangman's noose got a new nickname - 'Stolypin's necktie'.


  • But having survived several attempts on his life, Stolypin was shot and killed by an assassin

    ロシアはマルクス主義の革命党により、 険しく危険な道へと投げ出された

  • at the Kiev Opera House.


  • Meanwhile, Grigori Rasputin, a Siberian faith healer, had joined the Imperial family's inner

    だがその前に彼らは、混沌と殺戮に満ちた 史上最大級の内戦を生き延びねばならなかった

  • circle, thanks to his unique ability to ease the suffering of the Tsar's haemophiliac son,

    動画制作にご協力頂いた パトロンの方々に感謝いたします。 ぜひパトロンページにアクセスして 今後のテーマ選びにもご協力ください

  • Alexei.

  • Despite sporadic acts of terrorism, Russia now had the fastest growing economy in Europe.

  • Agricultural and industrial output were on the rise.

  • Most ordinary Russians remained loyal to the Tsar and his family.

  • Russia's future seemed bright.

  • In 1914, in Sarajevo, a Slav nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian

  • throne, sparking a European crisis.

  • When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Emperor Nicholas ordered the Russian army

  • to mobilise, to show his support for a fellow Slav nation.

  • Austria-Hungary's ally, Germany, saw Russian mobilisation as a threat, and declared war.

  • Europe's network of alliances came into effect, and soon all the major powers were marching

  • to war.

  • World War One had begun.

  • Russia experienced a wave of patriotic fervour.

  • The capital, St.Petersburg, was even renamed Petrograd, to sound less German.

  • An early Russian advance into East Prussia ended with heavy defeats at Tannenberg and

  • the Masurian Lakes.

  • There was greater success against Austria-Hungary, but that too came at a high price.

  • Russian losses forced the army to make a general retreat in 1915.

  • In 1916, Russia's Brusilov Offensive against Austro-Hungarian forces was one of the most

  • successful Allied attacks of the war.

  • But losses were so heavy, that the Russian army was unable to launch any more major operations.

  • In Petrograd, Rasputin, whose alleged influence over the Tsar's family was despised by certain

  • Russian aristocrats, was murdered, possibly with the help of British agents.

  • The war put intolerable strains on Russia.

  • At the front, losses were enormous.

  • While in the cities, economic mismanagement led to rising prices and food shortages.

  • In Petrograd, the workers' frustration led to strikes and demonstrations.

  • Troops ordered to disperse the crowds refused, and joined the protesters instead.

  • The government had lost control of the capital.

  • On board the imperial train at Pskov, senior politicians and generals told the Emperor

  • he must abdicate, or Russia would descend into anarchy, and lose the war.

  • Nicholas accepted their advice, and renounced the throne in favour of his brother, Grand

  • Duke Michael, who, effectively, declined the offer.

  • 300 years of Romanov rule were at an end.

  • Russia was now a republic.

  • A Provisional Government took power, but could not halt Russia's slide into economic and

  • military chaos.

  • Meanwhile, workers, soldiers and peasants elected their own councils, known as 'soviets'.

  • The Petrograd Soviet was so powerful, it was effectively a rival government, especially

  • as discontent with the Provisional Government continued to grow.

  • The Bolsheviks, under Vladimir Lenin, attracted growing support, with their radical proposals

  • for an immediate end to the war, the redistribution of land, and transfer of power to the soviets.

  • In October, they launched a coup, masterminded by Leon Trotsky.

  • Bolshevik Red Guards stormed the Winter Palace, where the Provisional Government met, and

  • arrested its members.

  • Lenin and the Bolsheviks were now in charge.

  • Russia had been thrown upon a bold and dangerous course - under a Marxist-inspired revolutionary

  • party, it would now seek to create the world's first communist state.

  • But first, it would have to survive the chaos and slaughter of one of history's bloodiest

  • civil wars.

  • Thank you to all our Patreon supporters who made this video possible.

  • Please click the link to find out how you can support the channel, and help us choose

  • future topics.

For thousands of years, the lands known today as Russia and Ukraine were inhabited by nomadic

今日ロシアとウクライナとして知られる地域は、 数千年に渡って遊牧民や


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